智和文化——第三套人民幣 精品推薦
10元券:10元券正面為 “人民代表步出大會堂”圖,象征人民參政議政,當家做主人,背面以紅色牡丹花和彩帶襯托天安門,象征偉大祖國的富強和團結;主色黑色。俗稱“大團結”。
5元券: 5元券正面為煉鋼工人圖,象征工業以鋼為綱,背面為國徽露天煤礦,象征發展能源工業;主色深棕色。
1元券: 兩羅馬1元券一張。1元券正面為女拖拉機手圖,象征農業為基礎;背面圖案為國徽、放牧圖,象征發展畜牧業;主色深紅色。
5角券: 正面為紡織廠生產圖;背面圖案為國徽、棉花和梅花,主色青蓮色。
2角券 :正面為武漢長江大橋;背面圖案為國徽、牡丹花,主色墨綠色。
1角券:有2張正面原為為"干部參加勞動"圖景,后改為"教育與生產勞動相結合"的圖景; 背面圖案為國徽、菊花,主色調共有棗紅色、深棕、淺綠、醬紫、桔黃五種。
Since the issuance of the third set of renminbi in the 1960s, it has been circulating until the early 2000s. It is the longest circulation of RMB so far and has played an important role in promoting economic development. A total of 7 denominations, 8 original versions, and 9 kinds of vouchers can be subdivided into at least 30 species according to the crown number, printing process, and BANKNOTE paper.10 yuan vouchers: The front of the 10 yuan vouchers is a map of the "People's Representatives stepping out of the General Assembly Hall", symbolizing that the people participate in politics and discuss politics, and they are masters. On the back, Tiananmen Square is set off with red Peony flowers and ribbons, symbolizing the prosperity and unity of the great motherland; The main color is black. Commonly known as "great solidarity."5 yuan vouchers: The front of the 5 yuan vouchers is a map of steelmaking workers, symbolizing that the industry is based on steel, and the back is the National emblem of the open coal mine, symbolizing the development of the energy industry; The main color is dark brown.2 yuan vouchers: The front is a lathe worker map, symbolizing that the industry is dominant, and the back is the National emblem and oil mine, symbolizing the development of the energy industry; Main color dark green, five-star watermark.One voucher: one voucher for two Romans. The front of the 1 yuan voucher is a female tractor hand map, symbolizing the basis of agriculture; The back pattern is the National emblem and grazing map, symbolizing the development of animal husbandry; The main color is dark red.5 corner vouchers: The front is a textile factory production map; The back pattern is the National emblem, cotton and plum blossom, and the main color is green Lotus.2 corner vouchers: The front is Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge; The back pattern is the National emblem, Peony flower, the main color is dark green.1 voucher: two positive images of the former "Cadre participation in labour" and later of the "combination of education and productive Labour"; The back pattern is the National emblem and chrysanthemum. The main colors are jujube red, dark brown, light green, sauce purple, and orange yellow.
Collection name: Third set of RMB
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