網上古玩商城精品推薦19年第八期 長城幣
The 81-year 1 yuan Changcheng Currency, also known as 811 Changcheng Currency, was issued by the People's Bank of China on April 15, 1980. Its material is mainly copper-nickel alloy, and it can be said to be the best of the Changcheng coins.
[Collection Name]: Changcheng Currency
[Category]: Coin
It has five major appreciation prospects.
First, the value of innovation. In the history of new China's currency issuance, the Changcheng currency is the first coin with a denomination of yuan jiao. It pioneered the use of coins for yuan coins, thus laying a foundation for the country's intention to issue small coins.
The second is that the modelling design has the nationality, conforms to the Chinese esthetic feeling. "It shows the power of life due to its dilapidation and reflects the ancient country due to its winding." Tagore, a great poet, expressed his deep feeling for the Great Wall. The Great Wall is the symbol of the Chinese nation, the national emblem and the symbol of the People's Republic of China. The Great Wall Coin of 1 yuan organically combines the Great Wall and the National Emblem, showing the world a heroic picture of ancient civilization from ancient to present from a historical perspective. Looking at this design, I believe every foreigner will say, "This is China. Every Chinese will proudly say, "This is my motherland".
三是它的流通職能具有過渡性。長城幣于1980年4月15日,由中國人民銀行面向社會公開發行,到1986年以后就停止生產了,總共發行了7個年份。其中的1982、1984、1986年這三個年份以及1985年的2角未進入流通領域,只有少量的普制與精制套裝幣發行,主要用于對外交流,這可以由80年套裝幣的說明中得到印證。該套硬幣于2000年7月1日退出流通,是目前我國唯一一套退出流通領域的硬幣。但事實上從1992年6月1日開始發行1991年版的花卉幣的時候開始,它就已經淡出了流通領域。 那么,作為一套流通硬幣,其發行年份之少,流通數量之小,流通時間之短,在我國發行的四套硬幣中是絕無僅有的。而且從現實生活方面考慮,由于它并未象其它品種那樣廣泛的在流通領域被應用,老百姓對它的記憶是很不深刻的,甚至有很多人根本就沒有見到過。因此,它僅僅是個過渡性的產物,并未真正發揮流通品種的流通職能。
Third, its circulation function is transitional. The Great Wall Currency was publicly issued by the People's Bank of China on April 15, 1980 and stopped production after 1986. It was issued for a total of 7 years. Among them, 1982, 1984, 1986 and 1985 did not enter the circulation field, only a small number of common and refined set coins were issued, mainly for foreign exchange, which can be verified by the description of 80-year set coins. This set of coins was withdrawn from circulation on July 1, 2000. It is currently the only set of coins withdrawn from circulation in China. But in fact, it has faded out of circulation since June 1, 1992, when the 1991 edition of flower coins was released. Then, as a set of coins in circulation, it is unique among the four sets of coins issued in our country in terms of the few years of issuance, the small number of coins in circulation and the short circulation time. Considering from the aspect of real life, because it has not been widely used in the circulation field as other varieties, the people's memory of it is not very deep, and even many people have not seen it at all. Therefore, it is only a transitional product and does not really play the circulation function of circulation varieties.
四是它具有劃時代的意義,擁有時代性的文字書法見證了一個時代的發生。長城1元幣是我國硬幣系列中1元的開門幣,國名和面值漢字的書寫進行了改革。國名“中華人民共和國”的華字和國字沒有沿用硬分幣中的繁體字而是采用了簡化字;面值漢字中的圓字沒有沿用第二套人民幣中的“圓”,也與第三套人民幣紙幣中的“圓”不同而采用了第四套人民幣紙幣中的“圓”。這也是當時國家文字改革的一個縮影,具有明顯的時代烙印。 值得一提的是,長城1元幣的面值表述方式只有漢字“壹圓”而沒有阿拉伯數字,這既不同于硬分幣面值的表述方式,也有別于后來的牡丹1元與菊花1元,從而也就更顯其獨領風騷的龍頭地位。 五是網上交易平臺的普及讓錢幣郵票收藏者的交易更加方便快捷。錢幣郵票交易平臺的開啟解決了錢幣郵票市場固有的買入難、賣出更難的局面,極大的提高了社會大眾參與度,將會使越來越多的社會人群接觸錢幣郵票藝術品投資領域。在錢幣郵票行業由傳統的現貨、集市貿易升級為電子化市場時,交易的便利性、安全性所導致社會人群介入的邊際效應將使錢幣郵票有大幅的升值潛力。
Fourth, it is of epoch-making significance. The writing and calligraphy of the times witnessed the occurrence of an era. The Great Wall 1 yuan coin is the opening coin of 1 yuan in our coin series. The writing of the country name and face value Chinese characters has been reformed. The Chinese and Chinese characters of the country name "People's Republic of China" do not follow the traditional Chinese characters in hard currency but simplified characters. The round character in the face value Chinese characters does not follow the "circle" in the second set of RMB, and is also different from the "circle" in the third set of RMB notes and adopts the "circle" in the fourth set of RMB notes. This is also a microcosm of the country's character reform at that time, with obvious brand of the times. It is worth mentioning that the face value of Great Wall 1 yuan coins is expressed in the Chinese character "one dollar" instead of Arabic numerals, which is different from the face value of hard-divided coins as well as later peony 1 yuan and chrysanthemum 1 yuan, thus showing its leading position. Fifth, the popularity of online trading platforms has made it easier and faster for coin and stamp collectors to trade. The opening of the coin stamp trading platform has solved the inherent difficulty in buying and selling coins and stamps, greatly improved the participation of the public, and will enable more and more people to contact the coin stamp art investment field. When the coin stamp industry is upgraded from traditional spot and fair trade to electronic market, the marginal effect of social crowd intervention caused by the convenience and security of transactions will make coin stamps have great appreciation potential.
The collection "The Great Wall Coin of 1 yuan in 81" has been properly selected and refined in terms of theme, with prominent theme. Elegant craftsmanship, vivid appearance, charm and character, can demonstrate the designer's heart-felt design for the collection. Based on the analysis of the rate of return in the postal coin market, the circulation of the collection "81 1 yuan Great Wall Coins", the historical market price and the recent quotation in the national comprehensive market, the collection has great room for appreciation and investment value.