第四套人民幣在設計思想、風格和印制工藝上都有一定的創新和突破。主景圖案集中體現了在中國共產黨領導下,中國各族人民意氣風發,團結一致,建設有中國特色的社會主義的主題思想。The fourth set of RMB in the design of ideas, style and printing technology have certain innovation and breakthrough. Under the leadership of the communist party of China, the Chinese people of all ethnic groups have the spirit, unity and unity to build socialism with Chinese
第四套人民幣是在經濟形勢一片大好的情況下發行的,隨著黨的十一屆三中全會改革開放政策的實施,商品經濟日益活躍,為了適應經濟發展的需要,方便流通使用和交易核算,1987年4月25日國務院頒布發行第四套人民幣的命令,1987年4月27日起中國人民銀行陸續發行第四套人民幣,主幣有1元,2元,5元,10元,50元和100元6種。輔幣有1角,2角,5角3種,主輔幣共9種。 第四套人民幣在第二套,第三套人民幣的基礎上,增加發行了50元,100元,對適應商品經濟發展的需要,便于流通充分發揮人民幣在國民經濟中的作用,有重要的意義!極具收藏價值!
The fourth set of RMB is in the economic situation in a good situation issued, as the third plenary session of the eleventh the implementation of the reform and opening-up policy, increasingly active commodity economy, in order to meet the needs of economic development, convenient use and traded business accounting, on April 25, 1987, issued by the state council issued the fourth set of RMB order, since April 27, 1987, the people’s bank of China issued the fourth set of RMB in succession, the standard currency has $1, $2, 5 yuan, 10 yuan, 50 yuan and 100 yuan of six. There are 3 kinds of COINS: 1 jiao, 2 jiao, 5 jiao. There are 9 kinds of main COINS. The fourth set of RMB in the second set, the third set of RMB on the basis of increased issuance of 50 yuan, 100 yuan, to meet the needs of the development of commodity economy, facilitate the circulation of the full play of the role of the RMB in the national economy, has important significance! Very valuable for collection!