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Qi baishi (1864-1957), name huang, the word is clear, no. And there is qi big, wooden man, wood ju shi, red beans, xingtang old house descendants, borrow mountain weng, borrow mountain Yin guanzhu, send garden, ping weng, send ping hall master, longshan President, three hundred stone printing rich man, 100 trees pear master and a lot of pen names and since number. Hunan xiangtan people, master of Chinese painting art of the 20th century, he is a great painter, cowherd boys and carpenter born frugal life, don't forget to rural life, constantly for fish, birds and flowers, bamboo and other rural life common childhood special have feelings, and these are the subject of his painting, reflected in the works is exuberant, especially fish and shrimp, near the point of magic.


Qi baishi unified and immaculately the spirit of Chinese painting and the spirit of The Times, so that Chinese painting was paid attention to by the world. The shrimp in the picture was painted into the body with light ink, and the color of infiltration showed the glittering and translucent feeling of shrimp body. With thick ink vertical point as the eye, horizontal write for the brain, ink into gold, pen to convey god, shows the painter's fine calligraphy skills. Thick ink out of the eyes like in the activity, shrimp beard, shrimp feet and shrimp clamp patchwork, let a person do not feel messy, soft in the pen has just, very rich verve.


齊白石畫蝦可說是畫壇一絕,靈動活潑,栩栩如生,神韻充盈。懂得筆墨也善于操縱筆墨的齊白石,他在下筆畫蝦時,既能巧妙地利用墨色和筆痕表現蝦的結構和質感,又以富有金石味的筆法描繪蝦須和長臂鉗,使純墨色的結構里也有著豐富的意味,有著高妙的技巧。他用淡墨擲筆,繪成軀體,浸潤之色,更顯蝦體晶瑩剔透之感。以濃墨豎點為睛,橫寫為腦,落墨成金,筆筆傳神。細筆寫須、爪、大螯,剛柔并濟、凝練傳神,顯示了畫家高妙的書法功力。畫家寫蝦,來自 生活,卻超越生活,大膽概括簡化,更得傳神妙筆。

Qi baishi shrimp painting can be said to be a unique painting, clever and lively, lifelike, full of verve. Qi baishi, who knows how to use ink and ink, is also good at manipulating ink and ink. When he is drawing shrimp, he can not only skillfully use ink and ink marks to show the structure and texture of shrimp, but also depict shrimp whiskers and long arm claws with a brush full of stone flavor, so that the structure of pure ink also has rich meaning and exquisite skills. He used light ink to throw pen, painting the body, infiltration color, more transparent shrimp body crystal. To thick ink vertical point for eye, write for the brain, ink into gold, pen to convey. Fine writing beard, claw, chela, rigid and soft, concise and expressive, showing the painter's superb calligraphy skills. The painter writes the shrimp, comes from the life, surpasses the life actually, boldly generalizes the simplification, more must convey the god the wonderful pen.

蝦的精神狀態,蝦的有彈力的透 明體,蝦在水中浮游的動勢,齊白石把它們最好的展現出來。把藝術造型的“形”“質”“動”三個要素完滿的表現出來,這樣豐富的內容,齊白石先生用的是及簡練的筆墨,不能多一筆,也不能少一筆,一筆一筆可以數得出來。

The mental state of the shrimp, the elastic transparency of the shrimp, the electromotive force of the shrimp floating in the water, qi baishi shows them at their best. The three elements of artistic modeling, "form", "quality" and "movement", are perfectly expressed. Mr. Qi baishi USES concise brush strokes to describe such a rich content, which cannot be more or less, but can be counted one by one.


A pair of front claws of shrimp, from thin and thick, several sections between until two pincers, shaped like pliers, open and close. The tentacles of the shrimp are drawn with several thin lines of ink. It seems easy, but in fact it is extremely difficult: if the painting is alive, the life of the shrimp will come out; Draw stiff, also lost life. The lines of shrimp whiskers may be soft and firm, may be broken solid even, straight in a curved, disorderly in order, paper shrimp may play in the water to swim, tentacles may also seem to move with the waves. It is very vivid and full of verve.



標簽:齊白石 貴州 春夏秋冬 收藏 精品



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