將軍罐,罐身為直口,豐肩,斂腹,平面砂底,附寶珠頂高圓蓋,其外形酷似頭戴戰盔、挺胸凸肚的 將軍,因而得名“將軍罐”。對于完全沒有瓷器知識的外行人士來說,初次接觸將軍罐,要猜出其名稱 的由來,往往望文生義。
The general jar has a straight mouth, a large shoulder, a folded belly, a flat sand bottom, and a high round cap with a pearl top. Its appearance resembles that of a general wearing a helmet and a clean chest with a convex belly, hence the name "general jar". For the layman who has no knowledge of porcelain, to guess the origin of the name of a general can for the first time, one often looks to the text for meaning.
[Collection Name]: General Tanks
[Category]: Porcelain
將軍罐,因寶珠頂蓋形似將軍盔帽而得名,是漢族陶瓷藝術的珍品。初見于明代嘉靖、萬歷朝,至清 代順治時基本定型。清康熙朝最流行。罐身為直口,豐肩,斂腹,平面砂底,附寶珠頂高圓蓋。是佛教 僧侶盛斂骨灰的器物。
The general jar, named after the treasure bead cap resembling the general helmet cap, is a treasure of Han nationality ceramic art. It first appeared in Jiajing and Wanli dynasties of the Ming Dynasty and was basically finalized by Shunzhi in the Qing Dynasty. Qing Kangxi Dynasty is the most popular. The tank has a straight mouth, ample shoulders, a gathered belly, a flat sand bottom, and a high round cap with a pearl top. It is a utensil for Buddhist monks to collect ashes.
因寶珠頂蓋形似將軍盔帽而得名。初見于明代嘉靖、萬歷朝,至清代順治時基本定型。清康熙朝最流 行。罐身為直口,豐肩,斂腹,平面砂底,附寶珠頂高圓蓋。將軍罐之所以受到古玩藏界的重視,最主 要的原因還是其藝術價值。將軍罐之所以受到古玩藏界的重視,最主要的原因還是其藝術價值。
It is named for the fact that the top cover of the orb resembles a general helmet. It first appeared in Jiajing and Wanli dynasties of the Ming Dynasty and was basically finalized in Shunzhi of the Qing Dynasty. Qing Kangxi Dynasty is the most popular. The tank has a straight mouth, ample shoulders, a gathered belly, a flat sand bottom, and a high round cap with a pearl top. The most important reason why general cans are valued by antique collectors is their artistic value. The most important reason why general cans are valued by antique collectors is their artistic value.
將軍罐發展至清代順治時期基本定型,康熙年間尤為流行。雖然各時期的器型略有變化,但都以大氣、 宏偉為其特征。青花將軍罐更是康熙朝青花瓷器的翹楚之作,因為其器形碩大,青花工藝得到了充分的 表現。
General cans were basically shaped in the Shunzhi period of Qing Dynasty, especially in Kangxi period. Although there are slight changes in vessel types in different periods, they are all characterized by atmosphere and grandeur. The blue-and-white general jar is the best blue-and-white porcelain of Kangxi dynasty, because of its large shape, the blue-and-white craft has been fully demonstrated.
近年來隨著收藏市場的火爆,將軍罐成了收藏家們競相追逐的目標,但與花瓶等其他古玩不同,將軍 罐是由罐子與蓋子兩部分組成,在百年的流傳過程中大多數身首異處,特別在文革"破四舊"的年代又因 體積太大難以藏身而大量被毀,完整的傳世品較少,所以這一對原配的、完整無缺的清代青花將軍罐更是稀有,彌足珍貴。
In recent years, with the popularity of the collection market, general cans have become the target pursued by collectors. However, unlike vases and other antiques, general cans are made up of two parts: a jar and a lid. Most of them are different from each other during the 100-year circulation process. Especially in the era of the Cultural Revolution, when the "four old" were broken, they were destroyed in large quantities due to their too large size to hide, and there were few complete handed down products. Therefore, this pair of original, intact Qing Dynasty blue and white general cans are even rarer and precious.