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盛世收藏精品推薦 中華民國三年袁世凱銀元

【藏.薦】欄 為藏品強大的傳播效應向各位買家推薦經國家一級鑒定專家甄選的藝術珍品,為藏家牽線搭橋,讓千百件藝術珍品價值被發掘與重視,在拍賣會上得以高價成交。Column for the collection of powerful dissemination effect to each buyer recommended by the national expert selection of art treasures, for collectors matchmaking, let thousands of art treasures value was discovered and take seriously, in the auction to clinch a deal at a high price.



  【類別】 錢幣



[Name] R.O.C. 2003 yuan shikai silver

[Category] coin

【 Show the price】1180000.00CNY

中國的收藏界風起云涌,很多藏品大幅升值,而其中升值最快的、升值幅度最大的品種之一便是錢幣,而古錢幣收藏大軍也不斷壯大。有業內人員認為,古錢幣市場已經紅火了十幾年,未來總的趨勢是不會發生轉變的。特別是在互聯網商務發展之后,對古錢幣收藏、交易都有很大的推動作用。提到古錢幣那就不得不提到袁大頭了。辛亥革命后,袁世凱為了解決軍費和提高個人政治地位而發行銀元貨幣,因銀元鑄有他的側身圖像,故此又稱“袁大頭”,“袁大頭”在貨幣收藏界被稱為銀元之寶。此枚民國三年袁世凱壹圓藏品保存較為完好。藏品正面刻袁世凱半身像,人物形象栩栩如生,自然而然散發出王者氣質。背面紋路精美,看上去仿佛是一幅畫畫,極其瑰麗,美得動人心魄!是國家鑄造發行的錢幣,質量不容置疑,是稀世珍寶。The collection world of China is surging, a lot of collection appreciate greatly, and among them appreciation is the fastest, one of breed that appreciation amplitude is the biggest is coin, and ancient coin collects army to also grow ceaselessly. The personage inside course of study thinks, market of ancient money already flourishing 10 years, future general trend won't produce change. Especially after the development of Internet commerce, the collection of ancient COINS, transactions have a great promotion. Mention ancient coin that have to mention yuan dou. After the revolution of 1911, yuan shikai issued silver dollar in order to solve the problem of military expenditure and improve his political status. Because the silver dollar had his profile, it was also called "yuan da da". "yuan da da" was known as the treasure of silver dollar in the field of currency collection. The yuan shikai yiyuan collection was well preserved in the third year of the republic of China. A bust of yuan shikai is carved on the front of the collection. The figure is lifelike and naturally exudes a king's temperament. The back of the fine lines, looks like a painting, extremely beautiful, beautiful soul! It is the coin that the country mints issue, quality beyond doubt, it is rare treasure.

“中華民國三年袁大頭”流通時間很短,存世量極為稀少,是收藏者難覓佳品。“中華民國三年袁大頭”存世量如今依然是一個謎,如今民間普遍認為是,這枚銀幣數額不多。如今每次出現,總會惹得無數收藏家激烈爭奪。“中華民國三年袁大頭”是中國近代機制幣中的十大名譽品之一,“中華民國三年袁大頭”之所以名氣大是由于他的歷史性和珍稀性決定的。這玫錢幣版面設計優雅,雕刻精良,但是,鑄造量不多,所以存世極罕,有極高的歷史價值與學術價值。"The republic of China three years yuan da da" circulation time is very short, the amount of existence is very rare, it is a rare collector. The existence of "yuan da da" in the third year of the republic of China is still a mystery, and it is now widely believed that the amount of this coin is not large. Every time it appears today, it is hotly contested by countless collectors. "Yuan da da in the third year of the republic of China" is one of the ten famous items in the mechanism COINS of modern China. The design of this coin is elegant and the sculpture is fine. However, the amount of casting is not much, so it is rare in the world and of high historical and academic value.

在中華民國成立之初,幣制十分混亂,流通市場上銀幣、銅幣、制錢和鈔票一起流通使用。民國三年(1914年),北洋軍閥政府正式鑄造袁世凱頭像銀幣,因幣上鑄有袁世凱側身頭像,故民間俗稱“袁大頭”。“袁大頭”首次的鑄造時間是民國三年,而且該幣被定為中華民國國幣,因此,它在我國的錢幣史上具有非常重要的地位。In the early days of the republic of China, the currency system was very confusing. Silver, copper, coin and banknote were used together in the circulation market. In the third year of the republic of China (1914), the northern warlord government officially minted yuan shikai head silver coin. Yuan da da was first minted in the third year of the republic of China and was designated as the national currency of the republic of China. Therefore, it has a very important position in the history of Chinese COINS.

此枚民國三年版正面為袁世凱側面像,上列“中華民國三年”。“年”字后沒有“造”字,其他年版都在“年”字后面有一“造”字。三年版“民”字中有一“點”,而其他年版民字無“點”。錢幣形制規整,十分精致美觀。The front of this m3-year version is a profile of yuan shikai, listed above as "m3-year of China". There is no "zao" after "nian", and all the other editions have a "zao" after "nian". There is one "dot" in the character "min" in the three-year edition, while there is no "dot" in the character "min" in the other year editions. The coin has a regular shape and is very delicate and beautiful.

我司有幸征得中華民國三年袁世凱銀元一枚,如圖所示,其重26.72g 直徑38.8mm。鏡面平整光滑,工藝最精湛,紋飾的相慣線。Our company has the honor to obtain a silver dollar of yuan shikai in the third year of the republic of China, as shown in the figure, which weighs 26.72g and has a diameter of 38.8mm. Mirror level off smooth, the most exquisite technology, decorative lines.

錢幣背面的嘉禾紋飾,它表現了我國數千年以來的以農業為基礎的立國思想。錢幣上的藝術圖案都是經過著名的藝術家群體反復揣摩、精心設計,它們猶如一幅幅精美絕倫的藝術品,具有極高的藝術價值和欣賞價值。The golden grain decoration on the back of the coin shows the thought of building a country based on agriculture for thousands of years. The artistic design on the coin is after the famous group of artists repeatedly try to figure out, carefully designed, they are like a piece of exquisite unsurpassed art, with high artistic value and appreciation value.

此藏品為本次2019重磅推薦藏品,歡迎各位蒞臨本公司賞析及協商,廣大收藏家可以通過各大媒體以及歡迎到公司了解詳情,如需意向購買,提前辦理好相關手續過來公司協商。一件藏品的成交離不開廣告宣傳!本公司以自成立以來,始終秉承“公開,公平,公正,誠實,守信”的服務原則,相關資質齊全,做最實在的宣傳,上最高端的平臺,享受最好的服務。特別提示:(以上藏品持寶人托我司誠意出售、歡迎各界收藏家咨詢或出價,圖片均為實物拍攝,若有疑問可預約我司觀看實物)。Welcome to our company for appreciation and negotiation. The majority of collectors can learn details from the major media and welcome to our company. If you want to purchase, please go through relevant procedures in advance and come to our company for negotiation. The clinch a deal of a collection cannot leave advertisement propaganda! Since its establishment, the company has always been adhering to the "open, fair, just, honest, trustworthy" principle of service, the relevant qualifications are complete, do the most real publicity, the top platform, enjoy the best service. Special tips :(the above treasure holders entrust our company to sell in good faith, welcome collectors from all walks of life to consult or bid, the pictures are taken in kind, if there is any doubt can make an appointment to see the kind).



















標簽:銀元 中華民國 盛世 收藏 精品



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