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1866年,英國為驅(qū)逐鷹洋,在香港造幣廠鑄造發(fā)行了一套香港銀幣,一元的正面是維多利亞女王像,上下英文“VICTORIAQUEEN(維多利亞女王)”,背面中央壽字紋,旁有英文“香港一元ONE DOLLAR HONGKONG”,下為紀(jì)年。因香港銀元的成色低于鷹洋,需折扣使用,難以廣泛推廣。1868年香港造幣廠倒閉,設(shè)備轉(zhuǎn)售于日本。香港銀幣僅鑄200萬元。該幣俗成“香洋”。這便是站洋幣的前身,這期間又連續(xù)鑄造了不同版別的站洋幣,逐漸完善,并在國內(nèi)流通。到了1895年,英國政府利用印度的孟買、加爾各答的造幣廠鑄造了新的貿(mào)易銀元,俗稱“站人”。





此站洋幣銀元正面中央是一持戟、盾的武士,站立岸頭,傲視世界。左手持米字盾牌,右手執(zhí)三叉戟,意為能攻能守,戰(zhàn)無不勝。上端在武士左右有英文幣值“ONE DOLLAR(一元)”,下有紀(jì)年;背面中央為壽字紋,上下為中文“壹圓”,左右為馬來文“壹圓”。其品相保存完好,包漿入骨,極具收藏價(jià)值。




1906年也就是光緒三十二年, 清政府處戶部又奏請(qǐng)朝廷, 擬將當(dāng)時(shí)全國24處銅元局, 酌量歸并為九處,除臣部所設(shè)總廠外,擬以山東歸并直隸為一廠,湖南歸并湖北為一廠,江西、安徽、江蘇、清江并歸江寧一廠,浙江歸并福建為一廠, 廣西歸并廣東為一廠。合奉天、河南、 四川、云南四廠,共九處, 皆歸臣部統(tǒng)轄,調(diào)劑盈虛, 彼此均可勻撥。”在歸并銅元局得以順利實(shí)施的同時(shí),又限定各省每日鑄造銅元數(shù)額,以避免重蹈濫造的覆轍。此后,清政府將戶部改稱“度支部”,命各省造幣廠改稱度支部造幣分廠,欲統(tǒng)而治之,鞏固中央造幣集權(quán)。

1911年(宣統(tǒng)三年)又推出一套新銅元, 仍稱“大清銅幣”, 計(jì)有二十文、 十文、五文和二文、一文五種,五文以上鑄有制錢和銀元互換值, 以補(bǔ)第一套新銅元之不足。但這一幣制改革方案,還未來得及全面實(shí)施(只有十文和一文銅元進(jìn)入流通領(lǐng)域),便爆發(fā)了辛亥革命,清朝滅亡。





民國后期銅元主要指民國二十五年(1936)至民國三十八年(1949)。民國中期后幾年,各地軍閥逐步走向衰落,國民黨政府開始了統(tǒng)一幣制控制金融的進(jìn)程。這一時(shí)期國民黨政府主要發(fā)行紙幣,銅元輔幣逐漸被鎳幣所代替。發(fā)行的銅元主要有黨徽布圖分幣等。解放前夕,貴州、綏遠(yuǎn)還發(fā)行了地方銅元,但只是曇花一現(xiàn)。 至此,銅元走完了其短暫的歷程,逐漸退出流通領(lǐng)域。





圖中中間一枚為戶部丙午年當(dāng)十的大清銅幣,錢幣正面珠圈內(nèi)鈐有“大清銅幣”四字,幣心凸起處能看出有一東字,乃是省的簡稱;珠圈外上環(huán)滿文,滿文左右有干支紀(jì)年“丙午”字樣,左右分列“戶部”二字,注明由此幣的發(fā)行部門;下環(huán)鑄“當(dāng)制錢十文”字樣,標(biāo)明其幣值, 錢幣背面中央為部頒大清龍圖案,龍身紋路精美,威風(fēng)凜凜。藏品雖經(jīng)歷了無窮歲月,但紋路依然清晰可見,也見證了其歷史的積淀,具有非常明顯的歷史過渡性特征,有著難以言喻的價(jià)值。



圖中左側(cè)為戶部巳酉年度支部川版的大清銅幣,錢幣正面珠圈內(nèi)鈐有“大清銅幣”四字,幣心凸起處依稀能看出有一川字,乃是四川省的簡稱;珠圈外上環(huán)滿文,滿文左右有干支紀(jì)年“巳酉”字樣,左右分列“度支部”二字,注明由此幣的發(fā)行部門;錢幣下鈐有幣值當(dāng)制錢十文”字樣。 中央為大清龍圖案,神龍威武,遒勁有力,皇族尊貴氣息一覽無余。錢幣背面上環(huán)“光緒年造”字樣,左右下環(huán)英文,表現(xiàn)出了當(dāng)時(shí)的國際政治、經(jīng)濟(jì)、文化的交融,極具歷史意義。












Understand the history of modern coin development from station foreign coin to double flag coin

In 1866, in order to drive out the yingyang, Britain minted and issued a set of HONGKONG silver COINS in the HONGKONG mint. The front of one yuan was a picture of queen Victoria with the English word "queen Victoria" on the front and the Chinese word "queen Victoria" on the back.Because the quality of Hong Kong silver dollar is lower than yingyang, need discount use, it is difficult to widely promote.The Hong Kong mint closed in 1868 and the equipment was resold in Japan.Hong Kong silver COINS were minted for only 2 million yuan.This coin is commonly known as "fragrant foreign currency".This is the station currency predecessor, during this period and continuous casting of different editions of the station currency, gradually perfect, and in domestic circulation.In 1895, the British government used the mints of Bombay and kolkata in India to mint new trade silver dollars, commonly known as "standers".

Recently, tianyi culture was lucky to collect a station foreign currency;

This station silver dollar front center is a halberd, shield warrior, standing on the shore head, proud of the world.In his left hand he holds the meter shield, and in his right hand he holds the trident.At the top of the warriors around the English currency "ONE DOLLAR", under the ji nian;On the back of the central character for longevity, up and down for the Chinese "one round", left and right for the Malay "one round".The product phase is well preserved, the patina into the bone, extremely valuable for collection.

After entering our country, "stanren" silver dollar began to circulate in guangdong and guangxi. Because of its exquisite production and high silver content, it was deeply loved by merchants and people.The British government saw that "standing man" silver dollars were profitable in China, so it minted and imported a lot.Before long, "standing people" silver COINS were used in most parts of China, especially in Beijing and tianjin.At that time, in China's circulation of foreign currency, "people" silver dollar has accounted for a large proportion, making China's silver flow into Britain, the economic and trade interests suffered serious damage.As a kind of historical carrier, "standing people" silver dollar records the humiliating history of Chinese people being oppressed politically and exploited economically after the opium war.The study of foreign currency in circulation in China is of great significance to our understanding of the crimes of foreign powers using silver dollar trade, plundering Chinese wealth, enhancing patriotism and contributing to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Qing copper coin casting began in 1900, which was the 26th year of guangxu reign of the qing dynasty. However, due to the unrestrained use of copper COINS by the casting Banks in various provinces, the general coining factory of the ministry of household established by the qing government in tianjin in 1905, the 31st year of guangxu reign, began to cast new copper COINS.The main purpose is to rectify and unify the currency system, trying to nationalize the minting right and strengthen the control.

In 1906, that is, the thirty-second year of guangxu qing government in fact play again please the court, copper coin bureau will 24 in the country, whether incorporated into nine, except I department set up factory in shandong merge zhili province as a factory, hunan merge hubei as a factory, jiangxi, anhui, jiangsu, qingjiang and jiangning factory, zhejiang merge fujian as a factory, guangxi merge into a factory in guangdong.He fengtian, henan, sichuan, yunnan four factories, a total of nine, are under the jurisdiction of the ministry, adjust surplus and deficiency, each other can be evenly distributed.In addition to the successful implementation of the amalgamation of the copper yuan bureau, it also limited the amount of copper yuan minted in each province every day, so as to avoid repeating the mis-making.After that, the qing government will be renamed "department branch", ordered the provinces to change the name of the mint branch coinage branch factory, to unify and govern, consolidate the central coinage centralization.

In 1911 (the third year of xuantong), a new set of copper yuan was introduced, which was still called "qing copper COINS". There were five kinds of copper COINS, including 20 COINS, 10 COINS, 5 COINS and 2 COINS.However, before the reform of the currency system was fully implemented (only ten articles and one copper dollar entered circulation), the revolution of 1911 broke out and the qing dynasty fell.

Casting began in 1900 (the twenty-sixth year of guangxu reign of the qing dynasty) and ended in 1911 (the third year of xuantong reign).Due to its elegant layout, excellent carving, and extremely rare quantity in the world, the guangxu year household department of the qing dynasty copper COINS was named as one of the top ten famous COINS in modern China.

After the victory of the 1911 revolution in early 1912, the qing emperor abdicated the throne and the republic of China was established.Then opened the founding COINS of the republic of China, sun yat-sen COINS, and so on, and the republic of China period COINS in three periods, respectively is the early, middle and late.

Early republic of China copper yuan mainly refers to the first year of the republic of China (1912) to the seventh year of the republic of China (1918).Its types include "founding COINS", "republic COINS" and copper COINS of the republic of China with provincial names.During this period, the mixed circulation of new copper yuan and old copper yuan in late qing dynasty further aggravated the chaos of copper yuan.

The middle period of the republic of China refers to the period from the eighth year of the republic of China (1919) to the 24th year of the republic of China (1935).During this period, the chaos of the domestic copper yuan reached its climax.Regional division of the copper land circulation is obviously regional, circulate on the market not only has all kinds of copper coin in the qing dynasty, the republic of China, all kinds of copper coin, individual regions also circulation large amount of copper coin, as most of sichuan, hubei, henan local circulation fifty to two hundred, the large amount of copper coin, the revolutionary base areas and the leadership of the communist party issued a copper coin, puppet army regime is also released copper coin in areas they control.As a result, the copper COINS of this period were very diverse and chaotic.

The latter period of the republic of China mainly refers to the 25 years of the republic of China (1936) to the 38 years of the republic of China (1949).In the middle and later years of the republic of China, warlords around the country gradually declined, the kuomintang government began to unify the currency system to control the process of finance.During this period, the kuomintang government mainly issued paper money, and copper COINS were gradually replaced by nickels.The copper COINS issued mainly include the party emblem layout cents and so on.Before liberation, guizhou, suiyuan also issued local copper yuan, but only a flash in the pan.At this point, the copper yuan finished its short course and gradually withdrew from circulation.

Recently, tianyi culture was lucky to collect a group of COINS;

In the middle of the picture, there is a big clear copper coin in the year of the third noon of the hubu, with the four words "big clear copper coin" inscribed inside the bead circle on the front of the coin, and the east character can be seen on the raised part of the coin center, which is the abbreviation of the province.The outer ring of the pearl ring manchu, manwen around the dry zhi ji year "three noon" words, around the division of "ministry" two words, indicating the issuing department of this coin;The lower ring is cast "ten words when making money", indicating the value of the coin, the back of the central ministry issued dragon patterns, dragon body fine lines, majestic.Although the collection has gone through endless years, the lines are still clearly visible and witness the accumulation of its history. It has a very obvious transitional feature of history and is of indescribable value.

On the left side of the picture is the qing dynasty copper coin in sichuan edition of the si you annual branch of the ministry of household. It is inscribed with "qing dynasty copper coin" on the front of the bead circle.The outer ring of the pearl ring manwen, manwen around a dry branch ji year "si you" words, around the division of "degree branch" two words, indicating the issuance of this currency department;Under the money, it shall have the words "the price shall be ten words".The central dragon design for the big qing dynasty, the dragon power, the powerful, the royal noble breath glance.On the back of the coin ring "guangxu nian made" words, left and right under the ring of English, showing the integration of international politics, economy, culture, extremely historical significance.

Right for a Chinese coin when ZhiQian twenty flag double coin, positive bead ring bells with spikes of golden harvest grain around 12 which, eagle has twenty words among samples, the back bead circle among engrave has five-color flag and 18 flag, pearl ring ring engrave the coppers, after so long time washs practice and dian lung displacement, the overall wrapped slurry, perfect appearance intact, very not easy, but treasures.

Copper issue currency in our country before and after half a century, however, in the long history of China's currency is just a very brief moment, but China's copper coin witnessed the evolution from the Chinese feudal society for the history process of the semi-feudal and semi-colonial society, is our country modern monetary history and an important part of numismatics, unique historical significance.This piece is exquisite in design, exquisite in workmanship, reasonable in layout, distinct in layering and exquisite in craftsmanship. Although the coin is small, it can reflect the social and cultural characteristics of the time.

Understanding, through the study of this set of COINS can be screened out the rise and fall of China's modern history, economic, financial and vicissitudes of life, but only a coin is extremely scarce, especially rare on the market at present, the material and high artistic value, made of precious metal or silver alloy casting, beautifully made, design elegant, handsome, rich in content, its appearance but person, is a collection and investment in one of the valuable high-quality goods!In the overall stable trend of continuous upward trend of the currency market, with a certain value and appreciation function.

This collection is now operated and promoted by hunan tianyi culture co., LTD. Network marketing specialist, limited pictures, welcome all collectors through the major media and welcome to contact the company visit to understand the details, if you want to purchase, in advance to deal with the relevant procedures to negotiate with the company.

The deal of a collect cannot leave advertisement propaganda!Since its establishment, the group has always been adhering to the service principle of "openness, fairness, justice, honesty and trustworthiness", doing the most practical publicity, the highest end of the platform, enjoy the best service.

Special tips :(the above collection holders trust us to sell sincerely, welcome collectors from all walks of life to consult or bid, pictures are taken in kind, if you have any questions, you can make an appointment to see the kind in advance) hunan tianyi culture co., LTD












標(biāo)簽:錢幣 淺談 背景 站洋幣到雙旗幣



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