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Qing Dynasty coins

直徑:3.35cm 重量:10.4g

Diameter: 3.35cm weight: 10.4G


This collection is "ding wei year big qing dynasty copper coin when 20 text" coin, the paste on the surface of the coin is natural, the handwriting on the front and the dragon on the back and the English words can still be clearly seen. On the front side, the outer ring is cast with "daqing copper coin" and bead ring, with "ding wei" on the left and right. Upper margin cast manchu, lower margin cast "when making money twenty text"; The back of the middle is dragon pattern, outer ring casting bead ring, outer ring casting English and Chinese "made in guangxu year". Exquisite manufacturing process, with high cultural value, collection value and appreciation space.

大清銅幣,學名清代機制銅圓,錢面中央有“大清銅幣”四個漢字,內嵌一小字代表地名,上端是滿文“大清銅幣”字樣,兩側為年份。邊緣中間分別“戶部”二漢字,下端為“當制錢十文”。錢背中央為蟠龍,上端是“光緒(或宣統)年造”,下端英文“Tai-Ching Ti-Kuo Copper Coin”字樣(大清帝國銅幣)。



In the middle of the coin face, there are four Chinese characters of "daqing copper coin", embedded with a small character representing a place name. At the top of the coin is the manchu inscription of "daqing copper coin", with the year on both sides. The middle part of the edge is "ministry of household" and the bottom part is "ten characters when making money". The central part of the Coin back is panlong, the upper part is made in guangxu (or xuantong) year, and the lower part is tai-ching ti-kuo Copper Coin.

All parts of the casting is relatively uniform. The casting began in 1900 (26 years of the reign of emperor guangxu of the qing dynasty) and ended in 1911 (three years of the reign of emperor xuantong). Because of its elegant layout design, fine carving, and the existence of a very rare, the qing dynasty copper COINS guangxu year household department zodang ten is known as one of the ten reputation of modern Chinese COINS.

The copper COINS of the qing dynasty have various forms, especially when the ten most. During the reign of many emperors of the qing dynasty, copper COINS were issued as circulating currency. The use of copper COINS was of great practical and historical significance, which gradually facilitated transactions. Nowadays, daqing copper COINS also have a certain value of collection. Many collectors are fond of daqing copper COINS, and collecting various kinds of copper COINS has become their goal

鑒于各省鑄行銅元毫無節制, 清政府便著手整頓和統一幣制,試圖將鑄幣權收歸國有,加強控制。1905年(光緒三十一年)10月,清政府在天津設立的戶部造幣總廠開始鑄造新式銅元“大清銅幣”,并頒布《整頓圜法章程十條》,其中規定:“銅元成色定為用九七紫銅,三厘白銅,原用聽錫一厘”;“重量定準當二十者重庫平四錢,當十者重庫平二錢,當五者重庫平一錢,當二者重庫平四分”;“統一制造大清銅幣,由戶部頒發祖模,均與總廠所鑄一律,惟于正面加鑄省名一字,以便查考。每次鑄出,均須呈送財政處戶部化驗,并由財政處戶部隨時遵派要員前往稽查”,“各省所鑄銅幣,應令該省所設官錢公估等局,酌量市面情形定價,隨發隨收,持之以信”;“各省所鑄銅幣, 不得大宗販運出生活上,若各省需用銅幣,可備價至總廠領取”。

In view of the incontinence of the copper COINS in the provinces, the qing government started to rectify and unify the currency system, trying to nationalize the minting rights and strengthen the control. In October 1905 (the 31st year of emperor guangxu's reign), the ministry of household coin making general factory set up by the qing government in tianjin began to cast new copper COINS, and promulgated ten articles of articles for rectification of the won law, which stipulated that "the copper yuan is determined to be made of 97 copper, 3 percent white copper and 1 percent tin". "The weight is determined when twenty people weigh four cents, ten people weigh two cents, five people weigh one dollar, and two people weigh four cents"; "Unified

1906年(光緒三十二年)7月, 清政府處戶部又奏請朝廷, 擬將當時全國24處銅元局, 酌量歸并為九處 這一時期銅元的顯著特點,正面均鈐有漢文“大清銅幣”字樣,左右邊緣分列“戶部”和干支紀年文字, 后期去掉“戶部”, 僅留干支紀年文字, 上緣列滿文“大清銅幣”, 下緣列紀值文字; 背面為統一蟠龍, 又稱“部頒龍”或“大清龍”, 上緣前期為“光緒年造”、后期為“宣統年造”字樣,下緣為英文“TAI—CIIING—TI—KUO COPPER COIN”, 漢譯為“大清帝國銅幣”。戶部所鑄銅元正面中央無文字,各省所鑄銅元正面中央鑄一陰文單省名,也有個別為陽文以示區別。幣值分為當制錢二十文、十文、五文和二文四種。此階段新疆地區鑄行“宣統元寶”銅元,西藏地區曾鑄行“宣統寶藏”銅元,僅此兩例。雖然清政府處心積慮改革幣制,但未能有效遏制住全國大肆鑄造銅元的勢頭,各省局以利之所在都陽奉陰違,邊疆省份云南竟敢違背不準設新廠的詔令, 1907年(光緒三十三年)設局鑄行“云”字大清銅幣。

In July 1906 (the 32nd year of guangxu reign), the household department of the qing government sent a request to the imperial court to consolidate the 24 tongyuan bureaus into nine

The distinctive features of the copper yuan in this period are shown on the front side with the Chinese character "daqing copper coin", and on the left and right sides are the characters of "hubu" and "ganzhi nian". In the later stage, the word "hubu" is removed and only the characters of "ganzhi nian" are left. The reverse side is united flat dragon, also known as "ministry issued dragon" or "daqing dragon". The upper edge is "made in the year of guangxu" in the early stage and "made in the year of xuantong" in the later

大清銅幣”,背面是一條栩栩如生的神龍。在中國,收藏家極其喜歡這類錢幣,因為中華民族是龍的傳人,在民間傳說,“大清銅幣”背面的龍,能增加一個人的氣 運,使其時刻在龍氣的保護下,趨吉避兇。所以這枚錢幣一直深受收藏家的喜愛 “大清銅幣”收藏價格難以估量大清銅幣版式繁多,尤以當二十者為最。多位清帝在位時發行過銅幣來作為流通貨幣,銅幣的使用具有重要的現實意義和歷史意義,使交易逐漸便利起來。



Big clear copper coin ", the reverse side is a lifelike dragon. In China, this kind of coin is extremely popular with collectors, because the Chinese nation is the descendant of the dragon. According to folklore, the dragon on the back of the "big qing copper coin" can increase one's luck, so that when engraved in the dragon's protection, good luck and avoid evil. Therefore, this coin has been deeply loved by collectors "qing dynasty copper COINS" collection price is difficult to estimate the qing dynasty copper COINS various forms, especially when the twenty for the most. During the reign of many emperors of the qing dynasty, copper COINS were issued as circulating currency. The use of copper COINS was of great practical and historical significance, which gradually facilitated transactions.

Nowadays, daqing copper COINS also have a certain value of collection. Many collectors are fond of daqing copper COINS, and collecting various kinds of copper COINS has become their goal. Coin collection has now become a new collection of funding hot, many ancient COINS outstanding performance. Collect and appreciate ancient coin to need to master to contain history of money silver, coin learns, archaeology, jin shi learns to reach a lot of common sense such as cultural relic, ancient Chinese, some coin surface looks very usual, it is curiosity actually, expert people very simple the seller hand that never understands ancient coin value quite gets gem.

Big clear copper coin is a coin collection of the big category, has been a lot of collectors chase after, different version of the big clear copper coin have a unique flavor, worthy of collectors deep taste. Reveal according to the personage inside course of study, the most important factor that decides ancient coin value is the size that exists amount, and those who dote on coin is collected how many. In the field of antique collection, "rare is valuable" is the constant ancient law, almost applicable to any collection. In addition, to measure the value of an ancient coin, in addition to its cultural connotation and the amount of existence, the appearance of an ancient coin is also very important. In the field of collecting, appearance is regarded as the "life of collection". China's numismatics are second only to porcelain and paintings, according to official survey data. This collection requires deep expertise and literacy. At the same time, the preservation and appreciation of qing dynasty copper COINS is very high, which can create huge wealth for collectors, and it is also a symbol of status and cultural literacy.

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