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  2019 private boutique recommendation; Double flag currency

  陜西省西安市唐藝藝術品有限公司【藏.薦】欄 為藏品強大的傳播效應向各位買家推薦經國家一級鑒定專家甄選的藝術珍品,為藏家牽線搭橋,讓千百件藝術珍品價值被發掘與重視,在拍賣會上得以高價成交。

  Xi 'an tang yi art works co., LTD. [zang.jian] column for the collection of strong dissemination effect to recommend to all buyers by the national experts selected art treasures, for collectors matchmaking, let thousands of art treasures value was discovered and attention, in the auction to clinch a deal at a high price


  【規格】1:直徑:32.85mm 重:10.4g 2:直徑:28.24mm 重:6.8g 3:直徑:31.9mm 重:9.7g


  Double flag coin

  1: diameter: 32.85mm weight: 10.4g 2: diameter: 28.24mm weight: 6.8g 3: diameter: 31.9mm weight: 9.7g

  [category] money

  1910年12月29 日,經辛亥革命后,已光復的17省代表在南京推選孫中山為中華民國臨時大總統。1912年1月3日,中華民國政府宣告成立,清朝滅亡,在中國持續2000 多年的封建君主專制隨之結束。民國成立時,由于幣制尚未建立,除四川改鑄大漢銀幣,福建改鑄中華元寶外,主要的造幣廠,大都仍沿用前清鋼模鑄造銀幣,以供流通需要。由于幣制混亂,臨時政府財政部長陳錦濤,于民國元年3月11日呈文大總統孫中山,鼓鑄10萬元紀念銀幣以為整頓。

  On December 29, 1910, after the revolution of 1911, representatives of 17 provinces elected sun yat-sen as provisional President of the republic of China in nanjing. On January 3, 1912, the government of the republic of China was founded, and the qing dynasty fell, ending the feudal monarchy that had lasted for more than 2,000 years in China. When the republic of China was founded, because the currency system had not been established yet, except for sichuan to change to cast han silver COINS, fujian to change to cast Chinese silver dollar, the main mint, most still use the former qing steel mold casting silver COINS, for circulation needs. Due to the currency system chaos, the provisional government finance minister Chen jintao, in the first year of the republic of China on March 11, presented to the President sun yat-sen, drum casting 100,000 yuan commemorative silver COINS to rectify.

  1911年辛亥革命勝利后,清帝退位,中華民國成立。中國民主主義革命的先驅者孫中山就任中華民國臨時大總統,并在頒布的"臨時大總統令"中提出要"另刊新模,鼓鑄紀念幣",隨后武昌和南京兩處造幣廠率先鑄行了 "中華民國開國紀念幣"銅元輔幣,以十文面值的為主,在全國大量發行以取代清朝銅元。這就是"中華民國開國紀念幣" 銅元的由來。 無庸置疑,這種銅元的幣名很明確,就是"中華民國開國紀念幣"。根據錢幣收藏界的一般共識,對一種錢幣,應該把可以明確幣名或顯示錢幣最主要特征的一面稱為"面",而把其相對的另一面稱為"背",據此我們應該把此幣最能區別于前朝銅元,并具有鮮明的劃時代革命和進步意義的有"中華民國開國紀念幣"(以下簡稱開國紀念幣)字樣的一面稱為面,而把其對應記值的另一面稱為背。

  After the 1911 revolution, the qing emperor abdicated and the republic of China was founded. China's democratic revolution pioneer sun yat-sen as the provisional President of the republic of China, and in "temporary big presidential decree" issued to "another issue of the new mould, drum casting COINS", then the wuchang and nanjing mint in two places first cast line "of" the founding of the republic of China marks the copper coin COINS, give priority to with the face value of 10, issue instead of the qing dynasty copper coin in the country. This is the origin of "the founding coin of the republic of China". Undoubtedly, the name of this copper coin is very clear: "the founding coin of the republic of China". According to the general consensus of coin collectors, a coin, should have clear currency displays the money or the name of the main characteristics of a known as the "face", and call its relative to the other side of the "back", accordingly we should put the COINS can differ from most power copper coin, and with distinct epochal revolution and progress of meaning has commemorative "the founding of the republic of China" (hereinafter referred to as the founding COINS) on one side is called the surface, and write the corresponding values of the other side called back.



  辛亥革命勝利后,中華民國政府宣告成立,清朝滅亡,在中國持續2000 多年的封建君主專制隨之結束。民國成立時,由于幣制尚未建立,除四川改鑄大漢銀幣,福建改鑄中華元寶外,主要的造幣廠,大都仍沿用前清鋼模鑄造銀幣,以供流通需要。每一個歷史發展的階段都是我們國家成長的足跡,銀銅機制幣也正是這歷史銀河中組成的重要部分。就其特定的歷史時期也使它在錢幣史上占據著重要的地位。它不僅代表著近代中國的貨幣文化,反映了我國近代歷史、經濟、金融的興衰和滄桑,具有很高的藝術觀賞價值和文物價值。

  Sun yat-sen, the forerunner of China's democratic revolution, took office as the interim President of the republic of China, and proposed in the "temporary presidential decree" that "new models should be printed and commemorative COINS should be cast". Later, auxiliary COINS of copper yuan, mainly with the denomination of ten words, were issued nationwide in large quantities to replace the qing dynasty copper yuan. In 1914, copper COINS were officially renamed "copper COINS". The biggest difference between the copper COINS issued by the republic of China and those issued by the qing dynasty was that the dragon pattern was replaced by the golden harvest pattern composed of rice ears. Most copper COINS in each province were national flag patterns with two sides. Copper coin is the big category of coin collection, has always been the attention of many collectors, different edition of different copper COINS have a unique flavor, is worth collectors deep taste. In the coin category of online transactions, the hope of ten text double flag COINS favored, become the focus of many buyers chase.

  After a few years of brewing in the coin market, the exchange market is quietly heating up. Copper coin is a large type of coin collection, different editions of copper COINS have their unique flavor, it is worth investors to savor. In the market trading of ancient COINS, the republic of China's copper COINS are favored by many collectors and become the focus of their pursuit.

  After the victory of the revolution of 1911, the government of the republic of China was declared to be established, and the qing dynasty was destroyed. When the republic of China was founded, because the currency system had not been established yet, except for sichuan to change to cast han silver COINS, fujian to change to cast Chinese silver dollar, the main mint, most still use the former qing steel mold casting silver COINS, for circulation needs. Every stage of historical development is the footprint of our country's growth, and silver and copper COINS are also an important part of this historical galaxy. Its specific historical period also makes it occupy an important position in the history of money. It not only represents the monetary culture of modern China, but also reflects the vicissitudes and vicissitudes of modern history, economy and finance in China.


標簽:私下 精品 推薦 雙旗幣



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