近年來,中國的收藏界風起云涌,很多藏品大幅升值,而其中升值最快的、升值幅度最大的品種之一便是錢幣,而古錢幣收藏大軍也不斷壯大。有業內人員認為, 古錢幣市場已經紅火了十幾年,未來總的趨勢是不會發生變化的。特別是在互聯網商務發展之后,對古錢幣收藏、交易都有很大的推動作用
St. Hande-Guang Xu Yuanbao a group of fine recommendations
In recent years, there has been a surge in the collection community in China, and many collections have appreciated sharply, and one of the fastest appreciating varieties is coins, and the army of ancient coin collections has also grown. Some industry insiders believe that the ancient coin market has been popular for more than a decade, the general trend in the future will not change. Especially after the development of Internet commerce, it plays a great role in promoting the collection and trading of ancient coins.
中國是使用金屬貨幣早的國家。而金屬貨幣中,歷代又以銅幣為主。所以,中國古代的貨幣史,實際上就是銅幣史。中國在殷周時期以齒貝為貨幣,后因真貝不夠,才用仿制品銅貝代之,商朝墓葬中就曾發現過銅貝。銅貝是向金屬貨幣過渡的形態,秦始皇統一中國后,統一了幣制,廢除刀、布、貝等幣,規定只用外圓內方的秦“半兩”錢,從此,中國銅鑄幣有了一個統一的形式,方孔銅錢在中國歷史上相沿使用了兩千多年,直至清光緒年間(1875到1907年)機制銅幣問世,才走完了它的里程。China is a country that used metal money early. In the metal currency, copper coins were the main coins in the past dynasties. Therefore, the ancient Chinese monetary history, in fact, is the history of copper currency. In the Yin and Zhou dynasties, China used toothed shellfish as its currency. After that, it was replaced by imitation copper shellfish because of the lack of real shellfish. Copper shellfish were found in the tombs of the Shang Dynasty. Copper shellfish is the form of transition to metal currency. After Qin Shihuang unified China, he unified the currency system, abolished knives, cloth, shellfish and other coins, and stipulated that only the Qin "half two" money in the outer circle would be used. Since then, Chinese copper coins have had a unified form. Fang Kong copper coins have been used for more than 2,000 years in Chinese history, until the Qing Dynasty and Guang Xu (187 years).
清末銅價劇漲,民間毀錢為銅,以獲數倍之利,市面出現錢荒。廣東因停鑄制錢,市面制錢日乏,小額流通十分不便。為救錢荒,同時受香港銅元及外幣影響,光緒26年6月,兩廣總督德壽與前總督李鴻章奏準廣東仿香港銅仙鑄造機制銅元。故清代機制銅元的鑄造由廣東伊始。繼而福建、江蘇、四川等省相繼鑄銅元。以紅銅95%、白鉛4%、錫1%配合,每枚重二錢,當制錢十文。古錢幣極具觀賞性與歷史價值,因此古錢幣如同其他古玩一樣被藏家們所青睞。中國最早的機制洋式銀元為光緒年間的“光緒元寶”,俗稱“龍洋”,因銅幣背面 一般鑄有龍紋而得名。珍稀古錢幣是貨幣歷史的實物,由于早已不在流通領域,留存下來的亦少之極少,更是歷史的見證。銅元在我國發行流通前后不過半個世紀的時間。它在我國貨幣的歷史的長河中,僅是十分短暫的一瞬間,但中國銅元見證了中國從封建社會演化為半封建半殖民地社會的歷史過程,是中國近代貨幣史和錢幣學的重要組成部分,有著不可磨滅的影響,歷來以它獨特的魅力,吸引起越來越多國內外錢幣專家、學者、收藏者、愛好者去總結和回顧。Copper prices skyrocketed in the late Qing Dynasty, and the private destruction of money was copper, in order to gain several times the profit, there was a shortage of money on the market. Guangdong due to stop casting money, the market money is increasingly scarce, small circulation is very inconvenient. In order to save money shortage and be influenced by Hong Kong copper yuan and foreign currency, in June 26, Guang Xu, Guangdong Governor Tak Shou and former Governor Li Hongzhang played the bronze dollar imitating the Hong Kong bronze fairy casting mechanism in Guangdong. Therefore, the casting of copper yuan in Qing Dynasty began in Guangdong. Then Fujian, Jiangsu, Sichuan and other provinces have cast copper yuan one after another. 95% red copper, 4% white lead, 1% tin, each weighing two yuan, when the money is ten. Ancient coins are of great appreciation and historical value, so ancient coins, like other antiques, are The Tibetans are in favor of it. The earliest mechanism in China was Guang Xu Yuanbao, commonly known as Longyang, which was named after the dragon grain on the back of copper coins. Rare ancient coins are the physical objects of monetary history, because they are not in the field of circulation for a long time, and very few remain, but also a witness to history. The copper yuan was issued and circulated in China for only half a century. It is only a very short moment in the history of our country's currency, but the Chinese copper yuan witnessed the historical process of China's evolution from feudal society to semi-feudal and semi-colonial society. It is an important part of modern Chinese monetary history and monetology. Indelible influence, with its unique charm, has attracted more and more domestic and foreign coin experts, scholars, collectors, enthusiasts to summarize and review.
此兩枚“光緒元寶銅幣”,重:7.18g,直徑都是28.29mm和27.76mm。經鑒寶專家權威驗證,此對光緒元寶屬銅幣稀罕珍品。該錢幣表面的包漿自然、歷史留下的痕跡清晰可見,極具收藏價值和觀賞性,即便是對錢幣沒有研究的外行也是愛不釋手。藏品在柔和的光線下散發出一種淡淡的靈氣,正面圈內鑄有銘文“光緒元寶”,”,幣 中心為滿文“光緒元寶”。元寶背面內圈鑄有神龍騰飛圖騰,外圈鑄有英文,品相精致,其審美風格獨特。錢幣雖小,也可管窺當時社會文化一斑。且為錯版幣,價值連城,具有無法估量的學術與歷史價值。收藏的人們都知道,錯版古幣,因為發行量較少,回收銷毀量大,所以收藏價值高,升值空間巨大。現在的藏友們更注重的是錯版幣的存世數量和未來的價值。真正具有收藏價值的錯幣少之又少,而錯版光緒元寶憑借著稀有和罕見,成為了古幣中的一大奇觀亮點。此枚光緒元寶錯版幣品相完好,鑄造精良,有不錯的其市場價值和升值空間,收藏價值難以估量。
These two "Guang Xu Yuanbao copper coins", weight: 6.91g, diameter are 28.29mm and 27.96mm. Verified by the authority of Jianbao experts, this is a rare treasure of copper coins for Guang Xu Yuanbao. The surface of the coin is naturally covered, the traces left by history are clearly visible, and it is of great collection value and appreciation. Even laymen who have not studied the coin are fond of it. The collection emits a faint aura in the soft light, with the inscription "Guang Xu Yuanbao" cast in the front circle and the Manchu "Guang Xu Yuanbao" in the center of the coin. Yuanbao back inner ring cast Shenlong take-off totem, outer ring cast in English, exquisite appearance, its aesthetic The style is unique. The money, though small, can be seen in the social culture at that time. And has an immeasurable academic and historical value for the mised currency and the value of the city. The collection of people know that, because the circulation is small, the recovery and destruction amount is large, the collection value is high, and the appreciation space is huge. The current collectors pay more attention to the number and the value of the future. The true value of the mistake is few, and the mised Guangxu Yuanbao, through rare and rare, has become one of the great wonders of the ancient currency. It is in good condition and good in casting, and has good market value and appreciation space. The value of hiding is inestimable.
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