The founding of copper coins in the Qing Dynasty began in 1900, that is, the twenty-sixth year of Guangxu in the Qing Dynasty. However, due to the uncontrolled use of copper coins in the provincial foundries, in 1905, that is, in the thirty-first year of Guangxu, the General Mint of the Ministry of Housing set up by the Qing Government in Tianjin began to produce a new type of copper coins. The main purpose is to rectify and unify the monetary system, trying to nationalize the coinage right and strengthen control. The ancestor models issued by the Ministry of Household Affairs for the unified manufacture of bronze coins in the Great Qing Dynasty are identical to those cast by the General Factory, but the word "province name" is added on the front for reference.
Qing Dynasty coins
重(W):7.2g 直徑(D):2.87cm
此枚大清銅幣錢幣為甯字版。古幣錢面中央有“大清銅幣”四個漢字,內嵌一小字“甯”代表地名清代江寧(今南京市)的簡稱,說明此錢是江寧府局(寶寧、寶安局)造幣廠制作的,邊緣中間“戶部”字樣,戶部二字上鑄有“丙午”,代表其年份,下端為“當制錢十文”。錢背中央為蟠龍圖,上端鑄“光緒年造”,下方英文“Tai-Ching Ti-Kuo Copper Coin”字樣(大清帝國銅幣),此枚古幣包漿自然,為不可多得的珍品。錢幣背面中央的大清龍圖案,神龍威武,遒勁有力,皇族尊貴氣息一覽無余,左右下環英文,表現出了當時的國際政治、經濟、文化的交融,極具歷史意義,是集收藏與投資于一身的難能可貴的精品!
This bronze coin of the Qing Dynasty is a Jingzi edition. The central part of the ancient coin has four Chinese characters of "Great Qing Copper coin". A short word "Yong" is embedded to represent the place name of Jiangning in Qing Dynasty (today's Nanjing City). It shows that the coin was made by the Mint of Jiangning Bureau (Baoning and Baoan Bureau). The word "Hubu" in the middle of the edge is coined with the word "Jianwu" in the two characters of Hubu, which represents the year and the lower end is "current system". Qian Shiwen. The central part of the back of the coin is a picture of Panlong, and the upper part is cast with the words "Guangxu Year", and the English words "Tai-Ching Ti-Kuo Copper Coin" below (the Qing Empire Copper Coin). This ancient coin is a natural and rare treasure. The Qinglong pattern on the back of the coin is powerful and powerful. The Royal noble breath is at a glance. It shows the blend of international politics, economy and culture at that time. It is of great historical significance. It is a rare and precious product that combines collection and investment.
The circulation time of copper coins in the Qing Dynasty was relatively short. Because of its elegant layout, excellent sculpture and extremely scarce stock, the Guangxunian household office of the Great Qing Dynasty Copper coin was praised as one of the ten famous products in modern Chinese coinage. Many Emperors of Qing Dynasty issued copper coins as currency when they were in power. The use of copper coins has important practical and historical significance, which gradually facilitates the transaction. This group of bronze coins Panlong drawings are vivid, with elegant layout design and rare stock. They have high collection value.