此對斗彩杯,胎體輕薄,圓口,小底,大腹,腹外繪人物紋飾,底部用楷書“天”字,并因此而得名。斗彩杯在古代就十分珍貴,此對杯外黃釉,取“皇”諧音,乃皇家御用之物,內天藍釉,有御賜御用字樣,盡顯皇家威儀,斗彩的工藝,早期五彩與斗彩的界限不清,很多斗彩都被叫成五彩。但此對斗彩的工藝特征十分明顯,一目了然。 非常貴。其收藏價值極高。
This pair of bucket cups, the fetal body is thin, round mouth, small bottom, large abdomen, belly outside the painted figure decoration, the bottom of the script with the word "day", and hence named. The Doo Cai Cup is very precious in ancient times. This pair of yellow glazes outside the cup, taking the "Emperor" homonym, is a royal royal object, the inner sky blue glaze, has the words of the royal royal use, and shows the royal prestige and the craftsmanship of the fighting color. The boundaries between the early multicolored and the lottery were unclear, and many of them were called multicolored. However, the technical characteristics of this tie color are very obvious and clear. Very expensive. Its collection value is extremely high.
Contact: Zhu Feng 15805100970