Collection Name: Five Copper Coins of the Three-Year Qing Dynasty in Xuantong
藏品規格:重量:8.4g 直徑:2.3cm
Collection Specification: Weight: 8.4g Diameter: 2.3cm
藏品簡介: 近年來,古玩市場中的錢幣收到越來越多收藏家的關注,因其不可再造性,品相好的錢幣多已被收藏,市場上品相完好的極其少見,真品大多時候一出現便有收藏家買入,致使市場上錢幣的價格不斷的攀升。其中不得不說的有宣統三年大清銅幣。在民間傳說,“大清銅幣”背面的龍,能增加一個人的氣運,使其時刻在龍氣的保護下,趨吉避兇,所以這枚錢幣一直深受收藏家的喜愛。大清銅幣版式繁多,尤以宣統三年五文最少。多位清帝在位時發行過銅幣來作為流通貨幣,銅幣的使用具有重要的現實意義和歷史意義,使交易逐漸便利起來。而如今,大清銅幣也具有一定的收藏價值,許多收藏家對大清銅幣愛不釋手,而收集多種多樣的銅幣已經成為了他們的目標。經過十余年的培育,以機制幣為代表的錢幣拍賣市場終于在大放異彩。即便與海外市場相比,當前內地市場亦不遜分毫。珍藏者、投資者群體的知識更豐富、視野更開闊,觀念也發生了深刻轉變,他們對藏品追求更苛刻,在珍、稀的前提下,更看重藏品的完善品相和未來價值。
Collection Profile: In recent years, more and more collectors pay attention to the coins in the antique market. Because of their non-reproducibility, most of the coins with good quality have been collected. The good quality in the market is extremely rare. Collectors buy the genuine products most of the time when they appear, which causes the price of coins on the market to rise continuously. Among them, we have to mention the bronze coins of Xuantong Three-year Qing Dynasty. In folklore, the dragon on the back of the "Great Qing Copper coin" can increase one's luck, so that it is always under the protection of the Dragon Qi to seek good luck and avoid bad luck, so this coin has always been loved by collectors. There are many types of copper coins in the Qing Dynasty, especially in the three-year period of Xuantong. Many Emperors of Qing Dynasty issued copper coins as currency when they were in power. The use of copper coins has important practical and historical significance, which gradually facilitates the transaction. Nowadays, the bronze coins of the Great Qing Dynasty also have a certain collection value. Many collectors love the bronze coins of the Great Qing Dynasty, and collecting a variety of bronze coins has become their goal. After more than ten years of cultivation, the coin auction market represented by machine-made coins has finally made a big splash. Even compared with overseas markets, the mainland market is not inferior at present. The knowledge of collectors and investors is richer, their vision is broader, and their concepts have undergone profound changes. They pursue collections more harshly. On the premise of rarity and rarity, they pay more attention to the perfection and future value of collections.
In the three years of Xuantong, the General Mint of Tianjin Duzhi Branch started to produce two, one, five and one cents of new-style copper coins. At the same time, the counting characters were also coined, namely, twenty, ten, five, two and one new-style copper yuan, of which twenty, ten are red and white. Five-character bronze is only one kind, two-character bronze and one-character bronze yuan. Such copper coins are few and limited, and rare for the survivors.
In 1907, the General Mint of the Ministry of Household Mint was renamed the General Mint of Duzhi Branch in Guangxu 33 years. Each kind of dry branch age has a complete set of format valuation. One article, two articles, five articles, ten articles and twenty articles have been issued successively, but some coppers have been minted and then not issued, which is rare in the world. Less.
Collection Name: Guangxunian Daqing Copper coin as ten pieces of money
藏品規格:重量:6.7g 直徑:2.9cm
Collection Specification: Weight: 6.7g Diameter: 2.9cm
清代當十銅圓鑄造之初,清政府并沒有對銅圓的紋飾圖案,作嚴格的規定。因此,各省局所鑄銅圓盡管其幣背皆采用龍型圖案,但龍型各異,種類繁多。 初入門的銅圓收藏愛好者,在按鑄地省局名,按年號,按材質分門別類收藏當十銅圓時,尚容易分辨,而按龍圖區分,則相對比較困難。近幾年“大清銅幣”一度成為收藏界追捧的寵兒,媒體上炒得沸沸揚揚,動輒上百萬的天價。據了解,香餑餑的“大清銅幣”收藏價值極高,但是“大清銅幣”存世量極為稀少,一般古玩市場上的多為偽造品。如今“大清銅幣”價格一路狂飆,導致偽造情況越演越烈。“鄂”字十文大清銅幣,單冠龍,連橫“大”,藏品正面圈內鑄有銘文“大清銅幣”,珠圈外上環鑄楷體“戶部丙午”四字,底部鑄貨幣價值:“當制錢十文”。藏品背面內圈鑄有神龍騰飛圖騰,龍紋霸氣側漏,豪氣萬千,大有帝王之風;外圈鑄有銘文“光緒年造”,并鑄有英文字樣,側面反映了當時的社會狀態。經過歲月的洗禮,錢幣包漿入骨,而且形成精美的巧克力包漿,品相精美少有劃痕和磕碰,深打字口清楚,邊齒磨損少,龍紋清晰,正反圖案有90度位移,具有極高的投資價值和收藏價值。
In the early Qing Dynasty, when ten bronze circles were cast, the Qing government did not make strict regulations on the decorative patterns of bronze circles. Therefore, although the back of copper coins coined by provincial bureaus adopt the Dragon pattern, the dragon patterns are different and there are many kinds. The beginners of copper circle collection are easy to distinguish when they collect ten copper circles according to the name of the Provincial Bureau of foundry, the year number and the material, while it is relatively difficult to distinguish them according to the Dragon chart. In recent years, "Daqing Copper coin" has once become the favorite of the collectors, and the media has been stirred up with millions of sky-high prices. It is understood that Xiangbao's "Daqing Copper Coin" collection value is very high, but the "Daqing Copper Coin" stock is very rare, most of the antique market is forged. Nowadays, the price of "Daqing Copper coin" is soaring all the way, which leads to more and more forgery. "E" character ten-character Daqing copper coin, single crown dragon, even horizontal "big", the front of the collection is cast with the inscription "Daqing copper coin", the outer ring of the bead ring is cast with the four characters "household noon" in italic, and the bottom is cast with the currency value: "when making ten-character money". On the back of the collection, the inner circle is cast with the totem of the divine dragon flying, the dragon pattern leaking from side, the heroic spirit and the wind of emperor. On the outer circle, the inscription "Guangxu Year" is cast, and the English words are cast, reflecting the social state at that time. After years of baptism, the coin purse pulp into the bone, and the formation of exquisite chocolate pulp, exquisite appearance with few scratches and knocks, deep typing mouth clear, less wear and tear, clear dragon pattern, positive and negative patterns have 90 degrees of displacement, has a very high investment value and collection value.
From ancient times to today, people have the traditional custom of saving money. It is known that the collection of coins is generally divided into three categories: paper money, gold and silver commemorative coins and ancient coins, and the silver dollar in ancient coins has always been a hot spot. Because the material of silver yuan is precious and its artistic value is high. At the same time, the amount of silver coins produced is much less than that of ancient coins and national paper money. In addition, the late Qing Dynasty and the war in the Republic of China have led to the existence of some more precious silver coins.
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