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盛世收藏精品推薦 西王賞功錢幣

【藏.薦】欄 為藏品強大的傳播效應向各位買家推薦經國家一級鑒定專家甄選的藝術珍品,為藏家牽線搭橋,讓千百件藝術珍品價值被發掘與重視,在拍賣會上得以高價成交。Column for the collection of powerful dissemination effect to each buyer recommended by the national expert selection of art treasures, for collectors matchmaking, let thousands of art treasures value was discovered and take seriously, in the auction to clinch a deal at a high price.


【名稱】 西王賞功

  【類別】 錢幣

【規格】直徑 43.1mm 厚度 3.3mm 重量 34.85g



[Name]West Wang Shang work


specification Diameter 43.1mm thickness 3.3mm weight 34.85g

Show the price1200000.00 CNY


清朝統治期間,凡涉及西王的任何物品(更別說是西王賞功之物)定會被滅門九族,在西王稱王的幾年已是珍品,西王賞功古錢幣極少將領珍藏擁有,歷經370多年的今天,尚未聞有人目睹西王賞功的真容。相傳西王賞功做工精細,字體剛勁優美。During the reign of the qing dynasty, any item related to the king of the west (let alone the reward of the king of the west) was sure to be destroyed by the nine clans. In the years when the king of the west claimed the throne, it was a treasure. According to legend, the king of the west reward fine workmanship, strong and beautiful font.

據記載,張獻忠建立大西政權后,年號“大順”,此后鑄“大順通寶”銅錢流通,字體是楷書,有小平錢、折二錢兩種。張獻忠還鑄有“西王賞功”大錢,該錢為賞賜大西軍中有功將士所用,據傳有金銀銅三個品種。錢的正面有“西王賞功”四字楷書,字體渾樸,筆畫挺拔。該幣制作極其精美,存世數量極少,早年曾傳說為“孤品”。“西王賞功”大錢現流傳于世的只有金、銀兩種材質的錢幣,這也是目前截止發現的為數不多的一枚銅錢。據悉,此次“江口沉銀”遺址出水的“西王賞功”也只見金幣和銀幣兩種。It is recorded that after zhang xianzhong established the daxi regime, the year number was dashun, and then the "dashun tongbao" copper coin was cast for circulation. The font was regular script, with xiaoping's money and two-fold money. Zhang xianzhong also cast the "west king reward gong" big money, the money for the reward of the soldiers in the west army, it is said that there are three varieties of gold, silver and copper. The front of the money has the "west wang reward gong" four words regular script, simple font, strokes straight and straight. The coin is exquisitely made and rarely survives, and was once said to be "unique" in its early years. The big money of "reward gong of the king of the west" is handed down in the world only gold, silver two kinds of material coin, this is also one of the few copper COINS found so far. It is reported that this "river mouth sink silver" site water "west king reward gong" also only gold and silver COINS two kinds.

據《蜀碧·楊展傳》載,楊展占領川南后,張獻忠因腹背受敵,率領大軍乘船南下,想從南部突破,船至彭山縣江口遭楊展軍阻擊。楊展“遣小舸載火器以攻賊舟”,張獻忠船只多起火,加上江口狹窄,進退不能,“風猛火烈”,一時大亂,最后幾乎全軍覆沒,“所掠金玉珠寶及銀鞘數千百,悉沉水底”。這段史料因正史沒有記載,長期湮沒無聞,此次西王賞功錢和銀錠“寶藏”的發現,證實了它的真實性。According to the biography of shubi Yang exhibition, after Yang exhibition captured southern sichuan, zhang xianzhong led a large army to sail south to break through from the south, and the ship to pengshan county jiangkou was blocked by Yang exhibition army. Yang exhibition "send a small gaea carrying firearms to attack the thief boat", zhang xianzhong ship more fire, plus the river mouth narrow, advance and retreat, "the wind fierce fire", a moment of chaos, finally almost the entire army was destroyed, "all the gold and jade jewelry and silver scabbard thousands of hundred, sink to the bottom". This period of historical data has long been lost in obscurity due to the lack of records in the official history.

歷史跨越400余載后,終于現世“西王賞功”銅錢,此件藏品西王賞功銅幣正面文字“西王賞功”以楷書書寫,從上而下而右而左直讀。字體渾樸,筆畫挺拔,邊廓精整,筆畫剛勁有力,線條流暢,結構協調,品相佳美,質地貴重,流傳于世的數量極少,在藝術品的市場上價格不菲,因而具有很高的收藏與投資價值,值得入手珍藏!The history spanned more than 400 years, finally the present "xiwang reward gong" copper coin, this collection xiwang reward gong copper coin front writing "xiwang reward gong" in regular script, from top to bottom and right and left straight read. The font is simple and simple, the stroke is straight and straight, the edge is neat and neat, the stroke is vigorous and powerful, the line is smooth, the structure is harmonious, the quality is beautiful, the quality is precious, the amount that spreads in the world is very few, the price on the market of artwork is not cheap, so it has very high collection and investment value, it is worth collecting!

此藏品為本次2019新加坡拍賣重磅推薦藏品,歡迎各位蒞臨本公司賞析及協商,廣大收藏家可以通過各大媒體以及歡迎到公司了解詳情,如需意向購買,提前辦理好相關手續過來公司協商。一件藏品的成交離不開廣告宣傳!本公司以自成立以來,始終秉承“公開,公平,公正,誠實,守信”的服務原則,相關資質齊全,做最實在的宣傳,上最高端的平臺,享受最好的服務。特別提示:(以上藏品持寶人托我司誠意出售、歡迎各界收藏家咨詢或出價,圖片均為實物拍攝,若有疑問可預約我司觀看實物)。This collection is recommended for the 2019 Singapore auction. Welcome to visit our company for appreciation and negotiation. The majority of collectors can learn details from the major media and welcome to our company. The clinch a deal of a collection cannot leave advertisement propaganda! Since its establishment, the company has always been adhering to the "open, fair, just, honest, trustworthy" principle of service, the relevant qualifications are complete, do the most real publicity, the top platform, enjoy the best service. Special tips :(the above treasure holders entrust our company to sell in good faith, welcome collectors from all walks of life to consult or bid, the pictures are taken in kind, if there is any doubt can make an appointment to see the kind).







標簽:西王 錢幣 盛世 收藏 精品



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