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盛世收藏精品推薦 大清銅幣、咸豐重寶(壹組)

【藏.薦】欄 為藏品強大的傳播效應向各位買家推薦經國家一級鑒定專家甄選的藝術珍品,為藏家牽線搭橋,讓千百件藝術珍品價值被發掘與重視,在拍賣會上得以高價成交。Column for the collection of powerful dissemination effect to each buyer recommended by the national expert selection of art treasures, for collectors matchmaking, let thousands of art treasures value was discovered and take seriously, in the auction to clinch a deal at a high price.



  【類別】 錢幣



[Name]Qing dynasty copper COINS, xianfeng chongbao (group 1)

[Category] coin

【 Show the price】2000000.00 CNY

此枚咸豐重寶直徑36.2mm,重量13.01g品相完好,并無明顯的磕損,屬市場中自然流通貨幣的精品。錢幣的正面印刻著“咸豐重寶”四個字,反面則將市值“當十”因為這枚錢幣當時工人鍛造容器灌的太滿而導致上面當連在一起,正因這樣而更具有獨特性,天下僅此一枚。 古錢幣指古代貨幣。貨幣是商品交換的產物。中國是世界上最早使用鑄幣的國家。距今三千年前殷商晚期墓葬出土了不少''無文銅貝'',為最原始的金屬貨幣。至西周晚期除貝幣外還流通一些無一定形狀的散銅塊、銅錠等金屬稱量貨幣。“咸豐重寶”始鑄當十大錢,繼而又開鑄當五十、當百和當百以上,并令全國各省迅速鑄造推行。“咸豐重寶”鑄行情況特殊,當值等次、大小輕重、鑄造材質、鑄造工藝、文字書體、錢文等,在各局甚至在同一局監內鑄造時,都差異很大,以至有當值大小和錢體大小輕重倒置的,此外還有鐵錢和鉛錢。With a diameter of 36.2mm and weight of 13.01g, this xianfeng chongbao is in good condition with no obvious damage. It is a high-quality product of natural currency circulation in the market. On the front of the coin is engraved "xianfeng heavy treasure", while on the back is the market value of "dangten", which is because the workers forged the vessel so full that it was joined together, which makes it more unique. Ancient money refers to ancient money. Money is the product of the exchange of goods. China was the first country in the world to use coinage. Three thousand years ago in the late Yin and shang dynasty, a lot of unglazed copper shells were unearthed, which were the most primitive metal COINS. In the late western zhou dynasty, apart from shell COINS, some loose copper blocks and ingots without certain shapes were used to weigh COINS. "Xianfeng heavy treasure" began to cast when ten, and then began to cast when 50, when 100 and when more than 100, and the provinces of the country quickly to carry out casting. "Xianfeng heavy treasure" casting line special situation, duty order, size and weight, casting material, casting technology, characters and writing, qian wen, etc., in each bureau or even in the same bureau supervision casting, are very different, so that there are duty size and money size inversion of weight, in addition to iron money and lead money.

為了迅速推行大錢,咸豐鑄錢局數量上比前朝又有增加,并在原有寶源、寶泉和各省錢局外,又設立熱河寶德局,江蘇寶蘇局再設清江浦分局,新疆喀什局,還準許克勤郡王,設立捐銅局專鑄大錢,已停鑄的錢局紛紛恢復鑄行。咸豐大錢的當值有多種,以“咸豐重寶”當十錢的鑄行最為普遍,各開鑄大錢的錢局都有鑄行,鑄造量頗豐。其次是當五十、當百大錢,當五百,當千僅寶泉局、寶源局、寶鞏局、寶陜局、寶河局和克勤郡王等鑄造過。除上述幾種當值外,還曾鑄行過當五、當二十、當四十到當四百等大錢。寶文當十,當五十大多用“重寶”,當百以上用“元寶”。但有的錢局或用“通寶”重寶,或兼用幾種寶文。咸豐大錢的錢文書法,各局自成體系,差異明顯。清代大錢除了咸豐大錢以外,還有同治、光緒兩朝大錢,咸豐大錢是與制錢相對而言的大額當值錢,是在鴉片戰爭以后,太平天國運動爆發,國庫空虛的形勢下,由咸豐強行推行的,大錢破壞了自順治以來一貫推行的制錢制度,以少量的錢幣材料,鑄成量當值高出制錢若干倍的大錢投入流通,以“虛錢”來代替“實錢”,造成貨幣貶值。In order to promote the large amount of money rapidly, the number of xianfeng coin casting bureau increased compared with that of the previous dynasty. Besides the original baoyuan, baoquan and provincial money bureaus, rehe baode bureau was set up, qingjiangpu branch bureau was set up in jiangsu baosu bureau, kashgar bureau in xinjiang province, and the king of keqin county was allowed to set up copper donation bureau to produce large amount of money. There are many kinds of xianfeng big money on duty, to "xianfeng heavy treasure" when ten money casting line is the most common, each open casting money bureau have casting line, casting a lot of. The second is when 50, when 100 yuan, when 500, when thousand only treasure spring bureau, treasure source bureau, treasure gong bureau, treasure shaanxi bureau, treasure river bureau and keqin county wang, etc. In addition to the above mentioned duties, I have also been engaged in such activities as five, twenty, forty and four hundred yuan. Bao wen when ten, when fifty multi-purpose "heavy treasure", when more than 100 with "ingot". But some money bureau or use "tong bao" heavy treasure, or a combination of several bao wen. Xianfeng big money qian wen calligraphy, each bureau has its own system, the difference is obvious. A lot of money in the qing dynasty xianfeng, in addition to a lot of money, and the managment, two towards a lot of money, had a lot of money is worth with ZhiQian relative large when, is after the opium war, the taiping heavenly kingdom movement, under the situation of empty coffers, by the xianfeng imposed, carried out by a fortune destroyed since shunzhi ZhiQian system, with a small amount of money material, amount of moulds ZhiQian several times higher than that of the duty of a lot of money in circulation, to "virtual money" instead of "real money", cause devaluation.

此枚咸豐重寶當十錢幣十分精美,銅材優良,錢文精美,正面鑄“咸豐重寶”楷體四字自上而下,從右到左直讀;背面書漢文“當十”及滿文。此錢幣十分精美,字跡清晰深俊,銅材優良,呈淺紅黃色,錢文精美,沒一絲一毫拖泥帶水,具有較高收藏價值和投資價值。This xianfeng heavy treasure when ten COINS is very fine, fine copper, fine qian wen, front cast "xianfeng heavy treasure" regular script four words from top to bottom, from right to left straight read; Back book "dang shi" and manchu. This coin is very exquisite, the handwriting is clear and deep handsome, the copper material is fine, shows the light red yellow, the qian wen is exquisite, does not drag and dribble, has the high collection value and the investment value.

大清銅幣,學名清代機制銅圓,錢面中央有“大清銅幣”四個漢字,內嵌一小字代表地名,上端是滿文“大清銅幣”字樣,兩側為年份。邊緣中間分別“戶部”二漢字,下端為“當制錢十文”。錢背中央為蟠龍,上端是“光緒(或宣統)年造”,下端英文“Tai-Ching Ti-Kuo Copper Coin”字樣(大清帝國銅幣)。Qing dynasty copper coin, the technical name of the qing dynasty mechanism copper circle, money surface has "qing dynasty copper coin" in the center of four Chinese characters, embedded a small character to represent place names, the top is manchu "qing dynasty copper coin" words, both sides of the year. In the middle of the edge are two Chinese characters for "hubu", and the bottom is "ten characters when making money". The central part of the Coin is panlong, with "made in guangxu (or xuantong) years" at the top and "tai-ching ti-kuo Copper Coin" at the bottom.

各地鑄造比較統一。鑄造始于1900年(清光緒二十六年),止于1911年(宣統三年),流通時間較短。因其版面設計優雅,雕刻精良,且存世量極為稀少,大清銅幣光緒年戶部造當十被譽為中國近代制幣中的十大名譽品之一。大清銅幣版式繁多,尤以當十者為最。多位清帝在位時發行過銅幣來作為流通貨幣,銅幣的使用具有重要的現實意義和歷史意義,使交易逐漸便利起來。而如今,大清銅幣也具有一定的收藏價值,許多收藏家對大清銅幣愛不釋手,而收集多種多樣的銅幣已經成為了他們的目標。Casting more uniform. Casting began in 1900 (the twenty-sixth year of guangxu reign of the qing dynasty) and ended in 1911 (the third year of xuantong reign). Due to its elegant layout, excellent carving, and extremely rare quantity in the world, the guangxu year household department of the qing dynasty copper COINS was named as one of the top ten famous COINS in modern China. In qing dynasty, there were many patterns of copper COINS, especially when ten were the most. Many emperors of the qing dynasty issued copper COINS to be used as currency, and the use of copper COINS has important practical and historical significance, making the transaction gradually convenient. Today, the qing dynasty copper COINS also have a certain collection value, many collectors love the qing dynasty copper COINS, and collecting a variety of copper COINS has become their target.

該枚大清銅幣直徑:28.2mm,重量6.62g,鑄工精美,品相較好,銅幣包漿入骨,流通痕跡自然,邊齒對,具有極高的投資價值和收藏價值。它有著歷史熏陶,是價值很高的革命文物,具有深遠的歷史紀念意義;同時,還是考古和研究中國歷史文化難得的實物。并且經過十余年的培育,以機制幣為代表的錢幣拍賣市場終于在大放異彩。即便與海外市場相比,當前內地市場亦不遜分毫。收藏者、投資者群體的知識更豐富、視野更開闊,觀念也發生了深刻變化,他們對藏品追求更苛刻,在珍、稀的前提下,更看重藏品的完美品相和未來價值。收藏價值和升值空間很高!This qing dynasty copper coin has a diameter of 28.2mm and a weight of 6.62g. It is beautifully cast and of relatively good quality. The coating of copper coin is embedded into the bone. It has the historical edification, is the high value revolutionary cultural relic, has the profound historical commemoration significance; At the same time, it is a rare object for archaeology and the study of Chinese history and culture. And after more than ten years of cultivation, the coin auction market represented by the mechanism coin finally shines brilliantly. Even compared with overseas markets, the current mainland market is no slouch. The knowledge of collector, investor group is richer, field of vision is more open, concept also produced profound change, they pursue to collect more exacting, below the premise of precious, rare, value more the perfect product appearance of collect and future value. Collection value and appreciation space is very high!

此藏品為本次2019新加坡拍賣重磅推薦藏品,歡迎各位蒞臨本公司賞析及協商,廣大收藏家可以通過各大媒體以及歡迎到公司了解詳情,如需意向購買,提前辦理好相關手續過來公司協商。一件藏品的成交離不開廣告宣傳!本公司以自成立以來,始終秉承“公開,公平,公正,誠實,守信”的服務原則,相關資質齊全,做最實在的宣傳,上最高端的平臺,享受最好的服務。特別提示:(以上藏品持寶人托我司誠意出售、歡迎各界收藏家咨詢或出價,圖片均為實物拍攝,若有疑問可預約我司觀看實物)。This collection is recommended for the 2019 Singapore auction. Welcome to our company for appreciation, analysis and negotiation. General collectors can learn details through various media and welcome to our company. The deal of a collect cannot leave advertisement propaganda! Since its establishment, the company has been adhering to the service principle of "open, fair, just, honest, trustworthy", with complete relevant qualifications, to do the most practical publicity, the highest end of the platform, enjoy the best service. Special tips :(the above collection holders trust us to sell sincerely, welcome collectors from all walks of life to consult or bid, the pictures are taken in kind, if you have any questions, you can make an appointment to see the kind)


標簽:咸豐 銅幣 盛世 大清 收藏



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