Fan Yu Sculpture Exhibition
策展人 / Curator
劉睿 / Liu Rui
2019.08.17 / 15:00
昱燿塵樊展覽現場 / ©白野畫廊 2019"FAN"TASTIC / PGG Gallery Beijing 2019
文 / 尼克·畢比
Nick Bibby
As a sculptor myself, it is something new to be asked to write an introduction to an exhibition of sculpture. I am usually the one asking, not the one being asked. So when Fan Yu paid me the enormous compliment of asking whether I would consider writing the preface to his inaugural exhibition of sculpture, I was both flattered and a little daunted. I am a humble clay smith, not a wordsmith, and I worried that I might not be able to adequately convey in words, my admiration and respect for Fan Yu and his art.
Fan first introduced himself to me through social media, very shyly asking whether I would like to see some of his sculpture. This was over five years ago, and though Fan had only recently begun to sculpt, the moment I saw those early works I knew that I was looking at a real talent! Already his sculpture showed more mastery and skill than the work of many professional sculptors of high renown who have been sculpting their entire lives.
Since then, it has been my absolute pleasure to watch that talent blossom and grow. We have talked often over the years about sculpting and sculpture and I am both proud and honoured to now count Fan Yu as a true friend.
As anyone viewing Fan’s works will immediately see, he loves his subjects and art with a passion and generosity of spirit that positively shines out of every piece! Fan’s sculptures, whether quietly at rest, in playful mood, or in dramatic, dynamic, action, each is full of character and joy of life (just like the man himself). As a fellow sculptor, all I can do is stand back in admiration of Fan’s ever-growing knowledge and skill. Anatomy, form and texture in perfect harmony - subtle muscle tension, or lack of that implies imminent movement, or complete relaxation. The flow of fur over form; the way it breaks and moves; his ability to portray strength and power, whilst simultaneously sculpting fur so rich and deep that, though it is cold hard bronze, you feel that, surely, you must be able to run your fingers through that beautiful, lustrous coat. I could go on, but I am sure you are eager to see the works themselves!
So in conclusion; it is with great pleasure and pride that I have the honour to introduce to you the new and exciting art and genius of my good friend and fellow sculptor, Fan Yu. Enjoy!
Nick Bibby
Compton, England
August 2019
赫本 / 長38m 寬58cm 高90cm / 青銅著色 / 共三版 / 2019年Hepburn / H35” W23” D15” / Bronze / Edition of 3 / 2019
“Moon Walking月球漫步”
月球漫步 / 長56cm 寬12cm 高44cm / 青銅著色 / 共9版 / 2019年Moon Walking / H17.5" W22" D5" / Bronze / Edition
憶馬當仙 / 長56cm 寬23cm 高45cm / 青銅著色 / 共24版 / 2018年Leader / H18" W22" D9" / Bronze / Edition of 24 / 2018
昱燿塵樊展覽現場 / ©白野畫廊 2019"FAN"TASTIC / PGG Gallery Beijing 2019
In the world of theirs,colors are far from many as we often imagine.
Yet, the colors of theirsouls go far beyond our imagination.
The special love foranimals, especially dogs, has always accompanied me, from childhood toadulthood, ever growing.
The loyalty, kindness,simplicity and directness in their eyes move me.
As time passes, they sculpted me into who I am.
In a sense, we are one.
The ultimate result ofthat empathy has led me not only to the path of professional dog handling butmy instinct of sculpting as well.
Instinct does notcompare to genius but more candid and sensitive.
And once awoken, it sentme on a momentum.
The hustle and bustle,triumphs and frustration of my dog show career has inspired me to follow myintuition. And every conversation between my fingers and clay is more or lessan enlightening debate, the winner of which is never the affirmative nor thenegative, but the unique soul that provokes such discourse. I try to be thelead and supporting actor in this, following the transcendence from clay tobronze.
This serendipity, tenyears in the making, has finally taken you and me to this space.
Thank you and welcome tomy works, may you bear witness to such candid soul and subtle sentiment.
樊昱 Fan yu
Beijing, China
August 2019
樊昱 1985年生于北京 現生活工作于北京和洛杉磯
月球漫步 / 入選美國藝術家聯合會106屆年展 / 紐約莎瑪冠蒂俱樂部 / 2019
狂奔的惠比特 / 入選2019年英國皇家藝術家協會年度展并榮獲德拉茲羅基金會獎 / 摩爾畫廊 / 倫敦 / 2019
伯愛 / 入選2019年第14屆ARC國際沙龍大獎賽 / 美國 / 西班牙 / 2019
憶馬當仙 / 納·衛 / 月球漫步 / 藝術北京博覽會展覽 / 北京 / 2019
昱燿塵樊"FAN"TASTIC樊昱個展 / 北京PGG白野畫廊探索空間 / 北京 / 2019
憶馬當仙 / 入選2018年美國職業藝術家協會90周年全國展 / 紐約莎瑪冠蒂俱樂部展出 / 紐約 / 2018
極致之美自然藝術展 / 中國國家地理 / 北京 / 2017
Fan Yu / Born in Beijing in 1985 / lives and works in Beijing and Los Angeles
Moon Walking / Finalist at Allied Artists Annual Exhibition in New York / 2019
Running Whippet / The de Laszlo Foundation Award for Excellence and Finalist of Royal Society of British Artist Annual Exhibition in London / 2019
The Greatest Love / Finalist of 14th International ARC Salon Competition / 2019
Leader / Then / Moon Walking / Art Beijing / 2019
"FAN"TASTIC Fan yu sculpture exhibition / PGG Gallery Discovery Space / Beijing / 2019
Leader / Finalist of American Artists Professional League 90th Grand National Exhibition in New York / 2018
昱燿塵樊展覽現場 / ©白野畫廊 2019"FAN"TASTIC / PGG Gallery Beijing 2019
北京市朝陽區酒仙橋路798藝術區陶瓷三街E-A-06號 郵編:100015 電話:+86-10-13910766824
Ceramic Third St.798 Art Zone,4jiuxianqiao Road,Chaoyang District,Beijing
開關時間:周一至周日 上午10:00 - 下午6:30
Opening Hours: Monday-Sunday 10:00am - 6:60pm