Ocean currency is also known as French Indochina Silver Dollar, also known as Annan Silver Dollar. The so-called trade silver dollar is one of the silver coins issued by some old imperialist countries in order to develop colonial trade.
[Collection Name]: Occidental Currency
【規格】:直徑:38.96mm 重:26.8g
[Specification] Diameter: 38.96 mm Weight: 26.8 g
Price details consult our department
這枚坐洋幣,鑄造規范工藝復雜且精湛,品相完好,包漿自然,最讓收藏界為之瘋狂的是存世量極少,銀幣正面為自由女神坐像,兩側是法文“REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE”(法蘭西共和國),背面的裝飾圖案為花環,花環上方鑄法文“FRANCAISE INDO-CHINE”(法蘭西印度支那),中間是法文 “PIASTRE DE COMMERCE”(皮阿斯特貿易銀)。
The coin, with its complicated and exquisite casting process, perfect appearance and natural grouting, is insane to collectors because it has very little stock. The silver coin is sitting on the front of the Statue of Liberty, with the French "REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE" (French Republic) on both sides, the decorative pattern on the back and the French "FRANCAI" on the top of the wreath. SE INDO-CHINE (Indochina, France), in the middle is the French "PIASTRE DE COMMERCE" (PIASTRE Trading Silver).
As a historical carrier, the ocean-sitting silver coin records the humiliating history of Chinese people's political oppression and economic exploitation after the Opium War. Studying foreign currencies circulating in China is of great significance for us to understand the crimes of foreign powers using silver dollar trade to plunder China's wealth, to strengthen the spirit of patriotism, and to contribute to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.
Ancient coins are of great ornamental and historical value, and like other antiques, they are favored by collectors. The value of ancient coins is generally determined by the amount of money in stock. Collection market has always said that rare things are precious. Foreign early commercial silver coins have been handed down for a long time, but after the war, there are very few foreign silver coins, which are extremely precious. It's almost impossible to find a silver coin like this, which is very rare.