Name of Collection: Chicken Blood Stone
藏品規格:重量:760g 直徑:12.5/8.5
Collection specifications: weight: 760g diameter: 12.5/8.5
Chicken blood stone is the ground stone of Cinnabar strip. It is named after Cinnabar (cinnabar), which is bright red and looks like chicken blood. Chicken blood stone is juxtaposed with Shoushan stone, Qingtian stone and Balin stone, enjoying the laudatory name of "four national stones" in China. Mainly used as seal or craft carving materials. Chicken blood stone, one of China's four major national stones, has received much attention from people through the ages because of its brilliant red color like chicken blood. In recent years, the output of chicken blood stone is very limited due to the over-exploitation of the vein of chicken blood stone. However, the scarcity of food and the scarcity of output have caused the price of chicken blood stone to rise and soar all the way, hence the expression "one gram of chicken blood and three grams of gold".
With the passage of time, the output has become increasingly scarce and the demand has not decreased. Similar Jixueshi ore has also been found in Balinyou Banner, Chifeng City, Inner Mongolia. Therefore, this kind of Jixueshi is also known as bahrain bloodstone. In the 1990s, bloodstone was also found in Shaanxi, Gansu, Sichuan, Hunan, Yunnan and other places. Many people know that Chang Fossil, Shoushan Stone, Qingtian Stone and Balin Stone are called "Sitaifu Stone" in traditional materials for printing. In the past, chicken blood stone once appeared as a fine and expensive variety among Changhua fossils. Its mining has a history of more than 1,000 years and is mainly used to make seals, carve handicrafts and appreciate original stones. In the Ming Dynasty, Changhua Chicken Blood Stone became a tribute to the imperial palace. Since the Qing Dynasty, many emperors have chosen Changhua Chicken Blood Stone to make imperial seals.
此雞血石重760克, 基本保持原石形態,充滿王者霸氣。磨開面的血色在半透明狀的底子上呈現出豐富的層次變化,猶如天空流動的火燒云。該石鮮紅純正,晶瑩欲滴,點點入石,彷如黑暗中燃燒的火焰,艷麗奪目,光彩照人,幾縷白色夾雜其間,增添了幾分靈動與俏皮,尤為悅心養眼。其色彩艷紅如雞血,視覺沖擊強烈的夕陽紅與基質相映,給人以強烈的視覺效果。該石集上乘雞血石所具有的優秀品質于一身,集觀賞性與實用性于一體,極具收藏價值。
The chicken blood stone weighs 760 grams, basically maintaining its original shape and full of king's domineering. The color in the ground surface presents rich gradation changes on the translucent foundation, just like the fire clouds flowing in the sky. The stone is bright red and pure, glittering and translucent, and points into the stone like a burning flame in the dark. It is gorgeous, dazzling and radiant. A few wisps of white mingle with it, adding some flexibility and playfulness, especially pleasing to the heart and eyes. Its color is brilliant red like chicken blood, and the strong visual impact of sunset red is reflected with the matrix, giving people a strong visual effect. This stone combines the excellent quality of the superior chicken blood stone, and integrates the ornamental and practical features, thus having great collection value.
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