【Name】 One, two, three sets of Jintiaojinian
【 Specification】 Set
【 Total Quality】 618.48 g
【Release Time】 April 2017
【Specification】 contains a total of 81 pieces, 25 gold bars are 16 * 32mm; 27 pieces are 19 * 38mm; All 29 were 20 * 40mm
【Gold content】 Au999
【Category】 Coins
《藏品描述》:一個國家的貨幣,見證了其不同發展階段的歷史,反映出當時的政治、經濟和社會的真實風貌,因而有著“國家名片”的美譽。特由中國收藏家協會權威出品發行《中華人民共和國第一、二、三套人民幣紀念金條大全套》 ,首次面向全國限量發行。
"Description of Collection": The currency of a country has witnessed the history of its different stages of development, reflecting the true features of politics, economy, and society at that time, and therefore has a reputation as a "national business card." The "People's Republic of China's First, Second, and Third Sets of Jinianjintiao" was issued by the authoritative Chinese Collectors Association and was issued for the first time for the National limited edition.
該套藏品共81枚,此套金條正反面圖案由工業、農業、商業、紡織、交通、運輸、工廠和礦山等當時經濟建設和新社會人們生活的圖組成,完整真實記錄的人民幣圖案與熠熠生輝的黃金相映相輝,再現了第一、二、三套人民幣的真實歷史意義、地位及作用,生動展現出我國解放事業及人們的政治、生活、文化、社會百態,使人們再次領略到在共產黨的領導下,全國各族人民齊心協力、艱苦奮斗、自力更生建設新中國、新社會的如火如荼激情歲月。25枚金條規格均為16x32毫米;27枚金條規格均為19x38毫米, 29枚金條規格均為20x40毫米,含金量Au999;
This collection includes:
(1) The collection consists of 81 pieces. This set of gold bars consists of industrial, agricultural, commercial, textile, transportation, transportation, factory and mining drawings of the economic construction at that time and the lives of people in the new society. The complete and true record of the renminbi is reflected in the shining gold, recreating the true historical significance, status and role of the first, second and third sets of the renminbi, and vividly demonstrating China's liberation cause and people's political, life, cultural and social States. Let people once again appreciate that under the leadership of the Communist Party, the people of all ethnic groups in the country have made concerted efforts, worked hard, and relied on themselves to build a new China and a new society. 25 gold bars with a specification of 16 x 32 mm; 27 gold bar specifications are 19 X 38 mm, 29 gold bar specifications are 20 x 40 mm, gold content Au999;
(2) Casting using gold and international advanced techniques
(3) Use high-end pear wooden box packaging.
The collection has great historical value, commemorative value and collection value.
咨詢熱線:周經理 17129180068【微信同號】
Consultation Hotline: Zhoujingli 1712918068[WeChat same number]