[Collection name] South America Venezuela 2016 Monkey Year full edition commemorative banknotes
[Release Time] 2016
[Collection number] 2292
[Number of issues] 5000 sets
[Issuing Unit] South American Development Bank
[Authorized Unit] South American Reserve Foundation
[Collection Name] China and Uzbekistan established diplomatic relations for 20 weeks 60 years with a full set of banknotes
[Collection Classification] Conjoined Banknotes
[Collection number] 063
[Release time] 2012
[Issuance Recommendation] International Coin Foundation
[Collection Contents] 1, 2, 5, 10 Hryvnia four denominations of 60 full-page banknotes, International Coin Foundation authoritative recommendation certificate.
【藏品名稱】澳大利亞 45連體整版鈔
[Collection Name] Australian 45 Series Banknotes
[Collection Category] World Coupon -- Australia
[Collection number] 0009733
[Release Date] 1995
[Issuing Unit] Australian Federal Reserve Bank
【Collection Description】
The "Monkey Year Full Edition Commemorative Banknote" was issued in 2016 for the Australian Monthly Silver Reserve. The BANKNOTE has a face value of 2 Dolls. A total of 45 banknotes are connected in the full edition. The commemorative banknotes are beautifully designed and use multiple anti-counterfeiting measures to commemorate rare boutiques!
Australian Lunar Silver 45 Conjoined Monkey Year Full Edition Commemorative Banknote
[Collection Description]
每個國家(地區)的連體鈔均由該國(地區)頂級藝術大師設計制作,采用獨有的鈔票紙 和最高的防偽印刷,是當時國家(地區)政治、經濟、文化等方方面面的集中體現,具有很高的歷史和文化研究價值及收藏價值。每個連體鈔品種都是一幅世界級的 名畫。相對于畫,連體鈔的防偽性更加可靠,免除了投資和收藏的后顧之憂,這點甚至所有的世界名畫都無法比擬,再加上鈔票在廣義上叫做鈔,而不是畫,相對 畫,更加權威!單鈔也許并不大氣,但連體鈔,無論是雙連、三連、還是四連,八連、整版鈔,整版世界級名畫。澳大利亞月銀紀念鈔澳大利亞月銀紀念鈔連體鈔具 有至高的權威性。
The corporate banknotes of each country(region) were designed and produced by the top masters of the country(region), using unique BANKNOTE paper and the highest Anti-Counterfeiting printing. It was a concentrated expression of the political, economic, and cultural aspects of the country(region) at that time. It has high historical and cultural research value and collection value. Each variety of corporate banknotes is a world-class painting. Compared with paintings, the counterfeiting of corporate banknotes is more reliable, eliminating the worries of investment and collection. This is even unmatched for all world famous paintings. In addition, banknotes are called banknotes in a broad sense, not paintings., more authoritative! The single BANKNOTE may not be atmospheric, but the company BANKNOTE, whether it is double, three, or four companies, eight consecutive, full-page banknotes, full-page world-class paintings. The Australian Moonsilver Memorial Banknote The Australian Moonsilver Memorial Banknote has the highest authority.
其所有品種均由國家(地區)官方銀行或授權金融機構發行,寶誠收藏網正品供應是國家(地區)的法定貨幣,其權威性不可比擬。連體鈔具有至高的防偽性。除紀 念鈔外,絕大多數連體鈔品種中的單鈔都是流通鈔票,只不過它連在一起未裁切,很直觀,易于交易。藏品包裝澳大利亞月銀紀念鈔澳大利亞月銀紀念鈔收藏價值連 體鈔,即多張連在一起未裁切的紙幣,是供收藏、鑒賞、投資的紙幣珍品,連體鈔均為限量裝幀并溢價發行。在收藏歷史長河中,連體鈔還只是一個新生品種,但它 卻是一個成長性極好的品種。它薈萃了以往收藏品種的優點,讓人愛不釋手。
All of its varieties are issued by official banks or authorized financial institutions of the country(region). Baocheng Collection is the legal currency of the country(region) and its authority is incomparable. Conjoined banknotes have a high degree of security. With the exception of Ji Nian banknotes, most of the banknotes in the company banknotes are banknotes in circulation, but they are not cut together, they are intuitive and easy to trade. The collection packs Australian Moonsilver Memorial Banknotes Australian Moonsilver Memorial Banknotes. The banknotes that Zhanglian has not cut together are banknotes for collection, appreciation, and investment. The banknotes are limited in size and premium. issue. In the long history of the collection, Siamese banknotes are still only a new breed, but it is an excellent breed of growth. It combines the advantages of past collections and makes people love it.
[Collection Description]
澳大利亞$2 45連體整版鈔是1995年澳大利亞聯邦儲備銀行發行的一套整版鈔,是為數不多的世界整版鈔之一,目前大部分是以大部分公開招標方式出售。澳大利亞$20 45連體整版鈔以淡紅色為主色調,正面圖案是澳大利亞飛行員查爾斯·京士福特·史密斯爵士(Charles Kingsford Smith 1897-1935)、背景是五個利薩如曲線(Lissajous curves),左上角和右上角都標有“2”的字樣,左邊是英文書寫的“2 元”,上方是英文書寫的“澳大利亞”,左下角和右下角分別標有冠字和編碼。下方是Sign:Phillip與Fraser的簽名。背面圖案是澳大利亞航空發明家勞倫斯·哈格雷夫 (Lawrence Hargrave 1850-1915)、背景是哈格雷夫發明的各種飛行器,左上角和右下角分別標有“2”的字樣,上方是文字書寫的“澳大利亞”。
The Australian $2,40 serial note is a set of full-page notes issued by the Federal Reserve Bank of Australia in 1995. It is one of the few full-page notes in the world and is currently sold in most open tenders. The Australian $2 40 serial banknotes are mainly light red in color. The front pattern is Australian pilot Fute·shimisi 1897-1935 and the background is five Lisa curves. The upper left and upper right corners are marked with the words "2", the left is the "2 yuan" written in English, and the top is the "Australia" written in English. The lower left corner and the lower right corner are marked with crowns and codes respectively. Below is the signature of Sign: Phillip and Fraser. The back pattern is the Australian aviation inventor Laolunsi·hageleifu(1850-1915), and the background is the various aircraft invented by Hargreaves. The upper left corner and the lower right corner are marked with the words "2" respectively, and the upper part is written. "Australia".
[Collection Description]
1 格里夫納
1 Gelifuna
1 Hryvnia front pattern: Shengfolajimier·siweiyatuosilaweiqi
1 The opposite of Hryvnia: St. Flakimir Castle, located in Kiev, the capital of Ukraine.
2 格里夫納
2 Gelifuna
5 格里夫納
5 Gelifuna
5格里夫納反面圖案:位于Subotiv的伊斯蘭卡教堂Illinska Church
5 Hryvnia Positive Patterns: Gordan Khmelnitsky, Head of the Ukrainian Cossack
5 Hryvnia reverse pattern: Illinska Church in Subotiv
10 格里夫納
10 Gelifuna
10格里夫納正面圖案:烏克蘭哥薩克人首領伊凡·馬澤怕 Ivan Mazepa
10格里夫納反面圖案:佩喬爾斯克修道院Pechersk Monastery
10gelifuna's frontal pattern: Ukrainian Cossack leader Yifan·mazepa
10 Hryvnia reverse pattern: Peiqiaoersike
[Collecting Tibetan Value]
The "China-Uzbekistan establishment of diplomatic ties" is a commemorative edition of the commemorative banknotes issued in a limited set of limited quantities on the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Uzbekistan in 2012. It is also a corporate BANKNOTE with the theme of Chinese diplomacy. The establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Uzbekistan has deepened official exchanges and cooperation between countries with the height of "coin diplomacy". This is unprecedented in the area of coin collection and has a huge influence!
【Collection value】
1、澳大利亞$2 45連體整版鈔全球限量發行250套,是世界稀有整版鈔之一,數量的稀少遠遠滿足不了現在市場的需求,低發行量保證了這套整版鈔的保價升值。隨著時間的沉淀,保留下來的就越來越少,所以說它的升值是肯定的。
2、澳大利亞$20 45連體整版鈔是澳大利亞聯邦儲備銀行發行的,并且統一印制的還有水印收藏證書,保證了他的真實性和出處,同時也保證了它的絕對不了復制性。
1, Australia's $20 45 serial banknotes have a global limited edition of 250 sets. It is one of the world's rare full-edition banknotes. The scarcity of the number is far from meeting the needs of the current market. The low circulation guarantees the appreciation of the full-edition banknotes. With the precipitation of time, less and less remains, so its appreciation is certain.
2, Australia $20 45 serial banknotes issued by the Federal Reserve Bank of Australia, and the unified printing of watermark collection certificate, ensuring his authenticity and provenance, but also ensure that it is absolutely not replicable.
3, the company notes are mainly issued as market investment, the increase in price appreciation is increasing, is the absolute star of the future collection field. The company notes have a great advantage over stocks, funds, and other investments. The company notes are out-of-print banknotes, and they have been declining over time, and stocks and the like can continue to expand. The decreasing quantity and the combination of banknotes are themselves rare, so I am afraid that I will not be able to buy them later.
為迎接2016猴年的到來、由南美開發銀行首次發行“南美洲(委內)2016猴年整版連體紀念鈔”意義重大,鈔票面值為100CIEN BOLIVARES,整版鈔共計40枚,該鈔采用塑料又開天窗技術印制,并采用多重防偽措施,設計精美,系委內瑞拉首套生肖題材紀念鈔,升值潛力無限,是紀念鈔中不可多得的精品鈔王,限量發行5000套。
In order to welcome the arrival of the Year of the Monkey in 2016, the first issue of the "South America(South America) 2016 Monkey Year Full Edition Commemorative Banknote" by the South American Development Bank is of great significance. The face value of the banknotes is 100 CIEN BOLIVARES, a total of 40 banknotes. The banknotes are printed using plastic and open skylight technology. It also adopts multiple anti-counterfeiting measures and is beautifully designed. It is Venezuela's first set of zodiac commemorative banknotes. The potential for appreciation is unlimited. It is a rare boutique BANKNOTE king in commemorative banknotes and is limited to 5,000 sets.
咨詢熱線:周經理 17129180068【微信同號】
Consultation Hotline: Zhoujingli 1712918068[WeChat same number]