British North Borneo 1 cent bronze coin in 1889, because it is one of the most prominent foreign coins with Chinese denomination, has long been highly valued by coin researchers and collectors. This coin is produced by Sidon Mint, Birmingham, UK. In addition to marked "British North Borneo Company" in English and marked with one facet value in English and Malay respectively, the most striking feature of the coin is the upright four regular script Chinese characters of "one foreign dollar". On the back is the British North Borneo company shield emblem with the patterns of lion and sailboat. It has a flag on its head and two armed guards on its left and right, with the year of issue marked below.
[Title of Collection]: British North Borneo Ocean dollar bronze coin
[Category]: Coins
現在的老年朋友,對北婆羅洲這個地名并不陌生。婆羅洲,即加里曼丹島,位于東南亞馬來群島中部,是世界第三大島,斯部為文萊達魯薩蘭國及馬來西亞聯邦的沙撈越、沙巴兩州,南部為印度尼西亞共和國的東、南、中、西加里曼丹省。北婆羅洲,泛指婆羅洲北部,包括沙撈起、沙巴及文萊,舊時也特指位于婆羅洲東北部的沙巴。沙巴是現今馬來西亞最東部一州,也是全國資源最豐富的州。其首府在哥打基納巴盧,北部基納巴盧山為東南亞最高峰。沙巴于1888年淪為英國的”保護國”, 1941年至1945年被日本占領, 1946年改為英國直屬殖民地,1963年與馬來亞、新加坡及沙撈越組成馬來西亞聯邦。英國殖民主義者統治北婆羅洲初期,鑒于當地華人數量不小,且頗具實力,為了方便流通,促進貿易,不得不在發行的貨幣.上將中文面值擺在十分明顯的位置。有人認為“洋元一分”是英國殖民主義者與華人合作鑄發的貨幣,還有人認為該幣是附近的華僑組織“蘭芳共和國”的錢幣,但這些說法都無法得到實物和史料的確證。
Nowadays, old friends are not unfamiliar with the place name of North Borneo. Borneo, or Kalimantan Island, is located in the central part of the Malay Islands in Southeast Asia. It is the third largest island in the world. It is headed by Brunei Darussalam and Sarawak and Sabah states of the Federation of Malaysia. The southern part is the eastern, southern, central and western provinces of the Republic of Indonesia. North Borneo, generally refers to the northern part of Borneo, including Sarawak, Sabah and Brunei. In the old days, it also refers to Sabah in the northeastern part of Borneo. Sabah is the easternmost state of Malaysia and the most resource-rich state in the country. Its capital is in Kota Kinabalu, with Mount Kinabalu in the north as the highest peak in Southeast Asia. Sabah became a British "protectorate" in 1888, occupied by Japan from 1941 to 1945, changed to a British colony in 1946, and formed the Federation of Malaysia with Malaya, Singapore and Sarawak in 1963. In the early period of British colonialists'rule of North Borneo, in view of the large number and strength of the local Chinese people, in order to facilitate circulation and promote trade, the Chinese denomination had to be placed in a very obvious position in the currency issued. Some people believe that "one foreign dollar" was coined by British colonialists in cooperation with Chinese people, and others believe that it is the coin of the nearby overseas Chinese organization "Lanfang Republic", but these statements can not be confirmed by physical and historical data.
北婆羅洲“洋元-分”鑄于1882年至1896年;另有“洋元半分”, 鑄于1885年至1891年。1900年,中國開始鑄造新式銅元(又稱銅板、銅幣)。1936年,中國發行新的銅輔幣,有一分、 半分兩種。北婆羅洲”洋元一分”和”洋元半分”作為較早出現的鑄有中文面值和中文貨幣名稱的外國機制幣,兼具中、西貨幣文化元素,對中國近代鑄幣不無啟發,屬于世界硬幣收藏的稀缺品種,在中外貨幣比較研究方面尤有不可替代的重要價值。
The North Borneo "foreign dollar minute" was cast from 1882 to 1896, and the other "half foreign dollar minute" was cast from 1885 to 1891. In 1900, China began to cast new copper yuan (also known as copper plate and coin). In 1936, China issued new copper coins, one and half of them. North Borneo "one foreign dollar" and "half foreign dollar" as foreign machine-made coins with Chinese denomination and Chinese currency name, which appeared earlier, have both Chinese and Western currency culture elements. They are inspiring to modern Chinese coins and belong to the scarce variety in the world coin collection. They are of irreplaceable importance in the comparative study of Chinese and foreign currencies. Value.