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盛世收藏精品推薦 雞血玉原石

成都博古軒拍賣有限公司【藏.薦】欄 為藏品強大的傳播效應向各位買家推薦經國家一級鑒定專家甄選的藝術珍品,為藏家牽線搭橋,讓千百件藝術珍品價值被發掘與重視,在拍賣會上得以高價成交。

Chengdu Boguxuan Auction Co., Ltd. [Tibet. Recommendation] column recommends art treasures selected by experts at the first level of national appraisal to buyers for the powerful dissemination effect of the collection. It helps collectors to bridge the gap, so that the value of thousands of art treasures can be excavated and valued, and high prices can be concluded at the auction.



  【類別】 雜項

【規格】長80mm60mm36mm 276g



[Name] Jixue jade original stone

[Category] miscellaneous

specification Length 80mm width 60mm thickness 36mm weight 276g

Show the price2600000.00 CNY


此件雞血玉原石重276g,質地細密、滋潤而細膩,可雕琢掛件、飾品、擺件、印鈕等,充分發揮顏色的特點與文化的魅力,具有很好的雕琢加工性能及觀賞價值和收藏價值。近年來雞血玉原石的價格上漲非常瘋狂,從幾萬元到幾十萬元,甚至到幾千萬元,一塊塊好料成為藏家們眼中的搶手貨。大體而言,三年之間雞血玉的價格漲幅大約上升了幾十倍。以目前市場狀況而言,雞血玉最暢銷的品種就是原石和印章。現在市面上好的雞血玉原石越來越少,一般的雞血石印章價位都比較高,可如果是原石,體積較大,還有血色呈現陽脂狀態和鮮紅的一般都在每克萬元以上的價位。雞血玉原石僅在中國有發現,收藏價值很高,而且現在辰砂(汞礦)的開采已近尾聲,所以出產的雞血玉原石產量相當有限,市場價值更是不可限量!The original stone of jiexiyu weighs 276g, and its texture is fine, moist and delicate, which can be used to carve pendants, ornaments, ornaments, buttons, etc., giving full play to the charm of color and culture, with good carving and processing performance, ornamental value and collection value. In recent years, the price of jixue jade raw stone is very crazy, from tens of thousands of yuan to hundreds of thousands of yuan, even to tens of millions of yuan, a piece of good material has become a hot item in the eyes of collectors. Generally speaking, the price increase of jixue jade increased by dozens of times in three years. With the current market situation, jixue jade is the most popular variety is the original stone and seal. Now on the market good jixue jade raw stone is less and less, the general jixue stone seal price is relatively high, but if it is the original stone, the volume is larger, and the blood color presents Yang fat state and bright red are generally in the price of more than ten thousand yuan per gram. Jixue jade original stone is only found in China, high collection value, and now chensha (mercury mine) mining has come to an end, so the production of jixue jade original stone is quite limited, the market value is not limited!


對于國內外乃至整個亞洲的藝術品市場都有通透的掌握,對市場行情有準確分析報告,以供我們對藏品的市場行情的把握。致力追求高成交率,我們堅信,只有高成交率才有高的信譽才有長遠的未來,聚全球華商財力,定向委托搜天下資深藏家寶物。媒體宣傳和網絡展拍結合,打造立體的宣傳模式。文物鑒定專家的鼎力相助,國內外高端優質客戶的雄厚實力為保障。搭建業內規模巨大,特色鮮明的拍賣市場,成就強王者級藝術品We have a clear grasp of the art market at home and abroad and even the whole Asia, and an accurate analysis report of the market conditions, so as to provide us with a grasp of the market conditions of our collections. Committed to the pursuit of high turnover rate, we firmly believe that only high turnover rate has a high reputation can have a long-term future, gather global Chinese businessmen financial resources, directional commission search world senior collectors treasures. Media publicity and online exhibition photography combined to create a three-dimensional publicity model. With the help of cultural relic appraisal experts, the strong strength of domestic and foreign high-end high-quality customers is guaranteed. Build a large scale, distinctive auction market in the industry, achievement of strong king art


此藏品現交于成都博古軒拍賣有限公司網絡市場部專員運作推廣,歡迎各位蒞臨本公司賞析及協商,廣大收藏家可以通過各大媒體以及歡迎到公司了解詳情,如需意向購買,提前辦理好相關手續過來公司協商。一件藏品的成交離不開廣告宣傳!本公司以自成立以來,始終秉承“公開,公平,公正,誠實,守信”的服務原則,相關資質齊全,做最實在的宣傳,上最高端的平臺,享受最好的服務。特別提示:(以上藏品持寶人托我司誠意出售、歡迎各界收藏家咨詢或出價,圖片均為實物拍攝,若有疑問可預約我司觀看實物)成都博古軒拍賣有限公司。This collection is now handed over to chengdu boguxuan auction co., LTD. Network marketing commissioner operation promotion, welcome you to visit the company appreciation and consultation, the majority of collectors can be through the major media and welcome to the company to understand the details, if you want to purchase, in advance to deal with the relevant procedures to the company to negotiate. The deal of a collect cannot leave advertisement propaganda! Since its establishment, the company has been adhering to the service principle of "open, fair, just, honest, trustworthy", with complete relevant qualifications, to do the most practical publicity, the highest end of the platform, enjoy the best service. Special tips :(the above collection holders trust us to sell sincerely, welcome collectors from all walks of life to consult or bid, pictures are taken in kind, if you have any questions, you can make an appointment with us to see the kind) chengdu boguxuan auction co., LTD.





標簽:盛世 收藏 精品 推薦 雞血玉原石



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