Mexican eagle
重:26.3g 直徑:3.94cm
Weight: 26.3g diameter: 3.94cm
Number: YSWHZLFW - 5360
墨西哥銀元,俗稱鷹洋。是世界金融史上頗具傳奇色彩的貨幣。"鷹洋"的傳奇故事,不僅表現了墨西哥的鑄幣藝術,更重要的是人類之間友好往來的一個例證。鷹洋大體分為兩種,1897年以前的花邊鷹洋和 1898年以后的直邊鷹洋。晚清民國年間,外國銀元輸入中國者,屬墨西哥鷹洋最多。鑄幣史,其實是一個國家、民族的文化的一部分,也是人類文明的重要組成部分。
Mexican silver dollar, commonly known as yingyang. It is a legendary currency in the history of world finance." The eagle legend is not only an example of the art of coinage in Mexico, but also, more importantly, an example of the friendly exchanges between human beings. There are generally two kinds of eagle, the lace eagle before 1897 and the straight-edged eagle after 1898. In the late qing and republic of China, the largest number of foreign silver dollars were imported into China. In fact, the history of coinage is not only a part of the culture of a country and a nation, but also an important part of human civilization.
The front of this Mexican eagle coin is an eagle with wings spreading, with a long snake in its mouth (the lace-hawk snake tail is connected with the eagle wing, while the straight side snake tail is not connected with the eagle wing). It stands on the cactus (the national flower) with one leg and a free soft hat in the middle of the back. The cap book has the word "LIBERTAD" in Spanish. The length of the light around the cap is not the same (lacehawk and straight edge eagle light column number is not the same, lacehawk free hat top of 3 light column in the middle of a shorter, straight edge eagle in the middle of a longer). The design symbolizes strength, loyalty, peace and freedom.
With the continuous development of China's economy, people's material and cultural level is also improving, and people's needs for spiritual culture are increasingly diversified. Coin collection has long been a trend in China's major cities, coin collection has become an indispensable financial investment channel. And the field of coin collection involves a wide range, including ancient COINS, ancient silver COINS, silver yuan, all kinds of gold COINS, commemorative COINS, yuan since the founding of new China and so on. Mexico has a long tradition of coinage, which has become an art form. This yingyang coin is in good condition, with a clear outline of qian wen. It has high historical value, artistic value and collection value