Qiandao jia COINS a group
Specification: diameter: about 2.3cm,2.3cm,2.4cm, total weight: about 9.7g
乾道嘉即“錢到家”是指“泉鈔”清朝三帝錢,乾隆、嘉慶、道光三個皇帝的在位時鑄行的乾隆通寶、嘉慶通寶、道光通寶3種銅錢,三帝錢寓意取自乾隆、道光、嘉慶三朝前三字的“錢到家”, 解釋為“乾天中日、運走昌隆、家合平安、富貴永慶。Qian jia "money home" means "spring money" three qing dynasty emperor money, three of the reign of emperor qianlong, jiaqing and daoguang TongBao TongBao qianlong and jiaqing; when casting line, light TongBao three kinds of copper, three implication from the qianlong, light, jiaqing emperor money dynasties before the three characters of "home", as "between China and Japan, dry days away my palace, home of peace and prosperity yongqing.
銅錢性剛,五行屬金,銅質吸收氣場的力量比金銀都好。因此,銅錢具有極強的化解煞氣的作用;銅錢外圓內方,外圓代表天,內方代表地,中間的皇帝年號代表人,“天、地、人”三才具備,因而具有扭轉乾坤的能量;處于國力強大的年代鑄造的銅錢帶有“興旺發達”、“化解百邪”的朝代信息。乾隆、嘉慶、道光三帝處于中國國力最強大的年代,時代相連,國運昌盛,社會安定繁榮,帝王獨尊,百姓樂業,錢幣鑄造精良,流通時久,得“天、地、人”之精氣,故能鎮宅、化煞,并具旺財功能。Copper coin is rigid and the five elements are gold. Copper absorbs energy better than gold and silver. Therefore, copper COINS have a strong role in resolving the evil gas; The coin has an outer circle and an inner circle. The outer circle represents heaven and the inner circle represents earth. The copper COINS cast in the era of strong national power carry the dynasty information of "flourishing" and "eliminating evil spirits". Qianlong, jiaqing, daoguang three emperors in China's most powerful national strength in the era, The Times linked, the prosperity of the country, social stability and prosperity, the emperor, the people music industry, coin casting fine, circulation for a long time, the "day, earth, people" spirit, it can town house, change evil spirit, and wealth function.
民間盛傳佩戴可以辟邪聚財保平安保平安,居家室內懸掛可以擋尖角沖射、飛刃煞、槍煞、反弓煞、開口煞;放在身上或者常用的抽屜里可以避邪轉運,不被邪靈騷擾,或是手提包裝著,或用鏈子穿著掛在身上,可增加自己的運氣!Folk legend spread that wear can keep away evil gather treasure keep even security and peace, home indoor suspension can block sharp Angle blunt shoot, flying blade, gun, anti bow evil spirit, open evil spirit; Put on the body or commonly used drawer can avoid evil luck transfer, not be disturbed by evil spirit, or carry pack, or wear with chain hang on the body, can increase their luck!
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