2019年新加坡精品推薦:雙旗幣 鎳幣
雙旗幣 鎳幣
直徑:雙旗幣3.2cm鎳 2.1cm
重量:雙旗幣10.1g鎳 4.49g
Double flag nickel
Number: XJPPM - 00035
Diameter: 3.2cm nickel 2.1cm
Weight: 10.1g nickel 4.49g
雙旗幣 這枚“湖南省造雙旗幣當制錢二十文“,為民國時期的機鑄錢幣。這雙旗幣正面圖案由內圈和外圈兩部分文字和圖案組成,外圈左右兩端以長枝花飾之,上下則清楚地寫著幾個楷體字:“湖南省造”和“當制錢二十文”,內圈為民國時期著名的五色旗與鐵血十八星旗交叉著的雙旗圖案,足以向世人說明出它的出產年代;錢背也由外圈和內圈兩部分文字和圖案組成,外圈上方環有英文“THE REPUBLIC OF CHINA”(即中華民國),下方的英文為“TWENTY CASH”(20文),內圈則裝飾有稻穗組成的嘉禾紋,枝葉繁茂,畫面和諧。該銅幣雖然歷經滄桑,但紋路依然隱約可見,有著難以言表的收藏投資價值。銅幣是錢幣收藏的很大一類,不同版別的銅幣都有其獨特的韻味,值得投資者們細細品味。在古幣的市場交易中,這類雙旗銅幣更是備受青睞。
This "hunan province coin with two flags when making COINS in 20 words" is a machine coin of the republic of China.This flag double coin positive design by text and pattern of part of the inner ring and outer ring, outer ring around both ends with long branches of ornamental design, is clearly written on the up and down a few regular script word: "hunan province" and "when ZhiQian 20", inner ring for the period of the republic of China famous five-color flag with iron 18 flag crossed double flag pattern, enough to show to the world out of the fruit of it s;THE money back is also composed OF two parts: THE outer circle and THE inner circle. THE upper ring OF THE outer circle has THE English "THE REPUBLIC OF CHINA" (THE REPUBLIC OF CHINA), and THE lower ring has THE English "TWENTY CASH".Although the copper coin has gone through many vicissitudes, but the lines are still faintly visible, with indescribable collection investment value.Copper coin is a large type of coin collection, different editions of copper COINS have their unique flavor, it is worth investors to savor.In the market trading of ancient COINS, this kind of double-flag copper COINS are favored.
鎳幣 此枚中華民國二十五年孫像鎳幣,品相精美,紋飾優雅,包漿入骨,銹色自然,縱使歷經無窮歲月的洗禮,仍可保存此態,實屬不易,歷史價值濃郁!正面中央為孫中山側面肖像,邊緣內上鐫中文書“中華民國二十五年”八字、背面中央為布幣圖案,為拾分錢幣,直線邊齒。這枚錢幣是存世量稀少的一種,藏品保存較好,其色澤自然,不論是文字還是圖案,都顯得自然細膩,深淺合適。孫中山頭像更是栩栩如生,錢幣散發出一股王者的風范和歷史沉淀的氣息,錢幣正反面線圈外依廓緣鐫回紋,設計精美,造型別致,觀之,美輪美奐,十分獨特,實乃是一枚可遇不可求的錢幣收藏精品,身價不凡,價值不菲,值得珍藏!
This nickel-like coin from sun during the 25th year of the republic of China is exquisite in appearance, elegant in decoration, with patching into the bone and a natural color of rust. Even though it has gone through endless years of baptism, it can still be preserved in this state. It is really not easy and has rich historical value!The central front is a profile portrait of sun yat-sen, and the Chinese character "25 years of the republic of China" is engraved on the edge.This coin is a kind of sparsely existing in the world, the collection is better preserved, its colour and lustre is natural, no matter it is character or design, appear natural and exquisite, depth is appropriate.Sun yat-sen's head is lifelike, coin exude an aura of the king's demeanor and historical precipitation, coin engrave both the front and the coil outside in accordance with the contour edge of meander, beautifully designed, modelling is chic,, beautiful, very unique, solid is a can not make money collection boutique, social status, value, worthy of collection!