售價 160000.00 <可議價>
金默如(1938年-2019年2月7日),當代中國著名小寫意花鳥畫家。現任中國美術家協會會員,國家建設部美協副主席等職。 金默如的“小寫意”花鳥畫內涵蘊藉,情調健康,深具蔥蘢的詩意,筆墨、色調以及從整體到局部,節奏、旋律無不鏗鏘而且和諧,覽之令人神怡心曠。二零零四年人民美術出版社出版金默如《中國當代美術家畫集》。1981年以來作品在加拿大、英國、日本等地多次展覽,得到各界人士的好評,同時被《中國當代書畫名人大辭典》、《中國現代名家名作集》等收錄,并出版《金默如畫集》。
金默如擅小寫意花鳥畫兼長書法,繪畫風格灑脫,筆法遒勁不失細膩。 金默如的“小寫意”花鳥畫內涵蘊藉,情調健康,深具蔥蘢的詩意,筆墨、色調以及從整體到局部,節奏、旋律無不鏗鏘而且和諧,覽之令人神怡心曠,思緒隨畫中的境界、景物而翩翩然。其“得心應手”、“默契自然”、“化平凡為神奇”的素養和深厚的功力當于茲可證。金默如的創作對造型的行筆、暈墨、賦彩非??季?,剛柔相濟,繁簡自若,形神兼備,意趣雋永,生動精妙,體現出作者的匠心和“畫外之意”。賦彩不僅濃枯得間,渲染潤澤,而且剛柔相濟,沭漓灑脫,恰如其分地描繪出所畫對象之“形”與“神”,藝術語匯極為響亮、明晰,頗堪“引人入勝”。
Jin Muru (1938-february 7, 2019), a famous contemporary Chinese painter of small freehand flowers and birds. He is currently a member of the Chinese Artists Association and vice chairman of the Art Association of the Ministry of National Construction. Jin Meiru's "small freehand brushwork" flower-and-bird painting has rich connotation, healthy mood, deep lush poetry, ink, tone and from the whole to the part, rhythm and melody are all loud and harmonious, and the view is pleasant and relaxing. In 2004, the People's Fine Arts Publishing House published Jin Muru's Collection of Contemporary Chinese Artists. Since 1981, his works have been exhibited many times in Canada, Britain, Japan and other places, and have been well received by people from all walks of life. At the same time, his works have been included in Dictionary of Chinese Contemporary Calligraphy and Painting Celebrities, Collection of Chinese Modern Celebrities, etc., and Jinmuru Painting Collection has been published. Jin Muru is good at small freehand flower and bird painting and good at calligraphy. His painting style is free and easy, and his brushwork is strong and exquisite. Jin Meiru's "small freehand brushwork" flower-and-bird painting is full of connotation, healthy mood, rich in lush poetry, ink, tone and from the whole to the part, rhythm and melody are all bright and harmonious, the view is pleasant and relaxing, and the mood is elegant with the realm and scenery in the painting. Its accomplishment and profound skill of "being handy", "understanding nature tacitly" and "turning ordinary into magic" are evident. Jin Meiru's creation is very careful about the style of brush, ink dizziness and coloring. It combines rigidity and softness, simplicity and ease, both physical and spiritual, interesting and meaningful, vivid and delicate, reflecting the author's ingenuity and "out-of-the-picture meaning". The coloring is not only rich and dry, but also flexible and rigid. It depicts the "shape" and "god" of the painted object appropriately. The artistic vocabulary is very loud, clear and fascinating.