Boutique recommendation: a group of coins
Specification: diameter: about 3.94cm, total weight: about 78.4g
孫中山先生是偉大的民族英雄,中國民主革命的偉大先驅。他發起和領導的辛亥革命,徹底推翻了在中國持續2000多年的封建王朝統治。為了讓世人銘記孫中山先生的豐功偉績,在民國時期,鑄造發行了鐫有孫中山先生頭像各種版式的銀幣。1949年3月,民國政府中央造幣廠鑄造了最后一批民國二十三年版正面鐫孫中山像,背面鐫帆船圖案的壹圓銀幣。因其存世量極為稀少,故在今天的貨幣市場中備受藏家們的親睞。Dr. Sun yat-sen is a great national hero and a great pioneer of China's democratic revolution. He initiated and led the revolution of 1911, which completely overthrew the feudal dynasty that had lasted for more than 2,000 years in China. In order to let the world remember Dr. Sun yat-sen's great achievements, in the republic of China period, minted and issued COINS engraved with Dr. Sun yat-sen's head in various formats. In March 1949, the central mint of the government of the republic of China minted the last batch of the twenty-third edition of the front engraving sun yat-sen, engraved on the back of the pattern of a dollar silver. Because of its existence is extremely rare, so in today's money market has been collectors pro lai.
此枚錢幣整體呈現出光亮的銀色,正面鐫刻著偉大的革命者孫中山先生的側面像,上方印制著“中華民國二十三年”八個大字,背面則精刻雙桅帆船,左右分別顯示著“壹圓”幣值,幣面整體造型和諧,圖案設計精美,包漿濃厚,品相完好,字體清晰,值得收藏。This coin whole presents the bright silver, positive engraved like the side of the great revolutionary sun yat-sen, printed above the "twenty-three years of the republic of China" eight characters, the back is fine carved a ketch, left and right sides respectively according to the value of "one circle", BiMian overall modelling harmony, pattern design, fine patina, appearance in good condition, the font is clear, it is worth collecting.
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