名 稱: 《西周中期饕鬄紋方彝》
規 格: H43cm L29cm D23cm
數 量: 1 件
合作方式: 拍 賣
Covered ritual wine vessel (Fangyi) with robustly cast taotie mask motifs.
- Mid Western Zhou period
- H43cm L29cm D23cm
The taotie mask design of this large Fangyi (possibly the largest Fangyi known) belongs to the same taotie mask design of the rectangular Ding described earlier. Again, Fangyi wine vessels take the shape of a house. Comparing the smaller Fangyi described earlier, this larger Fangyi has flat sloping surfaces forming the cover lid of the vessel. There are 8 imposing and robustly cast taotie mask motifs with those magnificent inward bending horns.
The raised foot ring, whoever, is decorated with a band of somewhat dovish-looking birds perhaps to give balance to the overall steely tone of the large vessel.
Fangyi of the Western Zhou period gradually ceased to the have those inverted U slots at the foot ring that are invariably seen on Shang pieces.
方彝蓋呈四阿屋頂形,器身略呈下垂,器腹,圈足,四阿形蓋的四角均飾有扉棱。器腹四壁均飾雷紋地上卷角獸面紋,蓋子四面亦有同樣紋飾,但其方向都是倒過來的。此外,圈足四周均飾有相向變形鳥紋。與這件方彝形制和紋飾類似的有應蠅方彝[1]和 2006 年山西絳縣橫水墓地 M1006 出土的方彝(M1006:107,通蓋高 37 厘米)[2]。德國柏林東亞藝術博物館收藏有一件馬方彝,馬方彝通蓋高 28.7 厘
這些方彝最顯著的特征就是其上飾有上卷角獸面紋,上卷獸面紋的器物是非常罕見的,一般銅器上的獸面紋大多數為下卷角獸面紋,崎川隆先生全面搜集了帶有上卷角獸面紋的青銅器,共有 14 件,其中 6 件為方彝,4 件為方尊,其余的 4 件分別為方觥和方鼎,其器類選擇上明顯有一定的偏向。上舉帶有上卷角獸面紋 14 件器物的制作年代應是非常集中,大概相當于西周中期[5],所以我們認為我們討論的這件方彝的相對年代也應該屬于西周中期。