Collection Name: Guangxunian Daqing Silver One Yuan
藏品規格:重量:26.6g 直徑:4.0cm
Collection Specification: Weight: 26.6g Diameter: 4.0cm
藏品簡介:《中國 錢幣 》雜志在1997年第1期刊載“徐立新”.“李邦經”所撰述 的(清末官鑄錢幣版別再議)》一文里,對清末鑄造的“混版錢幣”一說提出了一些見解和成因背景描述.......:“認為(混版幣)即在錢幣壓制過程中,由于操作人員不慎,將兩種同樣的模具(面模或背模)放在一起制造出的幣,即(合背或合面)幣,或因某造幣廠員工的疏忽將兩個不同的模具及同省中不同時期幣模放到一起壓制出的幣”。
Introduction to Collections: In the first periodical of 1997, "Xu Lixin", "Li Bangjing" published some opinions and background descriptions on "mixed coins" coined in the late Qing Dynasty. In Cheng Zhong, due to the operator's carelessness, two identical moulds (face moulds or back moulds) are put together to produce coins, that is, coins with closed back or face, or coins pressed together by two different moulds and coin moulds of different periods in different provinces due to the negligence of a mint employee.
天津度支部造幣總廠,即 戶部 造幣總廠。該廠于光緒二十九年 1903年 開始制“庫平一兩·光緒元寶”的模具,于光緒三十年 1904年開工鑄造。因系試鑄,此套銀幣并未流通使用。光緒三十二年 1906年 ,該廠又試鑄正面有水波紋,背面有英文“大清帝國 銀幣 ”的丙午“中”字“大清銀幣”,也因各省意見不一,最終未能推行而停罷。光緒三十三年 1907年 ,該廠又試鑄 丁未 “大清銀幣”,結果又未能通用。丁未大清銀幣丁未試鑄“大清銀幣”,直徑3.9厘米,厚0.2厘米,重26.8克,成色為含銀量90%。光緒年造丁.
Tianjin Dou Branch Mint General Factory, namely the Household Mint General Factory. In 1903, the factory began to make the "Kuping one or two Guangxu Yuanbao" mould, and in 1904, Guangxu started casting. As a result of trial-casting, this set of silver coins is not in circulation. In 1906, Guangxu thirty-two years, the factory tried to cast water ripple on the front and the Chinese character "Qing Silver coin" on the back of the English "Qing Empire Silver coin", which was also stopped because of different opinions among provinces. In 1907, Guangxu 33 years, the factory tried to cast the "Qing silver coin", and the result failed to use. Ding Weiqing Silver Coin Ding did not try to cast "Daqing Silver Coin", with a diameter of 3.9 cm, a thickness of 0.2 cm, a weight of 26.8 grams, and a fineness of 90% silver. Guangxunian pudding.
未大清銀幣是清光緒三十三年 1907年,由天津度支部造幣總廠鑄造。是清代的標準銀幣之一,但僅屬試鑄,留傳于世的很少,據資料記載僅鑄400枚,是清末銀幣中的罕見品。
The silver coins of the late Qing Dynasty were minted by the General Mint of the Du Branch of Tianjin in 1907, the 33rd year of Guangxu of the Qing Dynasty. It is one of the standard silver coins of the Qing Dynasty, but it is only a Trial-made one. It has been handed down to the world very rarely. According to the records, only 400 coins were minted, which is a rare item in the silver coins of the late Qing Dynasty.
Qing coins are popular collections, collectors have a certain number, early domestic regions have strong buyers to intervene in the plate, to a certain extent, to control the market supply, leading to the rapid rise in prices. At the same time, the value of silver coins is rising at the same time. From the point of view of the acceptance of Tibetans and citizens, it is expected that its price will continue to rise in the later period. These precious coins record a period of history in our country and have important cultural significance and collection value.
Collection Name: One yuan in commemorative coins of the Republic of China
藏品規格:重量:26.7g 直徑:3.9cm
Collection Specification: Weight: 26.7g Diameter: 3.9cm
After the 1911 Revolution, Yuan Shikai assumed the post of "temporary president" and later became a formal president. At that time, in order to consolidate the stability of the domestic political situation, develop the national economy, and prepare for "constitution-making" and "emperor-proclaiming", the National Monetary Regulations were issued, which resolutely decided to "unify the monetary system" throughout the country. After the Revolution of 1911, Yuan Shikai issued silver currency in order to solve military expenditure and improve his personal political status, which was named for its side image.
民國元年(公元1912年),意大利雕刻師喬治受聘于天津造幣廠鐫刻模具,并由天津造幣廠鑄造了袁世凱著軍裝高櫻冠正面像中華民國共和紀念銀幣。民國二年(公元1913年)十月十日,袁世凱正式就任大總統,同時發行此幣。版別有光邊、齒邊等。此藏品袁世凱中華民國共和紀念幣壹圓銀幣,錢幣正面為袁世凱九分臉正面及胸像,面部稍左側,袁世凱身著大元帥服,頭戴鷺羽冠,胸前佩戴大勛章,銀幣背面中央鐫“壹圓”二字,以嘉禾圍繞,上鐫“中華民國共和紀念幣”九字,左右各一花紋,下面鐫英文一元“ONE DOLLAR”,銀幣兩面的幣邊緣皆環珠圈。品相保存非常完整,有極高的收藏價值。
In the first year of the Republic of China (1912 A.D.), Italian sculptor George was employed to engrave moulds at the Tianjin Mint. Yuan Shikai, dressed in military uniform and with a high cherry crown, was coined by the Tianjin Mint as a commemorative silver coin of the Republic of China. On October 10, 1913, Yuan Shikai took office as President of the Republic of China and issued the coin at the same time. The edition has polished edge, toothed edge and so on. Yuan Shikai's memorial coin of the Republic of China is a silver coin. The front of the coin is Yuan Shikai's nine-minute face and chest image. On the left side of his face, Yuan Shikai wears a marshal's uniform, a heron feather crown, a badge on his chest, and the central inscription "round" on the back of the coin, surrounded by Jiahe, is emblazoned with the commemorative coin of the Republic of China. ” Nine characters, one pattern on the left and one pattern on the left. The English dollar "ONE DOLLAR" is engraved below. The edges of the silver coins are circled around beads. Phase preservation is very complete, has a high collection value.
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