歐泊的英文為Opal,源于拉丁文Opal us,意思是“集寶石之美于一身”。 古羅馬自然科學家普林尼曾說:“在一塊歐泊石上,你可以看到紅寶石的火焰,紫水晶般的色斑,祖母綠般的綠海,五彩繽紛,渾然一體,美不勝收。”歐珀常見顏色可出現各種體色,白色體色可稱為白蛋白,黑、深灰、藍、綠、棕色體色可稱為黑蛋白,橙、橙紅、紅色體色可稱為火蛋白。
Opal is the English language of Opal, which originates from the Latin word Opal us, meaning "the beauty of gems in one". The ancient Roman natural scientist Pliny once said, "On an opal, you can see ruby fire, amethyst-like spots, emerald-like green sea, colorful, integrated and beautiful." Oper's common colors can appear in a variety of body colors, white body color can be called albumin, black, dark gray, blue, green, brown body color can be called black protein, orange, orange, red body color can be called fire protein.
As one of the six internationally recognized gems with the same name as diamonds and rubies, Opal has been used as a jewelry in the West for at least 2000 years. Queen Elizabeth, Queen Victoria, Queen Josephine of Napoleon and Princess of Denmark all have noble Operstones. According to Opal, written by British gemologist Richman, Opal was used as a precious gemstone between 200 and 100 B.C.
近期,國枰拍賣公司 有幸征集到一顆歐珀石: Recently, Guozhu Auction Company has the honor to solicit an Operstone:
這顆歐珀石為蛋型,是世界六大寶石中罕見的白色歐珀石,重53.9g,外形就像一個剝殼的雞蛋,呈現的是淺色的胚體色調,很好的體現了歐珀石的石質。放大鏡下色斑呈不規則片狀,邊界平坦且較模糊,表面呈絲絹狀外觀。有一定的透明度,質地致密、堅硬,無裂紋及其他缺陷。具有變彩效應和貓眼效應等特殊光學效應。 This opal is egg-shaped, a rare white opal in the world's six gemstones, weighing 53.9g. It looks like a shell egg, showing a light embryo tone, which reflects the stone quality of opal very well. Under the magnifying glass, the stain is irregular and flaky, the boundary is flat and blurred, and the surface is silky. Certain transparency, compact and hard texture, no cracks and other defects. It has special optical effects such as color change effect and cat's eye effect.
在古羅馬時代,歐泊石是帶來好運的護身符。它清澈的表面還暗喻著純潔的愛情,它也被喻為通往愛情之路的“丘比特石”。早先的種族用歐泊石代表具有神奇力量的傳統和品質,歐泊石能讓它的擁有者看到未來無窮的可能性,被人相信可以有魔鏡一樣的功能,可以裝載情感和愿望,釋放壓抑。 In ancient Rome, Operstone was a talisman for good luck. Its clear surface also implies pure love, it is also known as the road to love "Cupid Stone". Earlier races represented traditions and qualities with magical power by Operstone. Operstone allows its owners to see the infinite possibilities of the future. It is believed that Operstone can have magic mirror functions, which can load emotions and wishes and release depression.
歷史上,歐泊被人們認為是幸運之石,她由魅力帶來外表的美麗,同時帶給佩戴者成功與歡樂。早期的希臘人相信歐泊里面包含了預測未來的能量。古羅馬人對歐泊也珍愛有佳,認為她是希望和純潔的象征之物與吉祥之物。彩虹之美蘊于其中。目前歐珀石在中國市場處在起步和上升的階段,未來升值空間巨大。歐珀石以其獨特、美麗的物質和收藏、升值空間而受到國內收藏者愛好者的關注,成為各大市場的新寵。 Historically, Opal has been regarded as a stone of fortune. She brings beauty to her appearance and success and joy to the wearer. Early Greeks believed that Opal contained the energy to predict the future. The ancient Romans also cherished Opal as a symbol of hope and purity and a good luck. The beauty of the rainbow lies in it. At present, Operstone is in the initial and rising stage in the Chinese market, and there is huge room for future appreciation. Operstone, with its unique and beautiful material, collection and appreciation space, has attracted the attention of domestic collectors and fans, and has become a new favorite in major markets.
這顆珍貴的歐珀石現藏于國枰拍賣有限公司,歡迎廣大藏友蒞臨鑒賞,感興趣的收藏家們可通過國枰拍賣有限公司深入了解! This precious Operstone is now hidden in Guowu Auction Co., Ltd. Welcome all Tibetan friends to come and appreciate it. Interested collectors can learn more about it through Guowu Auction Co., Ltd.
收費標準: 1、運作費用:收取一定拍前運作服務費用。 2、傭金費用:收取拍賣成交價格的8%傭金為成交服務費用。 3、其他費用:無其他費用,無鑒定費、無評估費、無流拍費。
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