For flat ingots
Number: XJPPM - 00037
Diameter: 2.4 cm
Weight: 3.7 g
Zhi ping yuan bao was cast during the reign of zong zhi ping of song dynasty (AD 1064 ~ AD 1067).For the money, there are regular script, seal script, ancient seal script three types of book, straight reading, rotary reading are, there are back four grain format, and tongbao, ingot in pairs.Surface text "governance flat yuanbao" four - word rotary reading, there are two true, seal style, light back.
千百年來,古錢幣歷經滄桑,存世數量越來越少,投資價值日益升高,近十年來,古錢幣市場行情一路走高,特別是一些中高端古錢幣十分搶手。本公司最近有幸征集到一枚珍稀古錢“治平元寶”,藏品為圓形方孔銅質錢幣,保存較好,其色澤自然、開口規整,不論是文字還是圖案,都顯得自然細膩,深淺合適。 圓形方孔的銅幣,其形狀外發天,內地法,取義精宏。銅錢是把寶之一,象征富貴,辟邪。錢幣雖經歷了無窮歲月,但紋路依然清晰可見,上面的銹跡也見證了其歷史的積淀,具有非常明顯的歷史過渡性特征,有著難以言喻的收藏價值。
For thousands of years, ancient COINS have gone through vicissitudes, the number of surviving is less and less, and the investment value is increasing day by day.Our company is lucky to collect a rare ancient money recently "cure even ingot", the collection is round copper coin with square hole, it is well preserved, its colour and lustre is natural, the opening is regular, no matter it is character or design, appear natural and exquisite, depth is appropriate.Round square hole of copper coin, its shape outward day, inland law, take yi jing macro.Copper COINS are one of the treasures, symbolizing wealth and fortune and warding off evil.Although money has gone through endless years, but the lines are still clearly visible, the rust on the above also witnessed the accumulation of its history, with a very obvious historical transitional characteristics, with indescribable collection value.