Collection Name: Yuan Datou made in the Republic of China in the past ten years
藏品規格:重量:26.4g 直徑:3.8cm
Collection Specification: Weight: 26.4g Diameter: 3.8cm
藏品簡介:袁大頭是民國時期主要流通貨幣之一,“袁大頭”是對袁世凱像系列硬幣的口語俗稱,嚴謹點說叫“袁世凱像背嘉禾銀幣”。北洋政府為了整頓幣制,劃一銀幣,于民國三年(1914年)二月,頒布《國幣條例》十三條,決定實行銀本位制度。《國幣條例》規定:"以庫平純銀六錢四分八厘為價格之單位,定名為圓","一圓銀幣,總重七錢二分,銀八九,銅一一","一圓銀幣用數無限制",即以一圓銀幣為無限法償的本位貸幣。根據這一規定,于1914年12月及1915年2月, 先后由造幣總廠及江南造幣廠開鑄一圓銀幣,幣面鐫刻袁世凱頭像,俗稱"袁頭幣"或"袁大頭"。近日我司征集到一枚“中華民國十年袁大頭”,重:26.9g,直徑:3.9cm。此枚銀幣的正面圖案,中間為袁世凱戎裝左側面像,線條流暢,工筆細膩,上方鐫“中華民國十年造”七字。背面兩條嘉禾左右交互,下系結帶,紋飾線條粗細均勻,線條流暢自然,浮雕感強烈,用手觸之,可以感受到紋飾凹凸有致的觸感,手感極佳,中間鑄“壹圓”字樣,字體端正工整,清秀俊逸,可見匠師的雕刻工藝十分精湛。
Collection Profile: Yuan Datou was one of the main circulating currencies in the Republic of China. Yuan Datou was the colloquial term for Yuan Shikai's coins. Strictly speaking, it was called "Yuan Shikai's image carries Jiahe silver coin". In order to rectify the monetary system and draw a silver coin, the Beiyang government promulgated 13 Regulations on National Currency in February, 1914, and decided to implement the silver standard system. The National Monetary Regulations stipulate that "the unit of price is six cents and four cents and eight cents of pure silver in Kuping, which is designated as the round", "one silver coin, which weighs seven cents and two cents, silver 89, copper 11", and "the number of one silver coin is unlimited". That is to say, one silver coin is the standard currency Indemnified indefinitely. According to this provision, in December 1914 and February 1915, a silver coin was minted successively by the General Mint and the Jiangnan Mint. The face of the coin was engraved with the head of Yuan Shikai, commonly known as "Yuan tou coin" or "Yuan Datou". Recently, our company collected a "Republic of China 10 years Yuan Datou", weighing 26.9g, diameter: 3.9cm. The front design of this silver coin is Yuan Shikai's left side image, with smooth lines and exquisite brushwork. The seven words "made in ten years of the Republic of China" are inscribed on the top. The two Jiahe on the back interact with each other, tie the ribbon at the bottom, the decorative lines are even and thick, the lines are smooth and natural, the relief feeling is strong, touch it with hands, you can feel the concave and convex texture, feel very good, cast in the middle of the word "one circle", the font is neat and neat, elegant and elegant, you can see the craftsman's sculpture craft is very exquisite.
This ten-year-old Yuan Datou silver coin of the Republic of China is a historical genuine coin handed down by folk families. The clear and conspicuous Italic Fonts of Yuan Shikai's side portrait on the front of the coin are enough to illustrate the time when the coin came into being and the ruling class of the country at that time. On the contrary, a pair of symmetrical curved wheat awns are inscribed with the word "one circle" as the unit of measurement. The overall design of coin surface and the exquisite craftsmanship with harmonious patterns are essential for coin enthusiasts.
This collection was made by Yuan Datou in the ten years of the Republic of China. Historically, after the outbreak of the 1911 Revolution, Yuan Shikai, founder of the New Beiyang Army, stole the fruits of the revolution and became President of the People's Republic of China, and then carried out activities to restore the monarchy. During his reign, in order to strengthen his dominant position, stabilize the domestic situation and develop the national economy, he began to transform the national currency into Yuan Datou silver coin, which we mentioned today. However, Yuan Shikai was forced to abdicate after only calling him Emperor 83 days. In this case, Yuan Datou currency has become a rare precious coin in Chinese history because of its small circulation and short use time.
On the front of the coin is a profile of Yuan Shikai, with several clear and conspicuous typefaces inscribed on the top of the coin, sufficiently illustrating the time when the coin came into being and the ruling class of the country at that time. The reverse pattern is a pair of symmetrical curved awns with the words "one circle" carved in the middle as the unit of measurement. The overall design of the currency is harmonious, the design is exquisite, and the technology is excellently improved. At present, the Yuan Datou coin carved with "ten years of the Republic of China" is not much in stock. Although it has undergone several hundred years of baptism, the coin still shines with silver luster. It is indeed a treasure in today's art market.
Collection Name: Yuan Datou made in the Republic of China in nine years
重量:26.7g 直徑:3.8cm
Weight: 26.7g diameter: 3.8cm
"Yuan Datou" represents the monetary culture of modern China, reflects the rise and fall of modern history, economy and finance, has high artistic and cultural value, and also has a certain function of preservation and appreciation. At present, the amount of "Yuan Datou" left by the people is not too much, and silver belongs to precious metals, which has less risk of collection and is very suitable for investment and collection.
This "nine-year-old Yuan Datou Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan Yuan" silver coin is 3.8cm in diameter and 26.7g in weight. Yuan Shikai's left side image is on the front and the top is "Nine-year-old of the Republic of China". On the back are two crossed rice panicles, and the center is "one circle". The outer ring of the coin is mainly straight edge, in addition, a small amount of I-shaped edge and lace edge are cast. This Yuan Big Head Silver coin has a very prominent reputation. The circulation and use of the Yuan Big Head Silver coin market during the three and seven years of the Republic of China have been very good. This has led to an increase in the price of the Yuan Big Head Silver coin made in the nine years of the Republic of China. It is also very popular in the current coin collection market.
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