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2019 American autumn patting boutique recommendation: the third set of RMB large set

嘉合天下(北京)國際拍賣有限公司【藏.薦】欄 為藏品強大的傳播效應向各位買家推薦經一級鑒定專家甄選的珍品,為藏家牽線搭橋,讓藝術珍品價值被發掘與重視,在拍賣會上得以高價成交。

【名稱】 第三套人民幣大全套

【規格】 尺寸不一(27張)

【類別】 雜項

Jia he world (Beijing) international auction co., LTD. [zang. jian] column for the collection of strong dissemination effect to recommend to all buyers by the experts selected by the first level of identification of treasures, for collectors matchmaking, let the value of art treasures was discovered and attention, in the auction to clink a deal at a high price.


The third RMB set


Different sizes (27 pieces)


[category] miscellaneous

本經典珍藏冊共27張,包括:1分、2分、5分各1張、1角藍字2羅馬、1角藍字3羅馬、1角紅字2羅馬、1角紅字3羅馬、1角紅字凹凸2羅馬、1角紅字凹凸3羅馬、無水印2角平版2羅馬、無水印平版2角三羅馬、無水印2角凹凸3第三套人民幣1元 羅馬、5角凹版國旗五角星水印、5角平版國旗五角星水印、5角平版無水印、1元空心五角星古幣混合水印(三冠子七號碼)、1元國旗五角星水印(三冠子七號碼)、1元國旗五角星水印(二冠字八號碼)、2元空心五角星古幣混合水印、2元國旗五角星水印、5元2羅馬國旗五角星水印、5元3羅馬國旗五角星水印、10元2羅馬國旗五角星水印、10元3羅馬國旗五角星水印。三枚珍品:棗紅一角1張(紅一毛)、背綠一角1張、背綠水印一角1張。無一張水洗,改號,品相堪稱完美,極具收藏價值。


This classic collector's edition contains 27 pieces, including: 1 points, 2 points, 5 points each 1 piece, 1 Angle of blue 2 Roman, one corner blue words 3 to roma, 1 Angle of scarlet letter 2, 1 Angle of scarlet letter 3 Rome, Angle of the scarlet letter is concave and convex 2 Roman, 1 Angle of the scarlet letter is concave and convex 3 Rome, no watermark 2 Angle offset Angle of Rome, no watermark lithographic 2 three Roman, no watermark 2 Angle bump 3 in the third set of RMB 1 Rome, 5 star watermark, 5 Angle offset Angle gravure flag flag star watermark, 5 Angle offset no watermark, 1 yuan hollow pentagram numismatics mixed watermark (three crest seven Numbers), 1 yuan flag pentagram watermark (three crest seven Numbers), 1 yuan flag pentagram watermark (two crown words eight number), 2 yuan hollow pentagram numismatics mixed watermark, 2 yuan flag pentagram 2 Roman flag pentagram watermark watermark, 5 yuan, 5 yuan 3 Roman flag pentagram watermark, 10 yuan 2 Roman flag pentagram watermark, 10 yuan 3 flag pentagram watermark of Rome. Three treasures: 1 piece of maroon (red hair), 1 piece of back green, 1 piece of back green watermark. Not a piece of water, changed the number, the product can be called perfect, very valuable for collection.

為了促進工農業發展和商品流通,方便群眾使用,經國務院批準,中國人民銀行于1962年4月15日發行第三套人民幣至2000年7月1日退出使用,是現有人民幣中流通時間最長,也是我國首次完全獨立設計、印制的一套紙幣。中央和國務院很重視,周恩來總理還作了具體指示:規定第三套人民幣和第二套人民幣比價為1:1。邀請了中央美術學院、中央工藝美術學院的著名教授進行座談,聽取意見。因此,這套人民幣的質量有了較大提高。該套紙幣退出流通19年了,市場沉淀充分,其中的“1角背綠券”已升值16萬倍,顯現出“鈔王”的王者之風。第三套人民幣已具備了“退出流通”、“市場沉淀”、“鈔王領漲”3 大快速升值的必備條件。第三套人民幣市價并不高,為后市預留了極大的啟動空間。

With the approval of the state council, the people's bank of China issued a third set of renminbi on April 15, 1962 to withdraw from use on July 1, 2000, in order to promote the development of industry and agriculture, the circulation of commodities and the convenience of the masses. The central government and the state council attached great importance to it, and premier zhou enlai also made specific instructions to set a 1:1 ratio for the third set of RMB and the second set of RMB. Invited famous professors from central academy of fine arts and central academy of arts and crafts to have a discussion and listen to their opinions. Therefore, the quality of this set of RMB has been greatly improved. The notes have been out of circulation for 19 years, and the market is full of precipitation. Among them, the "1-jiao backed green note" has appreciated by 160,000 times, showing the king's style. The third set of RMB has met the three necessary conditions for rapid appreciation: "withdrawal from circulation", "precipitation in the market" and "the king of banknotes leading the rise". The third set of RMB market price is not high, for the aftermarket reserved a great space to start.


“路線錯誤”引發的升值風暴。第三套人民幣中的60版一角紙幣“紅一角”,券面圖案中的人物自左向右前進,這在當時“左右路線”之爭甚囂塵上的年代,犯了嚴重的“右傾”錯誤。此后,該券即遭到嚴苛的回收銷毀,存世量驟減,而這個錢幣上的“路線錯誤”卻使“紅一角”在今天成為收藏界的寵兒,集萬千目光與一身。當前市價瘋漲近30000 倍,已是各路藏家奮力尋求的稀世珍品。

In the corner of the red


The "wrong track" caused by the storm of appreciation. The third set of RMB 60 edition dime note "red dime", the people in the bond face pattern from left to right forward, which was at that time "right and left line" of the debate was rampant in the era, made a serious "right leaning" mistake. Since then, the certificate has been rigorously recycled and destroyed, resulting in a sharp decline in its stock. However, the "wrong line" on the coin has made the "red dime" a favorite of collectors today. Current market price is mad rise nearly 30000 times, already be the rarities curiosa that each collector strives to seek hard.


存世1年又2個月的“短命”鈔王 為挽回“紅一角”的錯誤而發行的是第三代鈔王——“背綠券”。然而這枚1角鈔票卻由于與1964年發行的2角紙鈔顏色極為相似,極易在交易過程中混淆,故僅使用了14個月便遭回收,由此成為歷史上流通時間最短的紙幣。加蓋五角星水印的“背綠券”如今市價高達16000元,穩坐第三代鈔王寶座。

The green securities back


The "short-lived" banknote king, who lived for 1 year and 2 months, issued the third generation banknote king, the "green back note", in order to redeem the "red dime" mistake. However, the note was so similar in colour to the 1964 note that it was easily confused during trading and was recycled after only 14 months, making it the shortest circulation note in history. With a five-pointed star watermark and a market price as high as 16,000 yuan, wang bao is sitting on the third generation of banknotes


第三套人民幣是知識和藝術的結晶。票幅圖案中蘊涵著人文、歷史、地理、民族、文字、書法、美術等方面豐富的文化內涵,展示著我國優秀美術大師羅 工柳、周令釗、侯一民、陳若菊、鄧澍等的藝術才華,凸顯出吳彭越、鞠文俊、林文藝、劉國棟等老一輩雕刻家的藝術功底。其中五角券“紡織車間” 圖、一元券“女拖拉機手”圖、二元券“車床工人”圖都是經典作品,五元券“煉鋼工人”圖被國際錢幣界譽為世界優秀作品。收藏紙幣可以增長知識,陶冶情操,觀賞紙幣生動活潑、逼真傳神的畫面又給我們一種美的享受。

Education value


The third set of RMB is the crystallization of knowledge and art. Pattern is contained in the humanities, history, geography, nationality, writing, calligraphy, fine arts, etc, the rich cultural connotation, show the excellent art masters of our country worker liu, weeks to sports, Hou Yimin, Chen ruoju, Deng Shu artistic talent, highlights the Peng Yue, wu JuWenJun, wen-yi Lin, guo-dong liu and other older generation sculptor of the art language. Among them, the "textile workshop" drawing of the five-yuan coupon, "female tractor driver" drawing of the one-yuan coupon, and "lathe worker" drawing of the two-yuan coupon are all classic works, and the "steelmaker" drawing of the five-yuan coupon is praised as an excellent work in the world by the international monetary circle. Collecting banknotes can increase knowledge, edify sentiment, appreciate the vivid and vivid picture of banknotes and give us a kind of beauty to enjoy.







The collection value


Why is the third set of RMB worth collecting?


Collection world network senior collection consultant chenxia said that the collection of RMB is to collect a period of history. The third set of RMB since April 1962 officially released, until July 2000 to gradually fade out from the common people's life, in the market circulation of 38 years, is the existing five sets of the yuan in circulation for the longest, is also China's first fully independent design, printed a set of notes, and recorded the history of a special and precious.


The third set of RMB has one, two yuan, wu yuan, ten yuan four standard currency and one horn, two horn, wu Angle three COINS, a total of seven kinds of face value, a full set of combined 18.80 yuan, but the bottle has a nine - including one horn stamps have 3 kinds of bottle, including the circulation use of time is not long, exiguous, and known as "king currency" in the third set of notes of bordeaux red one coupon and green one horn Angle the two notes.


Why jujube is red, blackish green one horn certificate can become the "king of money" in 3 RMB?


Bordeaux red notes of high technical content, circulation, or the first double concave dry paper printing, ink pigment is developed by the workers themselves never fade toner, later, because the cost of bordeaux red is too high, in order to reduce the cost of the back to green, single-sided concave, and later, in order to avoid confused with green two horn vouchers, ultimately known as red one horn stamps. Therefore jujube red and dark green one - jiao coupon is rich in technical content and historical significance.


此藏品現交于嘉合天下(北京)國際拍賣有限公司網絡市場部專員運作推廣,歡迎各位蒞臨本公司賞析及協商,廣大收藏家可以通過各大媒體以及歡迎 到公司了解詳情,咨詢熱線:010-59000899 如需意向購買,提前辦理好相關手續過來公司協商。

This collection is to Carrie in the world (Beijing) international auction co., LTD., network marketing specialist operations, welcome to our company appreciation and consultation, the collector can through the media, and welcome to the company details, hotline: 010-59000899 for intention to purchase, negotiate relevant formalities in advance to the company.

一件藏品的成交離不開廣告宣傳!本公司以自成立以來,始終秉承“公開,公平,公正,誠實,守信”的服務原則, 做最實在的宣傳,上最高端的平臺,享受最好的服務。

The deal of a collect cannot leave advertisement propaganda! The company since its inception, always adhering to the "open, fair, fair, honest, trustworthy" service principle, do the most practical publicity, the highest end of the platform, enjoy the best service.


Special tips: (the above collection of the treasure is: Tibet you entrust our company sincerity to sell, welcome collectors from all walks of life to consult or bid, pictures are taken in kind, if there is any doubt can reserve our company to see the kind) jia he world (Beijing) international auction co., LTD.





標簽:美國 全套 人民幣 第三套 精品



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