塞北的察哈爾原是蒙古族的一部,清末在察哈爾部聚集地建立了張垣特區,民國2年(1913年)改為察哈爾特別區,首長稱為都統。北伐成功后,民國17年建省。新中國建立后,1952年廢省,轄地劃歸給內蒙古、山西、河北與北京。 民國12年(1923年)夏,察哈爾都統張錫元擬在橋東區工業路中段東側,建立張家口口北造幣廠開制銅圓,購買日本東亞興業株式會社設備,該設備原由新籌建的山東造幣廠所采購,后來山東建廠作罷,將滯留在青島的機件轉賣到口北廠。同年11月,該廠委托幣制局訓令天津造幣廠設計頒發當十、當二十祖模,并稱將來銅幣將以行銷口北地區與內、外蒙古為大宗,擬請祖模加刻蒙漢文“中華銅幣”四字,以期推銷無阻。此外,并附上銅幣模式圖給天津廠參考。 由于當時北方各省已習用雙銅圓(二十文),如生產十文則獲利不佳,且民眾也不樂于接受。故口北廠在民國十三年(1924年)以制造“中華銅幣”雙枚(雙銅圓)為主,幣面上緣有蒙文“中華銅幣”,適合在內、外蒙古地區使用。至于“中華銅幣”十文僅發現幾枚精美的樣幣與少量的流通幣。由于中華銅幣模具由天津造幣廠的技師所設計,所以風格與天津造幣廠的共和紀念幣頗為相似,此枚民國十三年造的“中華銅幣”,正面中心為“中華銅幣”大字楷書,上環滿文,下環英文“THE REPUBLIC OF CHINA”,背面大珠圈背中心書寫“十文”,上有楷書體“民國十三年造”,兩旁是兩株嘉禾以彩帶束縛,極似民國初期“袁大頭”銀幣圖案。古稱生長奇異的禾,古人以之為吉祥的征兆。亦泛指生長茁壯的禾稻。此藏品包漿自然圓潤,品相完好,工藝精美,符合當時工藝特征,具有極高的收藏投資價值和觀賞價值。
Chahar in Saibei was originally a Mongolian tribe. In the late Qing Dynasty, Zhangyuan Special Zone was established in the gathering place of Chahar Ministry. In 1913, Chahar Special Zone was changed into Chahar Special Zone in the two years of the Republic of China. The head of Chahar Special Zone was called Dutong. After the success of the Northern Expedition, the Republic of China established a province in 17 years. After the founding of New China, the province was abandoned in 1952 and its jurisdiction was assigned to Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Hebei and Beijing. In the summer of 1923, Chahar Dutong Zhang Xiyuan planned to set up Zhangjiakou North Mint to produce copper coins on the east side of the middle section of the Industrial Road in Qiaodong District. He purchased the equipment of Japan East Asia Xingye Co., Ltd. which was originally purchased by the newly-built Shandong Mint. Later, the Shandong Mint built factory stopped and resold the machinery staying in Qingdao. To Koubei Factory. In November of the same year, the factory entrusted the Bureau of Monetary System to instruct the Tianjin Mint to design and issue ten and twenty ancestral models. It also said that in the future, copper coins would be sold in the north of the export area and in Inner and Outer Mongolia. It was proposed that ancestral models should be engraved with the four words "Chinese copper coins" in Mongolian and Chinese in order to promote the sale without hindrance. In addition, a copper coin model map is attached for reference by Tianjin Factory. At that time, the northern provinces had already used the double copper round (20 words), but if ten words were produced, the profits would be poor, and the people would not like to accept them. Therefore, in the thirteenth year of the Republic of China (1924), Koubei Factory mainly manufactured "Chinese Copper coin" two pieces (double copper coins), with Mongolian "Chinese Copper coin" on the top of the coin, which is suitable for use in Inner Mongolia and Outer Mongolia. As for the ten articles of "Chinese Copper coin", only a few exquisite sample coins and a small amount of currency were found. Because the mould of Chinese copper coin was designed by technicians of Tianjin Mint, its style is quite similar to the commemorative coin of the Republic of Tianjin Mint. This "Chinese copper coin" was made in the thirteenth year of the Republic of China. Its front center is a large-character regular script of "Chinese copper coin". It is surrounded by Manchu on the top and English "The REPUBLIC OF CHINA" on the back. The heart writes "Ten Essays" with regular script "Made in the Thirteenth Year of the Republic of China". On both sides are two Jiahe trees bound by ribbons, very similar to the pattern of "Yuan Datou" silver coin in the early period of the Republic of China. In ancient times, it was called the growth of strange grass, which was regarded as a sign of auspiciousness by the ancients. It also refers to the growing and thriving rice. The pulp in this collection is natural and mellow, with perfect appearance and exquisite craftsmanship, which accords with the characteristics of the craftsmanship at that time, and has very high collection investment value and ornamental value.