Chaotic gold, prosperous collection: COINS a group (jia you tongbao)
Specification: diameter: about 2.5cm
嘉祐通寶嘉佑元寶是北宋宋仁宗趙禎嘉祐年間(公元1056-1063年)鑄行,另有嘉祐通寶,鑄造極少,存世罕見,實屬精品品。錢文楷書、篆書二體,旋讀、光背。為小平對錢,制作稍遜,大小厚薄不等由于現在的古錢幣市場得到不斷的向前發展,而且人們對于古錢幣的收藏熱情和關注度也更高,因此嘉佑通寶的關注度也是與日俱增,雖然這種貨幣的發貨量和存世量都是極其稀少,所以有其獨有的歷史價值,得到了眾多古玩收藏家的關注和喜愛。Jiayou tongbao was cast during the reign of zhao zhenjia during the reign of renzong of the northern song dynasty (1056-1063). Qian wen regular script, seal book two body, rotary reading, light back. Xiaoping for money, make less, size, thickness varies due to the continuous development of the currency as for market now, and the collection of ancient COINS for people enthusiasm and attention is also higher, so scarlett on TongBao is increasing, while the currency of the shipments and number are extremely scarce, so has its unique historical value and got the attention of many antique collectors and love.
嘉祐通寶目前的市場價值依然達到很高的層次,古錢幣介紹:這種貨幣鑄造于北宋嘉佑年間,因為當時鑄造的數量極少,現今流傳下來的數量不過百,可以算是古錢幣中的罕見品。因為古錢幣市場的不斷發展,導致各種錢幣的價格一直高居不下,但是整體的市場行情還是非常好的,可以算的上是小額投資者的重要投資對象。At present, the market value of tongbao of jiayou still reaches a very high level. The introduction of ancient COINS: this kind of money was minted in the period of jiayou of the northern song dynasty. Due to the continuous development of the ancient coin market, the price of various COINS has been high, but the overall market is still very good, can be counted as an important investment object for small investors.
Specifications: diameter: about 2.5cm, total weight: about 14.73g
并且此組錢幣還帶有清朝時期的錢幣,可謂一舉兩得,清朝錢幣于現在還是有相對于比較大的意義價值,畢竟是鄰近現代的最近一個朝代。And this group of COINS also with the qing dynasty COINS, can be said to kill two birds with one stone, the qing dynasty COINS in the present is still relatively large meaning value, after all, is the nearest modern dynasty.
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