There are many artistic treasures in the 5000-year history and culture of China. There are many exotic treasures. In the past ten years, according to the mainstream news media in the country, they reported the bezoar, Ma Bao, pig cinnabar, Gou Bao, donkey Bao, Yang Huang, chicken yellow and other animal stones. It has the functions of clearing away heat, detoxifying and astonishing. Oral administration was used to treat fever, dizziness, delirium, madness, children's convulsions and convulsions. External treatment of sore throat, aphtha, carbuncle and venom and other symptoms. Its medicinal effect was included in Shennong Herbal Medicine Classic of the Eastern Han Dynasty and Li Shizhen's Compendium of Herbal Medicine, and rose together in the precious medicinal materials market at home and abroad, becoming an investment tool for investors and collectors.
[Collection Name]: Chicken Treasure
【規格】: 重約4.6g
[Specification] Weight is about 4.6g
Price details consult our department
說到動物腸胃中的“寶”,大眾比較熟知的是牛黃、狗寶和馬寶,這三樣也被譽為“中藥三寶”。牛黃,是牛科動物黃牛或水牛的膽囊結石,歷來被譽為比黃金更為貴重的珍貴藥材,也是諸多珍貴中成藥如“安宮牛黃丸”、“片仔癀”等的主要成分;狗寶則為犬科動物的胃結石,傳統中醫認為具有降逆風、開郁結、解毒之功能。主治胸肋脹滿、食道癌、胃癌、反胃、疔瘡等,是多種良藥的重要原料 。;馬寶,則是病馬胃腸道中所生結石,《本草綱目》和《輟耕錄》中稱鲊答。具鎮驚化痰、清熱解毒之功,主治 痰熱內盛、神志昏迷、惡瘡腫毒及失血等。除此之外,雞的膽囊結石也有著同樣的功效,即雞寶。
When it comes to "treasures" in animal intestines and stomachs, people are familiar with bezoar, dog and horse treasures, which are also known as "three treasures of traditional Chinese medicine". Cattle bezoar is the gallbladder stone of cattle or buffalo, which has always been regarded as more precious than gold. It is also the main ingredient of many precious Chinese patent medicines such as Angong Niuhuang pill and Pianzaihuang. Dog Bao is the gastric stone of canine animals. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that it has the function of reducing adverse wind, opening depression and detoxification. Yes. It is an important raw material for many kinds of good medicines, such as chest and rib swelling, esophageal cancer, gastric cancer, nausea and boils. Ma Bao is a stone in the gastrointestinal tract of diseased horses, which is called "shrew answer" in Compendium of Materia Medica and "Drop-out Record". It has the functions of eliminating asthma and phlegm, clearing away heat and detoxifying toxins. It mainly treats phlegm and heat, coma, nausea, swelling and poisoning, and blood loss. In addition, gallstones in chickens also have the same effect, that is, chicken treasure.
Chicken treasure, nicknamed Jihuang, is commonly known as Chicken Lingbao in folk. It is a chicken stone extracted from chicken body. Chicken treasure is a kind of yellow hard, with a layer of film and some with blood silk. Chicken yellow without defect is mostly oval, with golden to yellowish brown surface, delicate and lustrous. Chicken treasure refers to the diseased egg cell, the basic component is similar to the yolk component of an object. Because of this, the abnormal ovarian pathology and function may be affected by the external emergency, resulting in abnormal development of the egg, which is often said to be yolk or yolk, splitting into the abdominal cavity of a very large substance.
The weight of this chicken treasure is 4.6g. This chicken treasure is rare in all aspects of shape and color, and it is well preserved. Very few survive, quite rare. Chicken treasure is one of the most valuable components of traditional Chinese medicine, which has been formed for a long time and seldom found in chickens. Chicken treasure is the highest price because of its medicinal value. It is also recorded in traditional Chinese medicine books and has high collection value.