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盛世收藏精品推薦 第一套人民幣

【藏.薦】欄 為藏品強大的傳播效應向各位買家推薦經國家一級鑒定專家甄選的藝術珍品,為藏家牽線搭橋,讓千百件藝術珍品價值被發掘與重視,在拍賣會上得以高價成交。Column for the collection of powerful dissemination effect to each buyer recommended by the national expert selection of art treasures, for collectors matchmaking, let thousands of art treasures value was discovered and take seriously, in the auction to clinch a deal at a high price.


【名稱】 第一套人民幣

  【類別】 錢幣




[Name]The first set of RMB


specification sizes

Show the price20000000.00 CNY


第一套人民幣是在中國共產黨的領導下、中國人民解放戰爭勝利進軍的形勢下,由人民政府所屬國家銀行在1948年12月1日印制發行的唯一的法定貨幣。 在圖樣題材上,選擇當時經濟建設和新社會人們生活的圖案,生動展現出我國解放事業及建國初期人們的政治、生活、文化、社會百態,使人們領略到在黨的領導下全國各族人民齊心協力、艱苦奮斗、自力更生建設新中國、新社會的如火如荼激情歲月。The first set of RMB was the only legal tender printed and issued by the national bank of the people's government on December 1, 1948 under the leadership of the communist party of China and the victory of the Chinese people's liberation war. On the design theme, select the economic construction and social patterns of people's life, vividly show the early liberation and the founding of the people's political, cultural, social, life, make people enjoy under the leadership of the party of the Chinese people of all ethnic groups work together, hard work, self-reliance, construction of new China, the new society in full passion.




The first series of RMB














1,10,100,1000,50000, etc. In the earliest printing, we have established a very strict management system. The first one is that printing is not allowed without the approval of the head office.

第一套人民幣共12種面額62種版別,其中20元券第二版萬壽山(甲)和20元券第七版萬壽山(乙)、50元券第二版火車大橋(甲)和50元券第三版火車大橋(乙)、50元券第四版列車(甲)和50元券第五版列車(乙)、100元券第三版萬壽山(甲)和100元券第四版萬壽山(乙)以及100元券第六版北海橋(甲)和100元券第七版北海橋(乙),這五對人民幣的圖案相同,顏色不同。另外,1000元券第一版耕地券是第一套人民幣中唯一一枚狹長幣,其規格為150mm×62mm。First set of RMB for a total of 12 kinds of 62 kinds of bottle, including 20 yuan coupon, second edition (a) and 20 yuan coupon longevity hill seventh edition (b), 50 yuan coupon longevity hill (a) and the second edition of the train bridge 50 yuan coupon third edition (b) the train bridge, 50 yuan coupon fourth edition of the train (a) and 50 yuan coupon (b), fifth edition train 100 yuan ticket, third edition (a) and 100 yuan coupon longevity hill, fourth edition (b), and longevity hill 100 yuan coupon sixth edition north sea bridge (a) and 100 yuan coupon (b) the seventh edition of the north sea bridge, the design is the same, for the five different colors. In addition, the first edition of 1000 yuan coupon farmland coupon is the only long and narrow currency in the first set of RMB, whose specification is 150mm×62mm.


發行第一套人民幣的目的是為了統一各革命根據地貨幣,革命根據地貨幣是在戰爭時期各革命根據地被敵人分割封鎖的情況下產生的,統一貨幣經歷了一個曲折的過程。抗日戰爭勝利后,各解放區人民政府就展開了統一本解放區貨幣的工作。華中解放區發行了統一的華中幣,回收原來新四軍開辟各抗日根據地時發行的多種地方貨幣,其它解放區也采取了類似的措施統一貨幣。但是,在各解放區統一貨幣工作尚未完成時,國民黨反動派發動了全面內戰,解放區許多地方被國民黨軍隊占領,各解放區統一貨幣工作不得不暫時停止。第一套人民幣的發行保證了解放戰爭勝利進軍的需要,促進了經濟的恢復與發展,最終成為統一的全國貨幣,結束了國民黨統治下幾十年的幣制混亂歷史。Historical background


The purpose of issuing the first set of RMB is to unify the currencies of the revolutionary base areas. The currencies of the revolutionary base areas were created under the circumstance that the revolutionary bases were divided and blockaded by the enemy during the war. The unified currency went through a tortuous process. After the victory of the war of resistance against Japan, the people's governments of the liberated areas began to unify the currencies of the liberated areas. The liberated areas of central China issued a unified central currency to recycle various local currencies issued when the new fourth army set up various anti-japanese base areas, and other liberated areas adopted similar measures to unify the currency. However, when the unified currency work in the liberated areas was not completed, the kuomintang reactionaries launched an all-out civil war, and many parts of the liberated areas were occupied by the kuomintang army. The issuance of the first set of RMB ensured the need for the victory march of the liberation war, promoted the economic recovery and development, and finally became a unified national currency, ending the decades of chaotic currency system under the rule of the kuomintang.

第一套人民幣的發行考慮周密,是有計劃有步驟的,是黨的一項重大英明決策,對清除國民黨政府發行的各種貨幣、統一全國各解放區的貨幣、支持人民幣解放戰爭的全面勝利和建國初期的經濟恢復發揮了重要作用。在解放戰爭期間,對人民幣的要求是“一切為了戰爭的勝利,人民解放軍將紅旗插到那里,人民幣就發行到那里”。The issuance of the first set of RMB was carefully considered, planned and step by step, and was a great wise decision of the party. During the war of liberation, the requirement for the renminbi was that "everything for the victory of the war, the people's liberation army planted red flags there and the renminbi was issued there".

隨著人民戰爭的勝利,人民幣成功清除了國民黨政府發行的金圓券及其它各種貨幣。人民幣的發行,結束了國民黨統治下幾十年通貨膨脹和中國近百年外幣、金銀幣在市場流通買賣的歷史,促進了人民解放戰爭的全面勝利。在建國初期的國民經濟恢復時期。With the victory of the people's war, the RMB successfully eliminated the golden yuan notes and other currencies issued by the kuomintang government. The issuance of RMB put an end to decades of inflation under the rule of the kuomintang party and nearly a century of Chinese history of foreign currency, gold and silver COINS trading in the market, and promoted the comprehensive victory of the people's liberation war. In the early national economic recovery period.

當時我們的現狀是“一窮二白”,此時人民幣比炮彈還重要,祖國的穩定需要貨幣的支持,人民幣對穩定經濟的重大意義關系到新中國的存亡。為此,人民幣在當時的情況下沒有設準備金,不和黃金白銀掛鉤,也不和美元、英鎊掛鉤,是具有獨立自主性的貨幣體系,對人民老百姓都具有很實在的好處,使我們建立起了自成一體的經濟體系。可以說,第一套人民幣是在黨的領導下,是中國貨幣史上唯一統一的時代。我國的第一套人民幣在2013年時市值達到400萬元,現在市值已經超過了1600萬元,看到這,有些耐不住寂寞的網友朋友要說,我也有,但筆者在這里提醒下,是第一套整套人民幣價值超過2000萬元,現在市面上大概有30套左右整套的第一套人民幣。At that time, our current situation is "poor", at this time, the yuan is more important than shells, the stability of the motherland needs monetary support, the great significance of the yuan to the stability of the economy is related to the survival of new China. Therefore, there was no reserve requirement for the RMB at that time. It was not linked to gold or silver, nor to the us dollar or the British pound. It can be said that the first set of RMB was under the leadership of the party, which was the only unified era in the history of Chinese currency. China's first set of market value in 2013 reached 4 million yuan, now has market value of more than 16 million yuan, see this, some bear loneliness to net friend say, I also have, but the author here remind, is the first set of package worth more than 20 million yuan, now on the market there are about 30 or so a complete set of the first set of RMB.

此藏品為本次2019新加坡拍賣重磅推薦藏品,歡迎各位蒞臨本公司賞析及協商,廣大收藏家可以通過各大媒體以及歡迎到公司了解詳情,如需意向購買,提前辦理好相關手續過來公司協商。一件藏品的成交離不開廣告宣傳!本公司以自成立以來,始終秉承“公開,公平,公正,誠實,守信”的服務原則,相關資質齊全,做最實在的宣傳,上最高端的平臺,享受最好的服務。特別提示:(以上藏品持寶人托我司誠意出售、歡迎各界收藏家咨詢或出價,圖片均為實物拍攝,若有疑問可預約我司觀看實物)。This collection is recommended for the 2019 Singapore auction. Welcome to our company for appreciation, analysis and negotiation. General collectors can learn details through various media and welcome to our company. The deal of a collect cannot leave advertisement propaganda! Since its establishment, the company has been adhering to the service principle of "open, fair, just, honest, trustworthy", with complete relevant qualifications, to do the most practical publicity, the highest end of the platform, enjoy the best service. Special tips :(the above collection holders trust us to sell sincerely, welcome collectors from all walks of life to consult or bid, the pictures are taken in kind, if you have any questions, you can make an appointment to see the kind)



標簽:盛世 第一套 人民幣 收藏 精品



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