2019私下展覽精品推薦:雙旗幣 貳佰文
陜西咸雅軒藝術品有限公司[藏.薦]欄 為藏品強大的傳播效應向各位買家推薦經一級鑒定專家甄選的藝術珍品,為藏家牽線搭橋,讓藝術珍品價值被發掘與重視,在拍賣會上得以高價成交。
Recommendation for Autumn Auctions in Singapore in 2019: Ten Flag Dollars
Shaanxi Xianyaxuan Art Works Co., Ltd. [Tibet. Recommendation] column recommends art treasures selected by first-level appraisal experts to buyers for their strong dissemination effect. It helps collectors to bridge the gap, so that the value of art treasures can be excavated and valued, and high-priced transactions can be concluded at auction.
【規格】直徑:43.5mm 重:23.1g
Bi-flag coin Parody
【規格】直徑:43.5mm 重:23.1g
[Specification] Diameter: 43.5mm Weight: 23.1g
[Category] Coins
雙旗幣起源民國,1911年清帝退位后,中華民國宣布成立。中國民主主義革命的先驅者孫中山在頒布的“臨時大總統令”中提出要“另刊新模,鼓鑄紀念幣”隨后武昌和南京兩處造幣廠率先鑄行了中華民國開國紀念幣銅元輔幣,在全國大量發行以取代清朝銅元。1914年,銅元正式改稱“銅幣”,民國發行的銅幣與清朝最大的區別是龍紋被換成了由稻穗組成的嘉禾紋。各省鑄造的銅元大多為兩面叉的國旗圖案,并有“開國紀念幣”或“中華民國銅幣”字樣的雙旗幣,因稀少程度而出名,在錢幣保藏界以其存世量稀疏而遭到大家的珍愛,并且,還因為它的制造反常精巧而倍受大家的寵愛。在我國近代銀幣中,它是久享盛名的一種,也被列入我國近代機制幣10大珍。The two-flag coin originated in the Republic of China. After the abdication of Emperor Qing in 1911, the Republic of China was proclaimed to be established. Sun Yat-sen, the pioneer of China's democratic revolution, proposed in his "temporary presidential decree" that "a new model should be published and commemorative coins should be minted by drumming". Then, two coin factories in Wuchang and Nanjing took the lead in coining the copper coin as the commemorative coin of the Republic of China, which was issued in large quantities throughout the country to replace the copper coin of the Qing Dynasty. In 1914, the copper coin was formally renamed "copper coin". The biggest difference between the copper coin issued by the Republic of China and the Qing Dynasty was that the dragon pattern was replaced by the Jiahe grain composed of rice ears. Most of the copper coins coined in the provinces are two-sided fork flag patterns, and have the words "Founding Commemorative Coin" or "Republic of China Copper Coin". They are famous for their rarity. They are treasured by people in the coin preservation circle because of their sparse stock, and they are also favored by people because of their unusually exquisite manufacture. Among the modern silver coins in our country, it has long enjoyed a high reputation, and has also been listed in the 10 treasures of the modern mechanism coins in our country.
Baiwen double-flag coin is a rare exquisite coin in modern China. It is cherished by people in the coin collection circle for its rare existence. Because of its exquisite production, it is loved by people. Among the modern silver coins in China, it has long enjoyed a high reputation and is very popular with collectors. Double-flag coins are cheap
銅幣在我國發行流通前后不過半個世紀的時間,在我國貨幣的歷史長河中僅是十分短暫的一瞬間,但中國銅元見證了中國從封建社會演化為半封建半殖民地社會的歷史過程,是我國近代貨幣史和錢幣學的重要組成部分,獨具歷史意義。此枚藏品設計精美,做工精細,布局合理,層次鮮明,工藝純熟精湛,錢幣雖小,卻也能反應當時社會文化的特征,彌足珍貴。Because the double-banner Baiwen Copper Yuan is not produced by a single founder, its format is also relatively large. There are just a few dozen different formats. Copper coins with double banners can be divided into two types according to their cross backs and Double Flag sagging. Those with vertical flag sagging are referred to as "straight version". Those with flag sagging around the pole are commonly referred to as "Qumu version".
Copper coins have been circulating in China for only half a century before and after they were issued and circulated. It is only a very short moment in the long history of our currency. However, the Chinese copper coins witnessed the historical process of China's evolution from feudal society to semi-feudal and semi-colonial society. They are an important part of our modern monetary history and monetary science, and they are unique. Historical significance. This collection has exquisite design, fine workmanship, reasonable layout, distinct layers, exquisite craftsmanship and small coins, but it can also reflect the social and cultural characteristics of the time.
Recommendations for Private Exhibitions in 2019: Bi-flag Biaowen