陜西咸雅軒藝術品有限公司[藏.薦]欄 為藏品強大的傳播效應向各位買家推薦經一級鑒定專家程書國老師甄選的藝術珍品,為藏家牽線搭橋,讓藝術珍品價值被發掘與重視,在拍賣會上得以高價成交。
【規格】重量:8.6g 直徑:28mm
近年來,隨著收藏投資的不斷升溫,銀元也日漸走俏,且價格一路上揚。尤其是珍品銀元,在藏品交易市場上表現異常活躍。 這枚銀元是存世量稀少的一種,藏品保存較好,其色澤自然,不論是文字還是圖案,都顯得自然細膩,深淺合適。孫中山頭像更是栩栩如生,銀元散發出一股王者的風范和歷史沉淀的氣息。“中華民國孫小頭半圓”已經數年沒有出世,如今這種“中華民國孫小頭半圓”舉世難尋出幾枚,價值實在難以言喻
中華民國孫小頭半圓是近代中國錢幣中的精品,有著歷史熏陶,是價值很高的革命文物,具有深遠的歷史紀念意義;同時,還是考古和研究中國歷史文化難得的實物。 珍貴的中華民國孫小頭半圓記錄了辛亥革命驚天動地的偉大歷史,由于歷經百年風雨,中華民國孫小頭半圓存世量極為稀少,尤其是品相好的更為稀缺,因此很受收藏 愛好者青睞。民國時期建立銀本位貨幣制度以后,也以銀元作為主要流通幣。銀元是近代幣收藏的重要幣種之一,具有較高的收藏價值。
In recent years, as the collection of investment continues to heat up, silver dollar is also increasingly popular, and the price all the way up. In particular, rare silver, in the collection market performance is very active. This silver dollar is a kind of rare in the world, the collection is better preserved, its colour and lustre is natural, no matter be character or design, appear natural and exquisite, depth is appropriate. Sun yat-sen's head is more lifelike, the silver dollar out of a king's demeanor and the atmosphere of historical precipitation. It has been several years since the "grandson of the republic of China had a small head semicircle" was born
Sun xiaotou half-round coin of the 31st year of the R.O.C. weighs 8.6g and has a diameter of 28mm. The front and back edges are decorated with shape patterns. The back of the central cloth coin design, about the value of the "semicircle". The historical trace of the collection is obvious, placed in the palm of the hand, a sense of vicissitudes of life. Its color and lustre is natural, the package pulp is moist, the shape system is neat, the decorative decoration, the font fine.
It is known that the half-circle in the 31st year of the republic of China is the national government in the 29th year of the republic of China added sun yat-sen as the father of the country.
The semi-circle of sun's small head in the republic of China is one of the best COINS in modern China. At the same time, it is a rare material object for archaeology and study of Chinese history and culture. The precious semi-circle of sun's small head in the republic of China records the great history of the 1911 revolution. After hundreds of years of ups and down, the semi-circle of sun's small head in the republic of China is very rare, especially in good quality, so it is favored by collectors. After the establishment of the silver standard currency system in the republic of China, silver dollar was also used as the main currency. Silver dollar is one of the important COINS in modern coin collection and has a high collection value