Exploring Ancient Silver Ornaments
“穿金戴銀”自古以來就是中華兒女對于美好生活的一種物化表現,金銀飾品,特別是銀飾,在中國的歷史源遠流長,可以追溯到三千多年前的商周時期。"Wearing gold and silver" has been a kind of materialized expression of Chinese children for a better life since ancient times. Gold and silver jewelry, especially silver jewelry, has a long history in China, which can be traced back to the Shang and Zhou Dynasties more than 3,000 years ago.
文革時抄家所得的老銀飾物,用白皮鉛桶一桶桶運來,集中熔煉制成銀磚。因為銀飾有邊邊角角,戴著手套都會刺手,師傅們便先用火槍噴燒使邊角熔縮,再統一熔煉。上世紀七八十年代,一度風行將銀飾拿到金店換取黃金首飾的潮流,也將不少老銀飾品送進了熔爐。八十年代末以來中國的城市化進程,鄉村傳統習俗被改變,機械化代替了手工業,更將銀飾進一步推上絕路。所以現在對老銀飾物的收藏,不啻為一種傳統文化與工藝的搶救,老銀飾品的價值應該被重新發現和肯定。During the Cultural Revolution, old silver ornaments obtained by copying from families were transported in barrels of white leather lead barrels and centrally melted into silver bricks. Because silver ornaments have edges and corners, gloves will stab the hand, the teachers will first use guns to burn the edges and corners to melt, and then unified smelting. In the 1970s and 1980s, the trend of taking silver jewelry to gold shops in exchange for gold jewelry was once popular, and many old silver jewelry were also sent into the furnace. In the process of urbanization in China since the late 1980s, traditional rural customs have been changed, mechanization has replaced the handicraft industry, and silver jewelry has been further pushed to a dead end. Therefore, the collection of old silver jewelry is no less a rescue of traditional culture and craft, and the value of old silver jewelry should be rediscovered and affirmed.
清代銀手鐲。手鐲,用金、銀、玉等制成,套在手腕上的環形裝飾品。按結構,一般分為兩種:一是封閉式圓環,以玉石材料為多;二是有端口或數個鏈片,以金屬材料居多。手鐲是人們最早萌生的一種朦朧的愛美意識,舊石器時代后期已有之,有許多中外出土實物可證。至明清乃至民國,以金鑲嵌寶石的手鐲盛行不衰,同時,在飾品的款式造型上、工藝制作上都有了很大發展。Silver bracelets of the Qing Dynasty. Bracelets, made of gold, silver and jade, are circular ornaments worn on wrists. According to the structure, it is generally divided into two kinds: one is closed ring, mostly made of jade; the other is with ports or several chains, mostly made of metal materials. Bracelets are a kind of hazy aesthetic consciousness which was first sprouted by people. They existed in the late Paleolithic Age, and many objects unearthed at home and abroad can be testified. By Ming and Qing Dynasties and even the Republic of China, gold-inlaid gemstone bracelets were in vogue. At the same time, they had made great progress in jewelry style and craftsmanship.
清末社會動蕩,民國戰爭連連,外加文革時期“四破舊”,導致其存世量稀少,收藏價值也愈見提升。手鐲的作用大體分為三個方面:一是彰顯身份,突出個性;二是美化肢體;三是保健身體。手鐲一般佩戴在左手上,鑲寶石手鐲應貼在手腕上,不鑲嵌寶石的,可松松戴在腕部。只有成對的手鐲才能左右腕同時佩戴。The social turbulence in the late Qing Dynasty, the continuous wars of the Republic of China and the "four dilapidations" during the Cultural Revolution resulted in the scarcity of its stock and the increasing value of its collection. The role of bracelets is generally divided into three aspects: first, to highlight identity and personality; second, to beautify the limbs; third, to protect the body. Bracelets are usually worn on the left hand, gem-inlaid bracelets should be attached to the wrist, not gem-inlaid bracelets, loosely worn on the wrist. Only pairs of bracelets can be worn on both wrists.
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