智和文化——中山陵紀念幣 精品推薦
中山陵紀念幣由維也納造幣廠總雕刻師普拉特操刀雕刻模具,并由南京造幣廠試制。該幣采用淺浮雕手法制模,人物面像栩栩如生,雙眼炯炯有神。幣面鐫“孫中山先生”正面肖像;上緣從右至左環鐫“中華民國國民政府”八字;幣背面左邊鐫“兩松柏掩映落日霞光”;右邊鐫“陵墓”紋飾;中豎鐫幣值“壹圓”二字;下緣鐫“十六年造”四字。此版幣從陵園背景紋飾構圖看,充分表達了“孫中山”先生“雖死猶存,永垂不朽”之意。此枚錢幣重26.1g 直徑3.9cm包漿老厚 品相完好。據1935年環球郵幣公司出版的《中國稀見幣參考書》記載該幣當年的鑄造量僅100枚,如今這類銀質樣幣的收藏價值極高。
The Sun Yat-sen Memorial Coin was carved by Pratt, the general sculptor of the Vienna Mint, and was trial-produced by the Nanjing Mint Factory. The coin uses a bas-relief hand-made model, with vivid characters and vivid eyes. The front portrait of "Mr. Sun Yat-sen" is engraved on the face of the coin; The upper edge is from the right to the left ring of the "National Government of the Republic of China"; On the back of the coin, the left side of the coin is engraved with "two pine cypresses to cover the sunset light"; The right side is decorated with "mausoleums"; The word "<UNK> <UNK>" in the vertical value; The lower edge of the temple is "made in 16 years". This edition of the coin, viewed from the background decoration composition of the cemetery, fully expresses the meaning of Mr. Sun Yat-sen's "death is still alive and immortal." This coin weighs 26.1 g in diameter and has a good quality of 3.9 cm. According to the "China Rare Coin Reference Book" published by Universal Mail in 1935, only 100 coins were minted in that year. Today, the collection value of such silver samples is extremely high.
Collection name: Sun Yat-sen Memorial Coin
This treasure is temporarily placed in "Sichuan Zhihe Cultural Development Co., Ltd." intending to contact the company directly!
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