規格:高23cm 口徑:9cm 底徑:8cm
Specification: 23 cm high, 9 cm bottom, 8 cm high
豆青釉,瓷器釉色名,青釉派生釉色之一,起源于宋代的龍泉窯。豆青和東青原屬一類,以后才各具特色。明以前微近黃色,至清代純近綠色。其釉色為青中泛黃,釉面光澤比粉青、梅子青弱。豆青釉瓷器是清康雍乾時期,景德鎮御窯廠仿古瓷器生產中,在顏色釉方面的成功之作。質地厚潤清幽,正合古人“類玉”之美稱,觀之有如青山遠黛之美感, 胎體輕薄雋秀,迎光能透,光素無紋,豆青一色嬌嫩怡人,光潤如玉,猶如大家閨秀,高貴婉約之氣質撲人眉宇。底部“大清雍正年制”款,字體清秀工整,神韻雅致俱存,不失為清代單色釉之雋品,具有很高的觀賞性和收藏價值。
Dynasty it was pure green. Its glaze color is mid-green and yellowish, and its glaze gloss is weaker than that of pink-green and plum. Douqing glazed pottery was a successful work in color glaze production in Jingdezhen Royal Kiln Factory during the period of Kangkang Yongqian in Qing Dynasty. The texture is rich and delicate, which is in line with the ancient reputation of "like jade". It is like the beautiful feeling of Qingshan Yuandai. Its body is light and meaningful, light and transparent, light and plain without grain, and the color of soybean green is delicate and pleasant. It is like everyone's boudoir, noble and graceful temperament striking the eyebrows. The "Yongzheng Year" section at the bottom of the Qing Dynasty, with clear and neat fonts and elegant charm, is a meaningful monochrome glaze of the Qing Dynasty, with high ornamental and collection value.
One of the derivative glaze colors of blue glaze originated from Longquan kiln in Song Dynasty. Its glaze color is mid-green and yellowish, and its glaze gloss is weaker than that of pink-green and plum. The firing level of pea green glaze in Ming Dynasty tended to be stable, and the basic tone was still mainly green and yellowish, while the green color was lighter and elegant than before. In Qing Dynasty, the pea green glaze was elegant and gentle, the light color was light like Lake water, the dark color was yellowish in green, and the glaze was thick. In the Qing Dynasty, while firing pea green glaze, various colors were applied to the glaze for second firing in kiln. The colors set off by the elegant glaze color were more beautiful and charming. After the mid-Qing Dynasty, the beans green glaze also outlined the decorative outline on the plain tire, applied the beans green glaze, and then fired into the kiln to create a protruding decoration.
In Qing Dynasty, the pea green glaze was elegant and gentle, the light color was light like Lake water, the dark color was yellowish in green, and the glaze was thick. In the Qing Dynasty, while firing pea green glaze, various colors were applied to the glaze for second firing in kiln. The colors set off by the elegant glaze color were more beautiful and charming.
For more details, contact Mr. Zhang: 13530921415