Double flag COINS in one group
規格:直徑約3.8cm 2.82cm ,總重量約:13.85g
Specification: diameter about 3.8cm 2.82cm, total weight about 13.85g
近年來,銀幣在收藏市場上的價格逐步攀升,因為其本身具有不錯的觀賞性和歷史研究價值,同時它還具有一定的投資價值。相較于在收藏界掀起熱潮的翡翠、玉石、文玩等藏品,光緒元寶收藏占據著重要的地位在市場上有著屬于自己的一席之地,銀幣憑借著自身優勢,吸引了不少藏家的目光,它的收藏有著極大的發展前景。In recent years, the price of silver COINS in the collection market has gradually increased, because it has a good ornamental and historical research value, and it also has a certain investment value. Compared with the collection of jade, jade, literary play and so on, which has aroused a great upsurge in the collection circle, the guangxu yuanbao collection occupies an important position and has its own place in the market. The silver coin attracts the attention of many collectors with its own advantages, and its collection has a great development prospect.
該組錢幣形制規整,工藝精湛,刻模深峻,銅質上乘,設計感強烈,紋理細膩,包漿自然,十分精致。悠悠歲月,時光荏苒,銅元經過無數次的易手,幣值稍有磨損,但紋飾仍可觀看,因流通轉手磨挲而產生了自然的光亮,使之色澤明亮,更顯質量之佳,由此可見,這枚二枚銅元具有非常明顯的歷史過渡性特征,意義珍貴。藏品盡管流傳已久,可其魅力卻“不減當年”,依然熠熠生輝,歷史價值非常高。藏品雖經歷了無窮歲月,但紋路依然清晰可見,上面的斑駁銹跡也見證了其歷史的積淀,歷史價值深厚。具有非常明顯的歷史過渡性特征。此錢幣雖然經歷了無窮歲月的洗禮,存留至今仍能保持此態,從側面彰顯出高超的鑄造工藝。有著難以言喻的收藏價值。The group of COINS shape system neat, exquisite technology, deep and jun, copper quality, design strong, texture fine, wrapped pulp natural, very delicate. As time goes by, the copper yuan has changed hands for countless times, the value of the coin is a little worn, but the decoration can still be seen, because the circulation has changed hands to rub the rustle and produced a natural brightness, so that the color is bright, more show the quality of good, it can be seen that this two copper yuan has very obvious historical transitional characteristics, meaning precious. Although the collection has been around for a long time, but its charm is "not less than the year before", still shining, very high historical value. Although the collection has gone through endless years, the lines are still clearly visible, and the mottled rust on it also bears witness to its historical accumulation and profound historical value. Has the very obvious historical transitional characteristic. Although the coin has survived countless years, it still remains in this state, which shows the superb casting technique. It has an indescribable collection value.
雙旗幣產生于民國時期,民國在中國歷史上僅僅存在了幾十年的時間,因此,在兵荒馬亂、國內戰爭頻發的期間內,錢幣在經歷了無窮的歲月之后,依然可以完整地保留下來,實屬不易,雖說民國時期的錢幣版本較多,但能夠收藏到這種湖南省造雙旗幣,在當今的藏品市場中是并不多見的。Double flag currency produced in the period of the republic of China, in the Chinese history of the republic of China only existed for decades, as a result, in frequent war during the period, shuddering and domestic money after the endless years, can still complete retention, is not easy, although coin version during the period of the republic of China is more, but to collect this kind of hunan province made double flag COINS, in today's collection is rare in the market.
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