Rhinoceros horn penholder
規格:高(L):12.4cm 寬(W):7.9cm,重(N):551.9 g
社會信息,而這些信息是任何一件其他的器物所無法取代的。The Chinese nation has a history of more than five thousand years. In this long history, through wisdom and hands, our ancestors have created countless exotic treasures for us. They are the cultural heritage and precious objects left to us by our ancestors. There are countless historical, cultural and social information deposited on it, which can not be replaced by any other object.
此犀牛角筆筒造型規整圓潤,取犀角中段倒刻而成,角質堅硬;口部和足部無劃痕缺口,底部全切,手工雕刻,工藝精湛,犀牛角本身就透露著一股黑色紋理的自然美,經過大師的精雕細刻立刻變得名貴起來。The rhinoceros horn pencil barrel is regular and round in shape. It is carved upside down from the middle part of the rhinoceros horn and has a hard horn. There are no scratches on the mouth and feet. The bottom is cut completely. It is hand-carved and exquisite. The rhinoceros horn itself reveals the natural beauty of a black texture. After careful carving by the master, the rhinoceros horn becomes precious immediately.
犀牛角不僅有很高的欣賞價值,還保持著本身的藥用功效,是一件價值極高的藏品。如今在市場上能夠看到的用動物犄角做的器物已經幾乎絕跡,無論是犀牛角還是象牙所制的藏品價格一路攀升,然而真品確是難得一見,這類藏品無論是欣賞、實用價值都極高;在收藏界備受青睞。Rhinoceros horn not only has high appreciation value, but also maintains its own medicinal efficacy. It is a highly valuable collection. Nowadays, animal horns are almost extinct in the market. The prices of rhinoceros horns and ivory collections are rising all the time. However, the real ones are rare. They are of great value both in appreciation and in practice. They are very popular in the collection circle.
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