Sichuan Yonghe Li Auction Co., Ltd. For the strong dissemination effect of collections, we recommend to buyers the art treasures selected by experts of national first-level appraisal, and make a bridge for Tibetans, so that the value of thousands of art treasures can be excavated and valued, and high-priced transactions can be concluded at auction.
【規格】直徑:28.6mm 重:6.84g
[Name]Ten Texts of Founding Commemorative Coins (Double Flag Coins)
[Specification] Diameter: 28.6mm Weight: 6.84
[Category] Coins
該此錢幣直徑:28.6mm 重:6.84g,錢面上方鐫中華民國四字,邊鐫五瓣星,中間豎鐫幣值十文,十文兩側對稱鐫嘉禾圖,嘉禾圖外鐫珠圈,此枚銅幣現存世量不多,上面的包漿也見證了其歷史年代的沉積,不難看出它明顯的歷史過渡性特征,該銅幣整體保存比較完好,設計精美,做工精細,紋飾豐富,布局合理,層次鮮明,線條流暢優雅,工藝純熟精湛,雖然歷經滄桑,但錢文、輪廓清晰程度良好,具有很高的收藏價值和經濟價值。
The coin weighs 6.84g in diameter: 28.6mm. It has four characters of the Republic of China on the top of the coin, five stars on the side, ten notes in the middle, symmetrical Jiahe Tu on both sides of the ten articles, and the bead circle outside Jiahe Tu. The deposit of the coin in its historical period is also witnessed by the slurry on it. It is not difficult to see its obvious historical transitional characteristics. The copper coin is well preserved as a whole. The design is exquisite, the workmanship is fine, the decoration is rich, the layout is reasonable, the level is clear, the line is smooth and elegant, the craft is perfect and exquisite, although experienced vicissitudes, but the Qian Wen, the outline is clear, has a high collection value and economic value.
The name of the copper coin, the double-flag coin, is very clear. It is the commemorative coin of the founding of the Republic of China. According to the same tradition in coin collecting circles, for a kind of coin, we should call one side which can clearly define the name of the coin or show the most important characteristics of the coin as "face" and the other side as "back". Accordingly, we should regard the coin as the most different from the former dynasty's copper dollar, and have the obvious epoch-making innovation and progressive significance of the "commemorative coin of the founding of the Republic of China" (hereinafter referred to as "founding of the Republic of China"). Memorial coin) One side of the word is called face, while the other side of its corresponding value is called back.
Because the double-flag coins came into being in the period of the Republic of China and only existed for several decades in the history of the Republic of China, it is not easy for them to remain intact after the endless years during the period of unrest and frequent civil wars. They have high value of cultural relics collection, historical and cultural value and artistic appreciation. Although there are many versions of coins in the Republic of China, it is rare to collect such authentic commemorative coins with "ten characters" inscribed on the front and "the Republic of China" double flags printed on the back.
Throughout the collection market in recent years, there are many kinds of exotic stones. However, for those currencies which are very few in stock and have emerged in the market in the Ming and Qing Dynasties or the Republic of China, they are more likely to attract the attention and favor of the collectors. At the same time, with the increasing frequency of ancient coin trading in local filming venues, and the value it brings to the masses of Tibetan friends, making coins occupy an increasingly high position in the filming venues.
[陶瓷] 高古瓷、宋元明清官窯瓷卻、民國名瓷、現代毛瓷及大師精品瓷器,紫砂壺。
[玉石] 高古玉、明清玉、現代玉、翡翠、田黃、雞血石。
[字畫] 油畫、水墨、歷代名人名家書畫、現當代書畫、各派系名家字畫。
[雜項] 郵品錢幣、古籍善本、金銀銅器、奇石雕件、文房用品、佛像。
[家具] 明清各種材質的硬木家具,以紫檀、海南黃花梨及金絲楠木等名貴材料為主。
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聯系地址:四川省 成都市高新區 蜀錦路88號 楚峰國際中心B座2603