售價:1800000 (可接受議價)
幾千年來中國的貨幣文化,凝聚著中華民族的智慧與才能,創造出自成體系、獨具特色的東方貨幣文化。自乾隆退位咸豐繼位,便下令鑄行“咸豐通寶”、“咸豐重寶”,要求仍重一錢二分、當十當百當千,該錢書法鑄工都比雍正時更為精美。最初清朝政府仍繼續執行通貨緊縮的政策。錢局較咸豐時有所增減,首先在咸豐四年,停了寶河、寶鞏、寶濟三局,于咸豐五年時開寶福局,古錢幣板塊的熱門品類要數先秦和清代的制品。清代離現代生活很近,而且清錢幣的形制比較大,收藏者很容易接受,所以大多數收藏者對清錢都容易產生好感,咸豐重寶便是其中之一,極受藏家喜愛。For thousands of years, China's monetary culture has embodied the wisdom and talent of the Chinese nation and created a systematic and unique Oriental monetary culture. Since Qianlong's abdication to Xianfeng's succession, he ordered the foundries to "Xianfeng Tongbao" and "Xianfeng Chongbao", requiring that they still weigh one dollar and two cents, and that they should be ten thousand, all of which are more exquisite than Yongzheng Shi. At first, the Qing government continued to implement deflation policy. Compared with Xianfeng, the money Bureau increased or decreased. Firstly, in the four years of Xianfeng, the three bureaus of Baohe, Baogong and Baoji were stopped. In the fifth year of Xianfeng, the Baofu Bureau was opened. The popular products of the ancient coin plate were the products of the Pre-Qin and Qing Dynasties. Qing Dynasty is very close to modern life, and the form of Qing coins is relatively large, so collectors are easy to accept, so most collectors are easy to have a good feeling for Qing money, Xianfeng Chongbao is one of them, which is very popular with collectors.
Expert Comments: This fifty-year-old Xianfeng Chongbao in the Qing Dynasty is written in the face language "Xianfeng Chongbao", and its style is regular script. The back text follows the Yongzheng Manchu style of money, wearing left as "treasure", wearing right as the name of each bureau. Coin brass, hereditary products, black lacquer between coins, old-fashioned slurry, the outer edge of the gate has not been trimmed. Main features: wide outer margin, fine inner outline, the first treasure of Manchu. Compared with Baosu Changping style, the outer edge of the currency is wider than that of Baosu Changping style. Copper coins with round square holes on the front have an exogenous shape. The inland law has a magnificent meaning. Looking at its pictures, it has a round and dignified shape, clear and deep handwriting, thick and moist paste. It is a rare collection.