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Fossil dinosaur eggs

長:23cm 寬:21.3cm

Length:cm Wide:21.3cm


This collection is "dinosaur egg fossil", size 23cm*21.3cm, triplet, produced in the shape of a nest, arranged in order, product phase preservation is complete, wooden base, carving dinosaur. The collection is a livid, oblong, gallbladder-shaped shell with a thick fingernail and a slightly lined finish.


Dinosaur egg fossil is through thousands of years, hundreds of millions of years of evolution of rare treasures, biological and human evolution history has important significance of scientific specimens, is the world's precious scientific and cultural heritage. Dinosaur egg fossils for the exploration of reproduction behavior of dinosaurs, the origin and evolution of dinosaur eggshell, restoration of the ecological environment in the age of dinosaurs; For studying the emergence, flourishing and extinction of dinosaurs; To classify and compare cretaceous strata and to determine the geological age of the strata; For the study of paleoclimate, paleogeography and paleobiological changes, to provide ore exploration enlightenment, are rare precious material materials. Moreover, the fossil group of dinosaur eggs and its concentrated production area is a kind of very valuable tourism geological resources, which provides a god-given opportunity for the development of tourism. Therefore, dinosaur egg fossil has very important scientific value, ornamental value, collection value and tourist value. The protection of dinosaur egg fossils lies in nature and its original state.

收藏品市場的魅力在于它在帶來美和藝術的享受同時,也帶領人們領略了歷史變遷的文化變革,通過一件件富有生命的藏品來了解了那遙遠的時代。而蛋化石除了市場做賦予的收藏價值外,展示更多的是對生命的理解,盡管是滄桑巨變但對生的渴望不變,即便是化身為石依然閃動著熠熠光輝,十分值得收藏。通俗地說,化石就是生活在遙遠過去生物的遺體或遺跡變成的石頭。 在漫長的地質年代里,地球上曾經生活過無數的生物,這些生物死亡后的遺體或是生活遺留下來的痕跡,許多都被當時的泥沙掩埋起來。在隨后的歲月中,這些生物遺體中的有機質被分解殆盡,堅硬的部分如外殼、骨骼、枝葉等與包圍在周圍的沉積物一起經過石化變成了石頭,但是它們原來的形態、結構(甚至一些細微的內部構造)依然保留著;同樣,那些生物生活時留下的痕跡也可以這樣保留下來。我們把這些石化了的生物遺體、遺跡統稱為化石。通過研究化石,科學家可以逐漸認識遙遠的過去生物的形態、結構、類別,可以推測出億萬年來生物起源、演化、發展的過程,還可以恢復漫長的地質歷史時期各個階段地球的生態環境。化石有三葉蟲化石,植物化石,貝殼化石,足印化石,恐龍化石,魚化石,蛋化石等。

The beauty of the collectibles market is that it brings beauty and art, but it also gives people a taste of the cultural changes that have taken place in the past. In addition to the collection value endowed by the market, egg fossils show more understanding of life. Despite the vicissitudes of life, the desire for life remains unchanged. Even if the egg is transformed into a stone, it is still shining brightly. In layman's terms, a fossil is a stone made from the remains or remains of organisms that lived in the distant past. In the long geological time, the earth has lived countless organisms, the body of these organisms after death or life left traces, many are buried in the mud at that time. In the years that followed, the organic matter in the remains of these creatures was broken down. The hard parts, such as shells, bones, branches and leaves, were petrified into stone along with the surrounding sediments. In the same way, traces of life can be preserved. We call these fossilized biological remains, remains collectively known as fossils. By studying fossils, scientists can gradually get to know the forms, structures and categories of organisms in the distant past, and can infer the process of the origin, evolution and development of organisms over hundreds of millions of years. They can also restore the ecological environment of the earth at various stages in the long geological history. There are trilobite fossils, plant fossils, shell fossils, footprints fossils, dinosaur fossils, fish fossils, egg fossils and so on.


Not all living things form fossils after they die. On the contrary, only a very, very small fraction of the ancient dead creatures formed fossils. Intact or partially preserved fossils are a very small fraction of these. The fossils are buried deep in rock layers and are exposed only when they have had a chance to rise, or when the surface has been weathered away. When the paleontologist happened to be there, it was possible to dig up the fossil.


If no one had gone, the exposed fossil, along with its surrounding rock, would have been weathered away. You see how hard it is to find a fossil, especially a complete one. No wonder paleontologists treasure fossils! When a teacup is broken, you can buy another one right away, but when a fossil is damaged, especially a rare specimen, you may never find it again. About 1 in 1 million of them have the possibility of forming fossils, which shows that these ancient biological fossils are hard-won."


In the eyes of scientists, these ancient fossils are the "living words" that write the history of geological changes. The earth is at least 4.6 billion years old since its birth. In the earth's long years, people can really determine the time of its geological evolution, only 2 billion years, scientists based on rocks and fossils, nearly 2 billion years, the earth's geological evolution history is divided into five generations 27 centuries, the latest new ancient three centuries and seven centuries.


According to collect group senior personage to introduce, at present the whole world blew up a fossil to collect wind, especially dinosaur fossil is more favour for collector place. Nathan myhrvold, the former chief executive of Microsoft, is a dinosaur bone collector. Bill Gates is also said to be a dinosaur bone collector.


The dinosaur egg fossil oval, intact, complete smooth surface with similar granular ornamentation, via expert teacher appraisal for fear of having eggs fossils, after thousands of years, hundreds of millions of years, the rarities of the passage of the evolution of a rare, at present a lot of dinosaur egg fossils existing national museum, has been reserved for scientific research, the dinosaur egg fossils preserved very well, the market is rare, extremely has the market value, is a rare, extremely collection value. Dinosaur egg fossil has very important scientific value, ornamental value, collecting value and tourist value.




標簽:恐龍蛋 化石 精品 推薦



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