Guangxu Yuanbao is the earliest batch of coins made by machine stamping in our country. It pioneered the machine-made coins in our country. It occupies a very important position in the history of Chinese currency manufacturing. As a prestigious product of Chinese machine-made coins, its exquisite shape and unique design have won the favor of money collectors all over the world. It is worthy of the reputation of one of the ten reputations of modern machine-made coins, and it is a hot spot in the collection market.
[Collection Name]: Chuangguang Xu Yuanbao, Sichuan Province
【規格】:重:20.2g 直徑:39.06mm
[Specification] Weight: 20.2g Diameter: 39.06mm
Singapore Auction
此枚四川省造光緒元寶庫平七錢二分直徑約39.06mm, 重約20.2g,正面直讀“光緒元寶”,珠圈外上環鑄楷體“四川省造”,底部鑄貨幣價值:“庫平七錢二分”,左右兩側各鑄一四瓣花圖案。珠圈以內,鑄有滿、漢文“光緒元寶”四字。背面刻有龍紋,龍紋為蟠龍,眼神靈異炯炯有神,龍鱗雕刻細密有致,騰云駕霧,身姿遒勁有力,龍爪張揚,神武有力,龍身盤踞太陽,盡展皇家威嚴大氣。整個錢幣齒輪規整,字體俊秀,品相良好,包漿入骨,雕工精良,實為難得的收藏稀品,是清代銀幣中的精品,極具收藏價值。
This piece of Sichuan Province made Guangxu Yuanbao is about 39.06mm in diameter and 20.2g in weight. It reads "Guangxu Yuanbao" directly on the front, in regular script "made in Sichuan Province" on the outer ring of the Pearl circle, and in coin value at the bottom: "Kuping seven coins and two cents", with a four petal flower pattern on the left and right sides. Within the bead circle, there are four characters of "Guangxu Yuanbao" in Manchu and Chinese. There are dragon patterns on the back. The dragon patterns are Panglong. The eyes are exquisite. The dragon scales are carefully carved, cloudy and foggy. The dragon's body is strong and powerful. The dragon's claws are magnificent and powerful. The dragon's body covers the sun and displays the Royal majesty. The whole coin has regular gears, handsome fonts, good appearance, bone-wrapped pulp, excellent engraving, and is a rare collection of rare items. It is a fine collection of silver coins in the Qing Dynasty, with great collection value.
The production time of the seven-cent silver coin in the treasure house of Maoguangxu Yuan in Sichuan Province is 24-34 years in Qing Guangxu. It is very rare for its fine silver quality and exquisite carving. Because of its early casting time, wide circulation area and deep carving, the scales are clearly visible. English sculpture is better, slightly thick and the word "2" is very neat. The left and right sides are also centered on the five-point cross star. The famous version of "flat-headed car" in Sichuan Dragon is most similar to this, and it is undoubtedly the ancestor of Sichuan Longyin. Therefore, it is also the coin that is most concerned and devoted to collection and appreciation by the vast majority of collectors.
Guangxu Yuanbao is a large collection of silver coins, which has always attracted the attention of many collectors. Different editions of Guangxu Yuanbao have unique charm, which is worthy of deep appreciation by collectors. Especially in the case of Sichuan Making Guangxu Yuanbao, the online auction of coins, Sichuan Making and Guangdong Making Guangxu Yuanbao are very popular and become the focus of many buyers, which shows that the momentum of silver yuan is rapid.