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盛世收藏精品推薦 鴻運當頭(韓相岑作品)

【藏.薦】欄 為藏品強大的傳播效應向各位買家推薦經國家一級鑒定專家甄選的藝術珍品,為藏家牽線搭橋,讓千百件藝術珍品價值被發掘與重視,在拍賣會上得以高價成交。Column for the collection of powerful dissemination effect to each buyer recommended by the national expert selection of art treasures, for collectors matchmaking, let thousands of art treasures value was discovered and take seriously, in the auction to clinch a deal at a high price.



  【類別】 書畫




[Name](works by han xiangcen)

[Category]The calligraphy and painting

【 specification 】6 ruler

【 Show the price】400000.00 CNY

韓相岑,筆名鳴飛,號山人,男,漢族,1974年4月出生,祖籍河南洛陽。現為中國書畫家協會會員,格爾木市書法家協會理事,河南省書法家協會會員。Han xiangcen, pseudonym Ming fei, born in April 1974, han nationality, luoyang, henan. He is now a member of Chinese calligrapher's association, a director of geermu calligrapher's association and a member of henan calligrapher's association.

他的象形書法惟妙惟肖,他筆下的行草書博采眾長,書法作品《鴻業騰飛》《海納百川》《天道酬勤》《誠信贏天下》《家和萬事興》《沁園春·雪》等作品在國內外書法大賽中多次獲獎,并在國內外知名報刊雜志上刊登報道。作品被東南亞等眾多國家友好人士收藏。His hieroglyphic calligraphy is very lifelike, and his cursive works are widely copied. His calligraphy works, such as "hongye take-off", "sea accepts all rivers", "heaven rewards the diligent", "integrity wins the world", "home and everything", "qinyuanchun · snow", have won many awards in calligraphy competitions at home and abroad, and published reports in well-known newspapers and magazines at home and abroad. His works have been collected by many friendly people in southeast Asia and other countries.


鳴飛先生先后得到啟功、張海等名家的親自指點!其作品渾樸雄偉,融隸篆行草為一體,間或參以魏碑,布局巧妙,筆法精練厚重、蒼勁有力、氣韻流暢、剛柔并濟、終悟得法,充分體現了韓相岑先生獨特的作品風格和深厚功力,也展現了中國書法文字的獨特魅力。Mr. Ming fei has been qigong, zhang hai and other experts personally guidance! His works are simple and magnificent, integrating official seal, seal and cursive script into a whole, and sometimes joined by wei tablet. The layout is ingenious, the brushwork is concise and thick, vigorous and powerful, the charm is smooth, the combination of firmness and softness, and the method of final comprehension fully reflects the unique style and profound skills of Mr. Han xiangcen's works, as well as the unique charm of Chinese calligraphy.

鴻運當頭美好寓意出處于古代高陽《胡雪巖全傳》上冊:“雪公,你鴻運當頭,做事千萬要漂亮。”鴻運:大好的運氣。顧紅運、正是走好運的時候。由于其表示好運,許多書畫家均以其創作好的書畫作品。Hongyun dangtou good meaning in the ancient gaoyang "hu xueyan complete biography" volume one: "xue gong, you hongyun dangtou, do things must be beautiful. Great luck: great luck. Gu hongyun, is the time of good luck. Because it represents good luck, many calligraphers and painters are good at painting and calligraphy.

很多風水師都認為,鴻運當頭類書畫作品適宜擺放在客廳里,有聚財發福之意。當你精神困倦時,可以看看身邊的鴻運當頭,讓自己思緒開闊,松弛緊張的神經。鴻運當頭類書畫作品適合放在廳堂、客廳、辦公室、會議室等適合掛畫的地方。想像可以在悠閑的時候欣賞到帶來好運的作品,心情自然也會感到舒暢。因此,畫家韓相岑的鴻運當頭字畫,你買的不僅僅是一張畫,更是一份好運氣!A lot of geomantic division thinks, work of calligraphy and painting of great fortune when head is put aptly in the sitting room, have the meaning that accumulate wealth to get rich. When you are feeling sleepy, look at the good fortune around you to broaden your mind and relax your nervous system. Lucky pawn calligraphy and painting works suitable for the hall, living room, office, conference room and other places suitable for hanging pictures. Imagine that you can enjoy the works that bring good luck in your leisure time, and your mood will naturally feel comfortable. Therefore, the artist han xiangcen's great luck in calligraphy and painting, you buy not only a painting, but also a good luck!

此藏品為本次2019新加坡拍賣重磅推薦藏品,歡迎各位蒞臨本公司賞析及協商,廣大收藏家可以通過各大媒體以及歡迎到公司了解詳情,如需意向購買,提前辦理好相關手續過來公司協商。一件藏品的成交離不開廣告宣傳!本公司以自成立以來,始終秉承“公開,公平,公正,誠實,守信”的服務原則,相關資質齊全,做最實在的宣傳,上最高端的平臺,享受最好的服務。特別提示:(以上藏品持寶人托我司誠意出售、歡迎各界收藏家咨詢或出價,圖片均為實物拍攝,若有疑問可預約我司觀看實物)。This collection is recommended for the 2019 Singapore auction. Welcome to visit our company for appreciation and negotiation. The majority of collectors can learn details from the major media and welcome to our company. The clinch a deal of a collection cannot leave advertisement propaganda! Since its establishment, the company has always been adhering to the "open, fair, just, honest, trustworthy" principle of service, the relevant qualifications are complete, do the most real publicity, the top platform, enjoy the best service. Special tips :(the above treasure holders entrust our company to sell in good faith, welcome collectors from all walks of life to consult or bid, the pictures are taken in kind, if there is any doubt can make an appointment to see the kind).



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