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精品展覽:玉器 瑪瑙

玉器  瑪瑙


扳指重量   22.4g 直徑3cm

鐲子重量  97.4g  外徑8cm 內徑6.5cm

煙嘴兩個 共計33g

Jade agate

Number: DLSX - 00056

Weight 22.4g diameter 3cm

Bracelet weight is 97.4g outer diameter 8cm inner diameter 6.5cm

The two cigarette holders are 33g in total

玉扳指    扳指是一種射箭工具,戴于拇指,正下方有一個槽,用來扣住弓弦以便拉箭,作用是防止放箭時,急速回抽的弓弦擦傷手指。因功能類似扳機,故又稱為“機”。后來引申為能夠決斷事務,具有身份和能力的象征。

Yu zha zha is an archery tool, which is worn on the thumb with a groove just below it. It is used to buckle the bowstring to pull the arrow. The purpose is to prevent the bowstring from scraping the finger when the arrow is released.Because the function is similar to the trigger, it is also called "machine".Later extended to be able to make decisions, with a symbol of identity and ability.

玉鐲子    指戴在手、腳腕部的環狀飾物。質地為金屬、礦物質等,如金鐲、玉鐲。意謂圓滿,并有傳承意涵,加上能保值增值,深受大眾喜愛。和耳環、項鏈、戒指一樣,手鐲作為一種首飾,被人們作為服裝的配套裝飾,作為藝術品來修飾自己,作為個人風格、愛好的一種裝扮手段,正在被越來越多的人所接受并運用。手鐲的佩戴,其審美功能往往是第一位的。

Jade bracelet refers to wear on the hand, ankle ring ornaments.Texture for metal, minerals, such as gold bracelets, jade bracelets.It means perfection, and has the meaning of inheritance, plus can preserve and increase value, popular with the public.And earring, necklace, ring, bracelet as a kind of jewelry, by people as a clothing matching decoration, as art to decorate their own, as a personal style, hobby of a means of dressing, is being accepted and used by more and more people.Bracelet wear, its aesthetic function is often the first.

煙嘴    在中國煙草盛行之初,本無煙嘴之說,只要一根中空的木桿前面加個盛放煙草的器具就可以了,至到后來為了更舒服的吸食煙草才出現了銅質中空的煙嘴,其后又因身份的不同而制作了象牙、玉石金銀、花梨木、鑲嵌等等,而普通老百姓則大多還是用銅質的煙嘴。此煙嘴保存完整,包漿自然厚重,十分具有收藏價值。

Cigarette holder at the beginning of the prevalence of tobacco in China, there is no cigarette holder of the said, as long as a hollow wooden instruments of adding a cheng fang tobacco is ok, until later in order to more comfortable hollow copper has been in the tobacco smoking a cigarette holder, then by different identity made of ivory, jade, gold and silver, hua limu, Mosaic and so on, while ordinary people for the most part or copper with a cigarette holder.The cigarette holder is well preserved and the wrapped pulp is natural and thick.

簪子    發簪,古代中國用來固定和裝飾頭發的一種首飾。對于現代女性來說已經是一個很古老的名詞了,但是當在看古裝劇時,卻總是能被它們點綴出的精致效果所折服。將長發松松挽起,插上一枚別致的發簪,再配上典雅的長裙,即便性格再外放的女性,也可以成為讓人眼前一亮的古典美人。發簪金屬的光澤閃耀在發間,加上小而巧的墜飾,長發的風情便又是一種不一樣的感受了。此簪子為銀嵌瑪瑙,做工精細,品相完好,發簪是幾千年華夏文化的“果實”, 發簪更是歷史精華結成的“華彩”。具有一定的收藏價值。

Hairpin, a kind of jewelry used to fix and decorate hair in ancient China.For modern women has been a very old term, but when watching costume dramas, but always be able to be decorated by their delicate effect.Pull long hair loose rise, insert a chic hairpin, deserve to go up again elegant long skirt, even if the woman that disposition puts again outside, also can become the classic beauty that lets a person shine at the moment.The burnish of hairpin metal shines between hair, add small and artful fall act the role of, the amorous feelings of long hair is a kind of different experience again.This hairpin is silver inlaid agate, fine workmanship, good appearance, hairpin is thousands of years of Chinese culture "fruit", hairpin is the history of the essence of "brilliance".Have certain collect value.

蓮年有魚掛件    中國人愛魚,因為“魚”與“余”諧音,所以魚象征著富貴。她給予人們美好的心理暗示:每一年都有個好的豐收、生活富足有余。能給自己留有足夠的剩余。所以魚是象征著富貴之意,人們常用如魚得水來形容在工作生活中的順利。所以人們現在不僅是畫像上見到魚的身影,很多擺件飾品都是魚的形象。一般魚都與蓮在一起。“蓮年有魚”,說的就是“連年有余”。寓意吉祥。

Chinese love fish, because "fish" and "yu" homonym, so the fish symbol of wealth.She gave people a good psychological hint: every year has a good harvest, rich and abundant life.Give yourself enough left over.So fish is a symbol of wealth, people often used to describe the smooth work in life.So now people not only see the shadow of fish on the portrait, a lot of ornaments are the image of fish.Generally, fish are mixed with lotus."Lotus year have fish", say of be "year in succession surplus".It means good luck.








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